We can't save him

At the Anders mansion,

Amethy looked so pale, she looked like a living corpes. She would have never thought that a woman as sweet as Tasha would be the one taking lives and associating herself with an entity such as Death. She deep down within her that for Natasha to have become who she was now, she must have been pushed to beyond her limits it any imaginable.

This made her anger towards her husband grow. How could they do something like that to another family? Thanks to them, an innocent soul has been tainted and darkened.

Patrick who stayed home because he felt suffocated going to work dd not know what to do or how to react. He didn't fare says word even though he was as sticker as she was. He took all of her glares. It was painful seeing the hatred in her eyes but that was all that he deserved. Hus only prayer right niw was that Natasha should rain her wtath on him alone and have his family.