May I know why?

Thank you to all those who are voting for this novel, with either Power Stones or Golden Tickets. I am very appreciative of you.


All heads shot up and eyes stared at the detective whose demeanor seemed to have turned colder and sharp as he stared at them, looking into their eyes one after the other. Their lips were sealed tight as no one was willing to be the first to speak which only led to more suspicion. 

"Mr. Moore?" Jones called. His face remained the same but her d time demanded an answer, his eyes still sharply staring at the people in the room who still looked as if they had seen a ghost. From the corner of his eye, he saw a car drive out of the premises and frown lightly.

"Nothing is going on here, detective, The board and I were only discussing the matters of our company. As you know, with the passing of the chairman, changes have to be made." Nigel lied smoothly, hoping the man with the sharp gaze buys it.