Nigel was as dumbstruck as everyone else who saw her sitting there. They were told that she was the one who had called the board to a meeting but they were doubtful that it was her.
They never imagined that the woman who was supposed to be bidding was the one who came out to them. Wasn't that stupid to do knowing that your life was sought after?
They all stared at her like she had grown a second but she sat unphased by their gaze. Those who were ignorant of what happened behind closed doors were the only ones who took the surprise visit to be a pleasant one.
"Ms. Wallace, it is nice to see you again after so long."
"We are sorry for what happened, Ms Wallace,"
They all spoke and Natasha just nodded at him without uttering a word. Her eyes stared intensely at Nigel and the people standing beside and behind him. Noticing the electricity in the air, they clamped their mouths shut. Deciding to watch from the sidelines.