Tenebrae; The City Of Mysteries

With each passing moment, Tenebrae became completely visible with its walls that stretched up to hundred meters tall and had been built around an area of two kilometer square. Mark got closer and the surface of the walls shone with a bright light as the rising sun came up, to reveal a shiny surface. The walls were forty meters thick and extended around the city. With each cardinal direction, stood a pillar. The Main Gate was made of thick concrete layers with a coating of Diamond to give it the toughness to stand against the Halos. The walls were all made of refined layers of steel, lead, and graphite. All were covered in a coating of silver as it spread throughout the entire city. The heat radiated from the steel doesn't reach inside, due to the aluminum covers painted black that goes around the inner sections of the wall. As Mark Got Closer he saw it. A structure in the walls that opens up and fires any moving object on sight. He had no idea what to do at that moment. He was scared for the first time in a long while. His fears weren't because of death, but rather the delay that'll be caused by the gates once he gets any closer than he should. "I need to treat Milana as soon as possible." He thought as he kept going. He got closer and closer with each step he took as he was about to enter the rage of the infamous shooter pointers, he thought of the impossible, strived for the impossible, and did the impossible. Mark had decided in his mind there was no other way around it. He knew the repercussions of what he was about to do but there was no other way around it. It was either this or he had to bear the shame of letting people close that got too close to him die all for nothing. He was determined. He was certain. There was no other way. Mark, With Aria sitting gently fast asleep on his right hand, unsheathed his sword, leaving the sheath on the floor. In about seven more steps, he saw the red line that indicated the firing range. As soon as his legs crossed the line, He let out a loud battle cry as he swung his sword in a slashing position towards the walls. This slash carried with it enough power that it created a shockwave. The distance between Mark and the Main Gates of the city was about three hundred meters but his slash connected. Mark stood as he watched the entire wall above him slowly split starting from the ground to the gate, and up towards the sky. The clouds parted to give way to the shock wave that wasn't stopping anytime soon. The shock wave caused so much panic that all activities inside the walls were halted as they looked at a horror that has never happened before for the longest of times. They saw with their greatest surprise that the walls that they had been feeling so secure inside for generations unend now have a slight, narrow opening like it has been injured from a sword cut. They could see the outside world. They weren't sure what to make of this. They were all in shock and anxiety. Was this the end of the people of Tenebrae?

Mark looked and he began hearing cries from humans on the inside of the walls but He didn't care. He decided to take off going towards the direction of The Main Gates Of Tenebrae. As he got closer and closer he noticed something. He couldn't hear a single ballistic. The tremors his slash sent off affected the entire walls and did so much damage that it couldn't be fixed in a short while. Tenebrae was finally opened to the world. Nothing was protecting them from the wrath of the Halos. They knew this but had no way of solving it. They never thought of a second option should the walls fall, because they knew it Couldn't. It shouldn't. It wouldn't. The walls had seen so many Halo attacks over the years that a normal bang on the walls by an uncertain Halo, became the signal of sunrise and sunset. Halo Attacks cane from every corner and for as long as the wall stood, it had never recorded a single opening, up until now. Though as little as the opening was, it was more than enough for The trillions of Halos that were outside to come flocking in.

The walls took a three hundred years to completely build but before then, Tenebrae's population suffered a massive blow. The Halos hunted those assigned to walk on the walls, The Wall Workers. Day and night the. The Workers were slaughtered. They had no other options. They knew what they signed up for. It is either that or they stay with the rest of civilization, and the Halos wipe them out. Most of The Workers were mostly men, except for a few masculine women. The Wall Workers had no reason to return to civilization inside the walls because there was little to no break enough to go to the settlements of civilization to find their family and come back. All they were tasked to do was work. They kept working even when the Halos came. This way, they made sure the Halos focused on them and took little notice of the settlements meters behind. Due to the daily massacre that took place on the construction site of the early walls, The Workers were forced to put in extra effort because they had no idea when it was their turn next. They would work until there was no strength left. Some collapsed from fatigue and others from lack of sleep. In the first fifty years, Their hard work paid off and They had gotten the walls to twenty meters above the ground. it wasn't much, but the foundation was built and with this little form of progress, they decided to go on the defensive. Their work times were invested in making weapons that could pierce Halo skin; Graphene-Coated bullets. They took their stance and from then, the first ever human known resistance against the Halos in Tenebrae was formed. With time, the got the walls high enough not to worry about their safety and went on to have children inside the walls. Within the span of hundred years, The walls were completely built and The Wall Workers refused to come back home. This is because, the had all the needed within the walls. Through irrigation system, they had water to go around for everyone. Their fields for planting was on top of the walls. The four pillars on top of the walls. The flourished so much that they never came back to the settlement and had always stayed away from them. The main people of The settlement of Tenebrae would soon forget all about the Wall Workers and with each passing generation, They became a myth. From then on, without the knowledge of Tenebrae, a civilization like no other was built inside the Walls Of Tenebrae. The Settlement Of The Wall Workers.

Mark arrived to the gates and decided to make his way into the gate through the wreck his sword made. It was then he realized how wide the Slash actually was. Ten meters across. As he went through the wreck, he had no idea what was waiting for him inside.