Calm down, Natasha

Nigel heard her tell him that her husband was dead. Was he dead? He didn't even know that himself, he was no longer alive even in his mind but it still hurt him knowing that he was still breathing yet she just told him that he was dead.


"I will hang up now if there is anything else that I can help you with," she said and was about to end the call when he panicked.

"Can we meet?" he asked immediately, afraid that she would gang up on him.

Natasha froze for a moment, his question had caught her off-guard. He still had the guts to ask her out! This was funny, so funny that she could not hold back her laugh. It felt good to laugh like this, it had been a while since she had a good laugh and this was a good one.

"Did you smoke something or drink anything, Mr. Moore? You don't around alright at all," she asked in a very serious and innocent tone.