56. The Soul Collector

Ashton sat and stared at the woman who should have been dead but managed to escape. He had never expected himself to be as afraid of a woman. But this girl sitting right here, in front of him had managed to strike fear into him and he could help but be more wary of her. She looked innocent but she could kill so cold-heartedly.

That thought took his eyes back to her hands and he wondered who she had killed before coming to him. Would he also die in her hands tonight? She had managed to keep him up all night thinking about her and what she planned to do with and when and now he regrets not sleeping, maybe she would have walked away if she found him asleep. He quickly pushed that thought away, what if she killed him while in his sleep like she did with Mr. Ford?

"I want the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth," she spoke, successfully drawing his attention back to her.