
Casting one last glance at the couple, Anna drew in a deep breath and then exhaled before nodding and preventing. If that was how and who they were, there was nothing she could do about that.

"Okay Mum, if you say so." She said and Allyson smiled a bit. One problem has been taken care of. Now left with the pastor whom she hadn't seen even after they had entered inside. "Let's take our seats, Mum, it is almost time," Anna said and took her hand like a ding her back to the couple who sat in the middle row. They looked so dignified as if they were in the church.

Every string around them had moved to another seat far from them but still kept curious glances at them but they didn't seem to care at all. 

"Sorry we left you all by yourselves here," Anna said and looked at the seats behind and in front of them that had been vacated.