

Amyra's POV...

I wake up to a loud sound from my phone, it's Dani asking how our date went. I send her a quick text, asking if we could meet up for lunch later, right before I check the time.

It's only a bit after 8am and I groan. Luca isn't in bed so I know he's at the gym, in another part of the house.

" Miss? Oh, you're awake already? Good morning. "

" Good morning, Martha. ", I grimace, twisting my ankle as I try to step out of bed. I decide to walk it off, walking weirdly towards the bathroom.

" I wanted to confirm with you whether or not to prepare breakfast immediately. "

" Uhm.. no, thank you. I'll make breakfast for Luca and I. Have the rest of you had breakfast though? ", I pause my steps.

" Yes, we have. ", she affirms.

" Okay then, I'll be down soon. Can you please set some fruits out for a salad? I'll take care of the rest. Thank you. "


After freshening up and getting dressed, I make my way to the kitchen. I decide to make bacon, eggs, and some waffles.

While I chop up some red peppers, I feel someone's presence behind me before two arms go around me.

I soon relax a bit, still tense as well when I realize that it's Luca.

" Good morning, princess. ", he groans out, resting his cheek on my shoulder tiredly as he looks at me from that angle.

" Hi. ", I stutter a bit, turning crimson which makes him chuckle.

" What are you making? "

" Oh, just some eggs, bacon and waffles. Excuse me. ", I say as I walk off to mix the eggs and heat the pan. I take out the bacon strips and set them aside, watching from the corner of my eye as Luca expertly slices a tomato.

" I thought you couldn't cook. "

" Oh, I can't. But when I was younger, Dani used to get blackmail me by making me slice onions like this. She always had something against me. ", he chuckles, placing them in a bowl.

" Need help with the fruits? ", he asks as he already starts walking to the island to grab the fruits.

" No, Luca. Hey, I'm making breakfast for you as a ' thank you ' for last night. Let me do everything. ", I try to get the bowl from him, noticing his hair's still wet from his shower.

" You don't have to thank me, you're my wife. And besides, we should do stuff like this together. It's nice, couples do this often, right? ", he asks and helps me get the waffles out, checking the eggs and bringing out some plates from the cupboard.

" They're ready. I'll set the table. ", I say before walking off to the dinning area.


" Uhm, mom wants us to come over for dinner tomorrow night. Will you be home in time? ", I ask, filling him in on my conversation with mom.

Well, at least mom still talks to me.

Dad, on the other hand, couldn't care less. We've never been close as father and daughter.

" Sure. What time? ", he asks, licking syrup from his fingers. I swallow as I watch him, my core clenching sinfully.

" Uh.. uhm.. she says 8pm. "

" I can do that, he nods, wiping his hand. He then tries to take some bacon from my plate but I slap his hand.

" You've had yours, don't be greedy. ", I frown, hoping I look displeased enough.

" But they're so good and besides, you hardly eat them. It'll be cold by the time you're done eating. ", he pouts.

I let out a deep breath and after a little bickering here and there, I give the overgrown man-child I'm married to, my bacon.

He grins happily and blows me a kiss.

He then starts talking about himself, telling me basic information and what not.

He also reminds me to go through the contract once more before tomorrow.

So that's how we spend our morning, with him making me sit on the swing in the garden and understanding every bit of the contract.

After bringing us some lemonade, he sort of quizzes me and once he's satisfied, asks the help to make us lunch.

" Excuse me, I have to take this. ", he says, getting up to make a phone call.

" Luke?! Hellooooo? "

Who the hell is that?

Just as I get up, Tasha walks into the garden. She gives me a nasty look before walking over.

" How did you get in? ", I ask?

" I used the door. ", she remarks grimly. She takes a seat opposite me, the one Luca occupied.

She immediately reaches for the contract and I smack get hand, snatching it.

" What the hell?! "

" You don't get to touch things in this house anyhow you like. It's MY house, Tasha. "

" You aren't really married so, get off your high horse. Once those needs are met, everything becomes null and void. ", she smirks.

" Tasha. ", Luca says warningly, surprising me with his entrance.

" What are you doing here? ", he continues, watching her.

" Well, I wanted to take you out for lunch. You know, like old times? ", she gets up, dusting her dress.

" I can't, not today. We're about to have lunch. "

She moves to invite herself but I cut her off, mid-breath, " You're not invited. It was pre-planned. "

" Oh well, I'll call you later then. Bye. ", she kisses his cheek and leaves.

The. NERVE. of that woman.

I just KNEW that she doesn't like me. Ever since I first laid eyes on the woman, she's rubbed me off the wrong way.

" Amy.. ", Luca starts as he reaches for me but I walk away, into the house.

" How in the world did she find out about the agreement, Luca?! No one is supposed to know, right?! ", I fume.

" Actually, You are not allowed to share information about it to specific people, I on the other hand, can. ", he scratches his jaw and I scoff.

" Oh yeah, how could I forget? This marriage is based on rules that only apply to me. "

" You know it's not like that. I had these rules made long before I knew you. I don't want us to follow some rules either but then, your father's company will bear the brunt. ", he says.


All the more reason to hate Camilla.