Trick The Reaper

Mark remained atop the roof of the cab as Aria and Theodore, together with Milana who still remained unconscious strapped to the stretcher, were all inside the cab. The wounds made given to Mark by these beasts began to ache on Mark meeting their creator. It ached so much Mark had to kneel for some time to regain his consciousness. The pain was excruciating but there was no other way around it. It was either he stays, cries about it and perish crashing the cab into the gigantic sphere, or he entirely numbs the pain and gets to work. However, the latter couldn't be applied to this situation because his injuries were bleeding out and this wasn't even so to speak of the fact that he had already lost a lot of blood since the injury. This didn't bother Mark though, as quickly ignored the pain, got up and went towards the dead body of this enormous creature as he began to try pulling it. On doing so, he mistakenly pulled off its' skin. The skin was so light and almost reflected no light at all, making it look invisible to the common eye. However, Mark realized he was holding on to something. He could feel this strange material in his hands. but he couldn't see it. He was perplexed. He looked at the body on the floor and it was totally visible. It had the body of a human. A large human. It didn't look like a Wall Workers though. This was different. Mark began lifting this body to accomplish the order given to him by Theodore but as he began to lift from its' arm. On grasping unto its' armpit, he could feel how soft this creature was. This softness he could easily identify anywhere. It was the same skin texture as that of a woman. A huge woman. He doubted this however. Because humans couldn't grow this tall. This creatures' body length took up the entire space on the roof of the cab as it laid lifeless. The shouldn't be able to grow this large. But his arms couldn't deceive him in this moment. This dead body belonged to a human female. He decided to look for the head of this body but it was nowhere to be found.

"It must have fallen off from the speedy movements of the cab through it's cables." He thought.

"Anyways, how can humans be this large. I have never seen a human this tall in all my voyages around the world. This has to be false. There's no way it should be true. This body measures to be even taller than than Theodore and it's just neck to toe." Marks' thoughts began plummeting as he realized he had seen creatures of this height somewhere. He had an idea of what they are. Who They were. He didn't want to believe it. He was shocked at this discovery upon stumbling on a memory of his. "There's no way." He said out loud this time. His face revealed so much emotion that he couldn't make out which one to go with. Shock, fear, happiness, relief and most of all, sadness. He was sad to have killed her. He had no idea what she was underneath the invisible skin. Now though he had an idea of what to do from then on, he also got his hopes completely solidified. He was certain this time about an idea he's had for so long. Now, he's completely sure of himself.

"I really wished to haven't killed you. If only you talked. This wouldn't have happened. I'm so sorry it had to be this way for you. However, your body on the other hand will serve a higher purpose. I can assure you this." Mark was talking to the dead body, as stupid as it may sound. He tried dragging it once more and realized the mass of the body was dominant, however it wasn't large enough for him. He dragged the body towards the cabs front and waited for Theodores' signal. It was at this moment it all dawned on him. He couldn't hear Theodore from outside here. He noticed this too late as the cab was already on a collision course and had gotten closer, so close that he doubted he'd go in, talk to Theodore and come out before the crash. Yes, they were that close to the body of this gigantic spherical structure. "Fuck, I hadn't thought of this. Well, it's all in or nothing." Mark said as he waited for what he thought was the right moment for the collision to throw the body afront the cab in time before it hits the sphere. A few seconds left to go. Mark is waiting. Unsure when to throw this body into the cab but certain he should throw it in at one point. These few seconds seemed to be like a millennia for Mark as everything around him seemed to slow down, his body wasn't sure it could keep up with throwing the body on time. This was the worst moment to have an injury. Mark kept waiting. These millennials seized to end. Eons gone in his mind as he passed away just in time for the collision. The damage had finally been done. Blood was running low this time. Mark had finally passed out from the intense blood loss. It was certain that their clash with the cab was imminent at this point. However Theodore had no idea of this. He thought Mark had everything under control. He had to trust Mark to do so. There was no other way around it. It was all in or nothing. He had no idea he had just signed a new death contract with the grim reaper and it wasn't to be renewed. Theodore was uncertain. Scared. He had to trust Mark. He trusted Mark to make sure they didn't crash. He put his hands together as he muttered these words in prayer.

"Oh, Queen Of Heaven. Oh, Saints gone.

Oh, Stars Of Angels Oh Lords Of Dawn.

A Wall Worker, My heads bowed down.

I bring My prayers Afront your crown."

In a series of repetition, these words filled the mouth of Theodore. He had no intention to die. Not here, not now. His prayers were going miles and unfortunately for him, the gods left his pleas unanswered. Mark had passed out on top for the roof and Theodore knew nothing of this. Their collision course was still in motion and moments before the eventually clashed with the sphere, something extraordinary took place which till today, if not told, You readers wouldn't be aware of. This phenomenon was so weird and out of place that Theodore and Aria couldn't understand. There eyes remained closed as this happened. A bright red light shine from the left side of the cab and in an instant, They weren't there anymore. The had arrived inside the sphere. No one knew what happened or how it happened but one thing was sure. Mark, Theodore, Milana and Aria had just cheated death in the worst way possible. The price they had to pay this time for it was tripled. The only way this time was forward. They had to keep going. All or nothing.