Marks' Wife?

The hall was filled with exclaims of surprise upon the hearing of Mark having a wife. They couldn't believe their ears. They were shocked as they were perplexed. To Theodore, this was an unexpected surprise. All the years he knew Mark from the time Mark entered his childhood till this very day and hour, he'd never heard of such. A good thing; Marriage. That is why Theodore had doubts why a man as Treacherous and hostile as Mark would even possess a companion. He was Utterly Dumbfounded. Aria on the other hand, was taking a bite out of her freshly-cut pork when this news hit like raging thunder. She knew little of Mark and she couldn't begin placing things together. "A wife? Mark? Who is this unlucky woman" said her thoughts as she observed the lady standing next to Mark.

Milana was at a loss of words. She initially took it all as a joke but at her expense, it seemed the situation proved to hold realism as Mark echoed a response to this woman's claims.

"Of course. I would trust as my partner that you don't defy me next time by holding me back from doing what was expected of me."

Mark said, as he turned to look The lady in the face. Trix looked back, smiling as she uttered a reply.

"I am truly sorry for what I did but should I haven't done it, you'd be spilling blood on the dinner table and that would be a rather disappointing venture now wouldn't it?"

Not waiting for Mark to respond to her questions, she pulled a seat out from where it was strapped under the round dinner table, she sat down next to Mark and continued. Her bodily expressions changed as she began.

"I haven't seen you in years. How have you been, Markandeya?" Trix said, as she remained seated but leaned towards Mark in a poor attempt of seduction, but Mark wasn't having it. His face wasn't fazed in all this. He couldn't care less of such. Lust and pleasure seemed to be inexistent I'm the face of Mark.

"Well," Mark said, as he finally looked her in the face as their eyes met. She was mere inches away from his face and Mark could feel the gentle breeze that came from her slow breathing as she could feel his. She closed her eyes as she murmured

"I haven't.....a need to hear your reasons. My question was meant to be left unanswered." After this saying these soft words, she opened her eyes slowly as her aught caught a glimpse up close of Marks' red lips, his nose and eventually stared Into His eyes. In all these, Mark stared with eyes obscure to emotion as he continued.

"I have been on a voyage. A rather important one round the world. I began the task placed upon me." He said all this with a straight face still looking into the eyes of Trix as it was the closest it had ever been. Their lips would touch from time to time with every statement Mark uttered but he didn't seem to care nevertheless and kept talking. They were so close to each other that all was left was for Mark to close in and they would be in kissing range.

"Find someone who's worthy. A person that needs..." His statement was cut short as Milana made some noises in an attempt to clear her throat. It was obvious what the end game of that endeavor was, as it played out rightly in her favor. Trix stopped getting closer to Mark and turned towards the noise. Innocently, she asked Milana.

"What's wrong? do you need water?"

Milana, feeling satisfied of what she had done said

"Yes, please I do. I would like to have drinks as it seems I have gotten some soup particles caught up in my throat."

"Soup particles?" Theodore, who was holding a chicken wing in his arms with his entire mouth stained with stew as he questioned Milana innocently without having a clue as to what transpired. He'd never heard of someone choke off the 'particles' of soup. It didn't make sense to him.

"Ahh, yes soup particles. I would also like a drink. Caffeine-filled if I may." Aria beckoned as she tried her very best to cover up for Theodore's unknowingness and back up Milanas' claims of being choked. She understood the reason for Milanas' plan and therefore lent a helping hand to become an accomplice in this crime that is meant to Pull Trix away from Mark.

"Oh my!"Trix replied,as she stood from her seat and rushed towards Milana.

"Don't worry. I'll get it out for you. Don't worry" She said, as she grabbed Milana from the back, lifted her up from her seat and started shaking her in an attempt make her vomit whatever remained choked to her throat.

"No no no!" Milana said as she was slowing building up anger.

"Put me down! put me down!" she commanded.

"Oh, My apologies." Still holding Milana up feet above the ground, she gently dropped her with ease. Milana was shocked as to what just happened. Not only did Trix carry her with ease but Shaked her in the air like it was nothing. Milana was certain and confident in how much weight she had and was sure that an average man would find it difficult to lift her above the ground, let alone a girl that she was taller than. "Or am I?" Milana asked, as she decided to turn and face Trix who was smiling, looking up to Milanas' pissed off face.

"Six feet three give or take. What is this enormous volume of chest?" Milana thought, as she looked down towards Trix' chest region. Milana was average in almost every body proportion except hip size. to see a shorter lady pose of a more dominant chest, she felt an unconscious sense of competition.

"It's no worries. What's your name?" Milana asked, trying to be polite.

"Oh, my name is Trixie. Trixie Martel. Trix for short." Trixie replied, still smiling. She didn't know who Milana was or where she came from but she also felt a need of competition and so the rivalry began. Trixie wasn't sure the reason for that but she knew no matter what happens, she shouldn't be on the losing side.

"I see. Well said. I do need that drink though. If you would, please?" Milana asked harshly.

"Yes. Yes. You!" She said, pointing towards the corner of the room closest to the door. A Nymph came walking shyly towards Trix and Milana.

"Yes? What would you have me do?" It asked with so much heed.

"Oh, yes get our guest what she requests of you. Why also don't you have drinks on the table?" Trix asked without paying attention to the table.

" Well.... there are drinks on the table. Stationed in every radius of this round table.",

The Nymph said shyly.

On hearing this, Trix decided to look for herself and found out that drinks were everywhere on the table and on seeing this, turned to Milana who was still fuming and asked with a rather calm voice.

"Why then did you request my presence?"

"However do you mean?" Milana asked with a voice so calm that it didn't fit the mood of her face at that moment.

"You. I think I understand what transpired right now. However, I would forgive this incompetent behavior and go back to my seat." Trix said, as she raised her head up with pride and walked back to her seat. She sat down and began eating, she had forgotten all about Mark. Well, she didn't. She made pretense to do so because that was the only way she could eat of this banquet placed in front of her. Mark, on the other hand, stopped eating. The spit on the side of his table was so much that you couldn't find anything that wasn't already condemned. Besides, he had eaten a little before the incident so he decided to stop eating. Trix noticed this and therefore asked.

"You're not eating?"

"No, I'm not hungry." Mark replied

"Alright." Trix said, as she began eating. Her feeding method was so regal that it made Aria, Milana and Even Theodore think twice about their bad table etiquette. The giant, decided to wrack up courage as he stood from the corner which he cowered in fear from the recent incident that happened to him. He took a seat on the table but this time he left Mark and sat close to Theodore, Aria and Milana. On the other end of the room and began eating.

For a short while, no one moved or did anything other than eat until this moment of truce was broken by the door opening. The door opened slowly and all eyes on the diner were faced towards that area. Time looked as if it had come to a pause as the door refused to open as fast as their minds had envisioned. Moments later, it was open enough and you could see from the little space that it revealed a man. A tall man. As more of him came into their sights, they realized that he was a Wall Worker. He looked like Theodore in size, but his face wasn't swollen as such and he walked with a staff. His white robes covered all but his toes that looked unkept and shared that same trait as Theodore. His eyes were covered by the intense volume of White eyebrows that covered his entire face and extended to stop at his chest. His arms were so shrunken that one could say he was a walking corpse and not be mistaken. Slowly but surely, he made it into the diner and the Nymphs rushed to help him out as the carried him gently to the sit directly opposite Mark, who was seated at the end of the table. On seeing him, Trix, the giant and the male she entered with all stood up with their heads bowed until he sat down in his seats. It was a truly incredible sight to watch, but baffling at once. Aria, being well, Aria, asked him.

"You must be a man of honour should they treat you with such respect yes?" She asked, as she looked at him. She was at least three seats away from this old giant. Her eyes glittered with a sense of inquiry.

"Oh, yes. Indeed I am! Tell me little one. What's your name?" The old man replied with a smile that could barely be seen as his face was covered in eyebrow. That's how tall his eyebrows were. He talked awfully fast and so Aria couldn't make out what he had just said and hence her reply

"I'm sorry. Your words we so fast to land my ears that I couldn't make out what you wished to relay. could you say it one more time?"

"Oh," the giant said, "nevermind then." He said in a cold manner as he had just been pissed off by Arias' question.

"I totally get it that you would not wish to honor my request and that is fine but at least may I know your name? I know. I'm being nosy ain't I?" Aria asked again as she wasn't going to back down from asking questions. That is how she has always been. A never ending barrage of questions for anything or anyone that peeks her interest. If only she could control it, then she'd be a little bit better than a flibbertigibbet. She knew better than anyone her questions offend people, but she just couldn't find a way to stop asking them and that has found a way to stick with her for the longest of times.

"My name? You seek my name little one? My name you shall have. I am Gibraltar The Gatekeeper. I do not see a reason why I should consider telling you this and I choose not to however!" He exclaimed " I am proud as I am dignified amongst men." Gibraltar said, as be raised his hands up as in demonstration. the looks in the faces of Milana and Theodore as the looked at this delusional old man showed it all. They were not connected in anyway and yet they thought of one thing staring as Gibraltar gave his speech. " Who the hell is this Retarded Old man?".