Chapter 48

She yelled, "Bastardo!" She stomped in, snatched the vase from beside the door, and smashed it over Carl's head. It fell short of the mark and shattered at his feet.

Saying, "What the? Oh, crap! Ellen!” Carl freed himself from Vannie's grasp and climbed off the sofa. Say it with me now: "That was a bad idea!" He walked menacingly across to her and reached out to touch her.

You can count on it being a blunder. she raised a fist to punch him but he caught her wrist. Drop me! She abruptly withdrew her hand from his. "I can't believe how foolish I was!" She felt a flare of rage and was relieved that she was too furious to weep.

Listen up, Ellen. I lo—"

“No! No more from me! This is finished! Stop following me, stop talking to me, and stop coming anywhere near me! The invitation to my territory is thus withdrawn. She circled around him, walked up to the door, and flung it open. Vannie's seductive giggle was the last thing she heard before the door shut.