Drop this case, Jones

After dinner and spending some time in the living room and chit-chatting, they returned to their room while Dale took the guest room. Jones had agreed to let him stay so Sam did not mind either. The house was big enough to house more people.

Sam had gone into the shower for a bath and he joined her shortly after some minutes, they were both out and dressed for the night. Same looked a bit restless as she knew it was time to come clean and tell him everything that she knew.

She had promised to keep everything a secret back then when it was still a secret but now that the cat was out of the bag, there was no reason to burden herself with such secrets anymore.

"Jones," she called him. She found it hard to say any more words, especially after meeting his gaze. She looked immediately, staring at the floor.

"Is this about Natasha?" he asked and she nodded.

"Yes," she replied.