Hello everyone,
Follow me on instagram at wtmcdonaldauthor! If you are feeling generous, and wish to donate to my writing career, you can find me at Patreon under Twubs for early access to chapters of The Ladder, Defiant, and Tsunami of the South!
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
'The third floor corridor is exactly as I remember it.' I thought to myself as I looked around the same room that held Fluffy, the cerberus, for a time during first year.
'It does seem a lot bigger.'
The floor still held a wooden door with a handle on it in the middle. My mind wondered what this room could have possibly been used for. Who needs a trap door that leads to at least three other random rooms?
I thought about descending into the trap door for old times sake and to also check it out but I realized I didn't have time, everyone would arrive soon.
I pulled out two pieces of paper from the inside of my robes. One was a simple note with elegant writing.
'Third floor corridor, Sunday 11 a.m.'
The note found its way into nearly every student third year and above pocket. At least that was the directions the Twins received last week after the whole Umbridge fiasco. The note wasn't the true message. The true message was spread with the tried and true classic method of 'word of mouth'.
The second note I pulled out of my robes was an official looking document that gave us permission to create a study group, and at the bottom was a signature and a wax seal, courtesy of Dumbledore.
'I hope people show up.' I thought to myself as I cast a quick tempus.
'10:15.' It read.
'I guess I am a bit early.'
My wand found its way into my hand and I worked my will onto the world. A simple wooden table with thick legs appeared and I set the paper on it, so that everyone would be able to see it.
Footsteps rang in the corridor outside. 'And I'm not the only one?'
Harry soon came into view, with Hermione tagging along closely behind him.
"And we thought we were early, mate." Harry said nodding to Hermione as he noticed I was already there.
"Yes, well I wanted to check up on our meeting location beforehand." I returned.
"Don't trust me?" Harry joked as he walked around the room to look at it.
"What are you two rambling about?" Hermione asked confused.
I answered her before Harry could. "I asked Harry to check out the room the other night, while he was on his prefect duties."
Hermione gave Harry a look that screamed her disappointment at him using his position for such a task.
"And that, Hermione, is why I didn't ask you." I said pointing at the look on her face.
Harry laughed while she replied. "Well I am just happy that I was invited." She responded with a glare towards me. "And that you two did this on your own. I thought I was going to have to do all the work."
I gave her a look that urged her to continue. She noticed.
"Well, what I mean to say is that I was going to do it all very hush hush. Your way is better, no doubt, I still can't believe Dumbledore gave us his backing." Hermione elaborated.
I wasn't surprised that she had begun to think about it. It was her idea in the books after all.
"Dumbledore has a soft spot for Harry." I've been hearing that a lot lately. I thought as the words came out of my mouth.
"Do you two even have a plan for what we will actually do?" Hermione asked changing the subject.
Harry answered this time. "I told you, Hermione." He said approaching the desk. "We will learn magic, more specifically defensive magic. That is the main focus, we will also help each other in other subjects."
His wand rose after that and cast a decent charm, designed to keep the conversation secret.
My own magic reached out in curiosity to feel the charm. 'Makes them hear whispering, and induces fear?, encourages them to leave?' I thought as I tried to work out the effects of the spell that was obviously from the Black library.
"What?" Hermione said aloud and brought me back to the conversation.
Harry shot me a quick look, his eyes fell to my wand and then back to my eyes again before a smile lit his face in realization.
'He felt me touching the ward?' I thought as I realized that it was a very high class spell if it had detection properties mixed in.
Harry turned back to Hermione and answered her. "We will also be helping everyone to promote unity, especially the ones we think are at the most risk of being in contact with Tom."
"Why? Wouldn't that give away all our strengths to him? It's too dangerous." She answered in almost a whisper as her mind whirled.
I cut in then. "He has too many eyes in the school. Either way he will know of what goes on, but this way we can try to influence the next generation. I doubt we will convert anyone from our year and up but the younger years?" I asked raising an eyebrow before continuing. "They are easily ...well there is no easy way to say this, manipulated." I finished with a shrug.
"Manipulated!" Hermione hissed out.
Surprisingly I didn't have to answer because Harry already cut it, his own anger apparent.
"Quit being naive!" Harry hissed out much more fluidly because of his parseltongue and Hermione flinched and lowered her head.
He closed the distance between them and his hand went to her chin and lifted it up, so that her eyes met his. He tapped her chin as if to say 'that is better', like a great leader might.
I watched all of this with a straight face but inside I was flipping out. 'Who the fuck is this.' I asked myself as I took in Harry.
He stood with his shoulders back and chest out, pristine robes that Malfoy would love to wear. His hair pulled back tightly in a ponytail, with his scar displayed proudly. He didn't wear glasses and this was a new development, as in the past forty-eight hours new. His emerald green eyes were so focused. His face was sharper than in the previous years, much like my own
All of this was observed in a few seconds before Harry continued. "There is a war coming, Hermione." He spoke with a much softer tone and I couldn't help but notice the masterful display of manipulation.
I cut in. "We aren't asking you to do any of this Hermione. We'll handle the dirty work." I spoke to her but my eyes were locked with Harry's, an unspoken look of 'that's enough' to him.
He got the message and his wand whipped and the charm dropped, signifying the end of the conversation. I moved over to the desk and leaned against it as more footsteps echoed out in the corridor. I cast a quick tempus again.
In walked three Gryffindor boys in our own age group, Neville Longbottom, Dean Thomas, and Seamus Finnigan. Following them was Ginny and another girl from a lower year that I didn't recognize.
Seamus whistled as he walked in. "Good turnout, eh?" He joked to the boys and girls behind him and they laughed. I knew he didn't believe Harry's claim that Voldemort was back and it was showing.
"We are a bit early." Neville answered him meekly.
"No chairs?" Seamus asked with a condescending tone.
"You unable to stand, Finnigan?" I asked with an equal tone.
More footsteps and platinum blonde hair strutted in before Seamus could answer and interrupted.
"Doubtful he can do anything besides blow himself up." Draco Malfoy commented as him and his two goons entered.
Behind them another three people entered, also wearing the Slytherin robes of our school. A dark skinned boy of obvious italian descent. An attractive girl with blonde hair and striking blue eyes. And another cute girl with brown hair and brown eyes. Blaise Zabini, Daphne Greengrass, and Tracey Davis walked in silently and claimed a corner of the room for themselves, speaking to each other.
"Sod off, Malfoy." Seamus answered in response to the new arrivals. He turned back towards Harry before continuing. "Friends with the snakes now, eh Potter?"
Harry answered in a calm tone. "Everyone takes the same core classes, Finnigan, no matter what house you are in. That includes Defense Against the Dark Arts. Everyone will need help."
Seamus turned around to face his group. "What do you say we ditch this and go flying boys? I won't be here with the snakes."
It was Dean Thomas that answered him this time. "Shut up, mate. Harry's right."
That shut down the argument as Seamus went red faced and did as he was told. They all shuffled to a wall as more people started pouring in. The Twins, Angelina and her group walked in next and they seemed to bring everyone.
The next thing I knew, fifty students or more were all crowded around all sides of the desk in the middle of the room. There seemed to be just enough room to fit everyone in the room comfortably. I noticed that the room was divided amongst the houses with only a few people in groups that didn't involve their house. I thought about moving the desk farther back to keep everyone in front of us but Harry didn't look like he wanted to move from the middle of the room.
Once everyone got settled, the noise increased in the room as they waited for Harry to start. I half stood, half sat on the desk behind Harry with one foot swinging in the air and the other planted on the floor. Harry stood still as a statue as his eyes flicked around the room and the faces in front of him.
'This is way more people than in the books.' I thought as I noticed everyone. 'The Twins are really good at what they do.'
Harry's hands clapped together and it echoed through the room, catching everyone's attention. I couldn't help but wonder if it was a spell, with how loud and captivating it was.
"Now then, I bet you're all wondering why you received this note." He started before being interrupted.
"Obviously, Potter." Malfoy spat from his group of friends with a smirk.
Harry just shot him a look before continuing. "None of us will learn anything in Defense as long as Umbridge is here. By now everyone would have had a class with her and understand what I mean." He stopped waiting on any more interruptions, none came.
"It's simple really, We're going to teach ourselves." He said simply.
I smiled. 'Well that's one way to do it. Simple.'
"So this is another class?" Someone said from behind us.
"No." Harry answered. "Think of it more like a study group, an extremely practically focused study group. When we meet, we will practice magic. If you want to help each other with homework, or ask an older student for help, then go ahead."
Another pause before he continued. "There will be focuses of each meeting, a certain spell that we need to pass our OWLs or NEWTs, and we will cast until we have it down perfectly. If you think you have that spell down, then you can work on homework, help others get their own spells down, or you can leave. This is just designed for us to help each other throughout the year, with a focus on defense."
There was a murmur throughout the crowd. "Is that why you invited us older students? To play teacher for you?" An older Slytherin that I swore I had never seen said.
"No, I will teach everyone." Harry answered.
A laugh ran through the older crowd. "What could you teach us?"
Harry's wand whipped through the air and he quietly spoke. "Expecto Patronum."
Light burst from the tip of the wand, far more than he normally produces on his patronus. I expected for the light to coalesce into a stag, like his father. Instead when the light formed together a whole new animal emerged.
A thestral ran around the room and the cheer it emanated could be felt by al. It finally flew back over to its master and crashed into his body, dissipating as it did. The white light spread throughout the room and I tried not to be impressed at his showmanship.
His face showed now surprise at the change in his patronus and images of the mind-enhancing ritual flashed through my mind. Images of his scar, of the red light prevailing and I couldn't help but wonder how many more changes it would bring.
'It makes sense that it would change.' I thought to myself. 'But an animal so close to death? Intriguing.'
I spoke up since no one else wanted to. "That would get you the highest marks on your NEWTs, easily. Welcome to the DA, defense association." I spoke to the crowd while internally cackling like a madman.
'Dumbledore's Army.'
A flood of questions rang out in the room, questions about when we would meet and if he could teach them that. Harry patiently answered each question and eventually he dismissed everyone, saying that they would meet after dinner on Monday for the first time. For now the schedule was every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday after dinner, with the room being open on weekends for anyone that wanted more practice, but Harry would not be teaching anything specific and might not even be there, I know I wouldn't be on the weekends.
Harry and I were the last two to leave the meeting and I departed with an excuse.
I went straight to the headmasters office.
I caught the headmaster in the halls, heading in the direction of his office.
"Headmaster!" I said as I approached him.
"Mr. Weasley, a good day, no?" He answered as I caught up to him and walked with him.
"Not sure yet, sir." I answered truthfully.
He gave me look. "I thought you would be happy. Did the meeting not go as planned?" Dumbledore asked me.
"The portraits need to learn to keep their mouths shut." I told him in response to him already knowing of the meeting when it just happened.
"That's not very nice. They are just eager to speak, I'm sure it's very boring just sitting there all day. We finally made it to the gargoyle that guards his office. "Licorice."
I stepped on the stairs behind him and we rose into the famous office. Fawkes was perched on his stand, looking fairly young. Dumbledore walked around and sat down in his chair before turning back to me.
"What can I do for you, Mr. Weasley?" He asked me giving me his full attention.
"I caught Umbridge trying to torture Harry with a blood quill." I spoke and the twinkling in his eyes disappeared.
"Caught?" He asked, his brilliant mind jumping ahead in the conversation.
I reached into my robes and produced the picture I was using as leverage over the pink toad. He took it and looked it over quickly seeing the quill and the line on Harry's hand, signalling the proof of the blood quill.
"Is this the original?"
"No, the original is in safe hands." I answered.
"Ms. Delacour?" Dumbledore asked without looking up.
"Yes." I answered. "I told Umbridge that she could continue on teaching, but that any detention she assigned would go to another professor, or Filch."
He didn't seem surprised at that. He set the photo down. "The devil you know." Dumbledore spoke summarising my thoughts on the matter. "Mind if I keep this copy?"
"Of course, I have plenty." I said with a wink. I knew that now would be the time to turn around and leave normally.
"You have yet to leave, Mr. Weasly. Is it safe to assume you have more you wish to speak about." Dumbledore said eyeing me.
"More of a confession." I answered. "I completed a ritual last year." I started and Dumbledore leaned back in his chair with his hands clasped together. A frown appeared on his face but he did not speak so I continued.
"It's designed to improve the foundations of the mind. Increased speeds in thought, increased learning speed and capacity, makes it easier and faster to access knowledge and memory, and an unforeseen improvement in hand-eye coordination." I told him and paused for a moment, unsure if I should tell him this next bit.
"I know of something similar." Dumbledore said locking eyes with me. "An old friend spoke of a similar ritual he underwent."
'Grindelwald?' I thought to myself before moving on.
"Well it went so good that I might have convinced ...Harry to perform it." I spoke again.
Gone was the grandfatherly aura that normally exuded from the famous wizard. He was suddenly replaced with the scariest person I had ever met. He stood up and leaned over the desk.
"Go on."
I felt a probe on my occlumency shields as we met eyes.
"I don't appreciate that, headmaster." I told him as I cleared my mind and repelled his attack.
"You have improved well." Dumbledore said. "Now go on."
"During Harry's ritual, something happened with his scar." I said and Dumbledore began to pace around the room. "There were two lights that emanated from his scar and fought, red and black. Eventually, the red prevailed and enveloped the black before settling back into his scar." I finished.
He had his back turned to me when I finished, he was softly petting Fawkes, who preened under his touch.
'Oh the benefits of a phoenix.' I thought watching the two interact. The headmaster seemed to draw courage the longer he pet the famous bird.
He did not answer so I continued. "In my case, I didn't have such a huge personality change. Harry seems to be ...a completely different person. He used to shy away from attention, and hide his scar under his hair. Now he displays it like a badge and relishes in praise. Not to mention his increasing magical skill. He will rival me soon, if not pass me completely." I said telling him of my thoughts on the matter.
There was another long pause as he continued to give Fawkes attention and think. Eventually he spoke.
"That is not good news, Mr. Weasley. Surely you have heard me mention Harry and ...Tom's connection to one another?" Dumbledore asked me.
"Yes sir." I answered patiently.
"Well I wasn't talking about a hypothetical connection. I have long thought that the scar is a physical representation of this 'connection '. Whatever happened that night, resulted in a scar and a 'real' magical connection between the two." Dumbledore finished. The way he said real made it hold a whole different kind of implications.
My mind raced at the implications. 'If it is magical in nature, than that would explain the extreme effects on the ritual. It says that there must not be any outside influence. But if this is true then Harry could be influenced by his and Voldy's 'connection.'
"Fucking hell." I spoke and I didn't get a reprimand like I expected.
"I concur, Mr. Weasley." Dumbledore said as if he was making a decision and I was worried about what would come of this development.
"I have a plan." I bit out hurriedly before he could do something rash to my best friend. "Harry and I need to improve upon our occlumency, and to do that, I think I need a deeper understanding of it's opposite, legilimency." I continued scared. "I can convince him to let me in his mind, he trusts me, explicitly. There I can investigate what's going on." I finished.
Dumbledore looked at me then, there was no twinkle, there was no hint of an old man. He was still projecting the aura of an apex predator. In my mind there was no one more powerful in that moment.
"Do it. Bring me good news Mr. Weasley." He ordered. "If not…" He sagged as he spoke those last words. "...I fear we will have to take drastic measures."
I could read between the lines, I could see what he was thinking. He thought that Voldemort was in control somehow, he thought that it wasn't Harry at all in there anymore.
'And he seems so sure.' I thought as I took in the sight of the withered legend. 'There is something I am missing, something he isn't telling me.'
Was the connection really that bad? The red light won out after all, right? Surely the red was his own magic, his own mind, right?
I sat there for a long time as my mind raced. I started to look back at the past few weeks since he completed the ritual. The ease he casted magic, not unusual. His physical appearance, and his willingness to embrace the stares, unusual. His interactions with Umbridge, all the manipulations he did in their conversations to make it go his way, unusual. The way he touched Hermione, the tone and pitch in his voice as he told her she was naive, unusual. The change in his patronus, a thestral, something that goes unseen unless you understand death.
All of these things individually only spoke of a young man coming into his own. All of these changes together spoke of something completely different. Something more sinister.
I got up to leave the room.
"Mr. Weasley." Dumbledore spoke behind me.
I turned back around and looked at him. "Could you do it? If I asked you."
I heard the real question: 'Could you fight him? Kill him? If you had to.'
I left the room without an answer.
A/N: Boom! Finally Ron is investigating.
Who thinks it was a mistake for Ron to go to Dumbledore? I think it was the best person to ask considering Ron is working off of missing memories and doesn't know the whole story.
Did we enjoy the meeting of the DA? What about Harry's interactions with Hermione?
Let's talk in the reviews.