The speakers were blaring as he climbed the stairs to the platform. In terms of music, Dr. Shaw enjoyed a wide variety of genres. When he came to visit, the music may be opera, classic rock, African drums, or the blues. In today's instance, it was Bruno Mars' most recent uplifting single.
As he walked inside Dr. Shaw's inner lab, he cried out to her. It didn't even shock him to see what he did.
Nelson Shaw was beside a giant glass cylinder in the center of the laboratory. Carl peered through and saw a redhead who he immediately knew as Barbie's witch cousin Kent Jodi. The doctor had a tablet in one hand and her protective glasses perched on her nose.
"Are you ready, Kent?" she questioned.
Ready, the redhead chimed in.
Okay, at the count of three, two, and one... She gestured with her thumbs upward to show approval for the other lady.