A double-edged sword

Hazel looked around to find who spoke but there was no one, she then turned to look at Arzaan who gave her a gentle look and took her hand in his, and offered her a smile. That alone was enough to tell her not to be afraid. That everything was alright and she found herself relaxing.

Less than a minute later, a soft white glow appeared inside the room and its brightness increased, it was like the light of a thousand fireflies in one place. A second later, it took the form and shape of a person and soon, a woman with beautiful white hair could be seen standing on that spot.

Hazel stared at her in amazement and fascination. She did not know what creature she was but he looked divine. Her appearance was peaceful, tender, and mild and there was something about her that attracted all those around to look at her and feel at peace. She looked heavenly and seemed to have no flaws.

She turned to look at Hazel standing beside the king and smiled, and she felt her heart skip a beat. Even her smile is enchanting. Hazel thought. "She is beautiful," Hazel muttered absentmindedly.

Arzaan who had taken his eyes off her for a moment returned his gaze to her upon hearing her words. If the person standing before them right now was a male, it wouldn't matter what race, he would definitely get rid of him but luckily, it was a female.

"Your Majesty," she said and Hazel thought she would never get to meet another woman with a voice so pleasant to ears. She just stared at her in awe. Her entrance alone did catch her attention, how much more now?

"Queen Celeste," Arzaan said and she curtsied. "How long has it been?" he said and walked forward to where she stood and she smiled again. He took her hand and kissed her knuckles.

"Queen Celeste," Idril and Evergreen said from the side, giving her a small bow. From the way they addressed her, Hazel could understand that they respected her very much. Idrul wouldn't bow to just anyone. He was a lord and head of his people too.

"What can I say, I am a busy queen, Your Majesty, but it has indeed been long," she replied. She moved from Arzaan to the woman who was standing next to him until he moved. "She is a fair one," she said, taking a closer look at her. "She is a rare one too," she took back her hand and walked past Arzaan, giving a glance and a nod to Idril and Evergreen.

Standing before Hazel, she stared at the girl for a minute before offering her a smile. "Was her? The one I felt?" she asked though she was looking at Hazel, her questions directed to Arzaan who now stood before her.

"Yes, it was her," he replied. Hazel noticed something, something that surprised her. There was politeness and respect in his tone each time he spoke to her. The kind that was never there whenever he spoke with others. With others, it was obvious who was the king among them, but with her, he seemed… she couldn't quite figure it out yet.

Queen Celeste took hold of Hazel's right hand and stroked the back of her palm. "It has been so long since your kind was last seen, child," she said and sadness flashed across her eyes but it was quick to disappear. "I am glad that you found your way back here," she said.

"Thank you," Hazel said, feeling flustered. She already admired the woman in front of her and now she was holding her hand and praising her, how could age not be flustered?

"Arzaan," Queen Celeste called with a smile on her face. "Is she yours?" she asked and looked at him standing beside Hazel. She remembered him keeping the distance between himself and the females of the realm so seeing so close to one willingly and not out of duty, made obvious what was going on.

"She is," he replied with a nod and circled her waist with his left hand. Hazel turned red from her neck to her ears. She doesn't want to be in the spotlight, especially not one like this.

"You are a blessed child," she said and touched Arzaan who smiled and gave her a nod of respect. Turning her attention back to Hazel, she said, "I will guide you, help you tap into your power if you are willing,"

These words of hers caught everyone off guard. Queen Celeste is willing to teach someone! This was unbelievable! When was the last time she stepped out of her kingdom? Not to mention take someone under her?

"Don't look so surprised, I am here to help a child who needs guidance, she needs to learn, or else the power locked up inside of her will be her downfall. If she can't use it, being here, it will use her," she said. She could feel the lower unsure of her, she didn't feel it before coming here but now that she was close enough and even held her hand. She could feel the massive energy coursing through her. She was confused at first when she felt the darkness, but then she also felt the light inside her.

This was a first but it also meant that it was a double-edged sword giving you all you needed and at the same, killing you as well. But with the right guidance and teaching, she could learn to use it both to her advantage and prevent self-harm.

"She is of both nature, isn't she?" Celeste asked. This question caught the attention of Idril and Evergreen. From the flow of the conversation, they didn't need to ask if she was a mage or not because it was clear already. But they never knew this part of it. They all turned to look at Arzaan and Hazel as they waited for a reply

"Yes, she is of both natures," he replied.