Chapter 41

That was a frightening concept.

Jessey's anxieties vanished when Charley kissed her. Sure, it hadn't been her most refined moment, but that didn't matter. She was concerned about Charley, and he was clearly concerned about her. Even if they weren't quite following the customary route, that meant something.

Note to self: never, ever, ever, ever tell Ian about this. He'd completely lose his mind. And she wasn't even considering her mother's response right now.

She took a peek around after her clothing was in place. "Where are my underwear?"

"I'm not sure, sweetie." The beating became more forceful, and the doorknob shook. "However, we have to get out of here."

"I can't go without my underwear."

"I own this place. Nobody is going to tamper with them, promise? "Believe me."

It didn't seem like she would have a choice. Jessey sighed—at least, he couldn't hear the small sound—and eventually nodded. “Okay.”