Fated Friends.

Mark kept mute as he watched Theodore talk with Milana as she looked up to where he was at the moment. Her face filled with disappointed seeing what Mark had done, but he was always used to this look so he looked down on her with a sense of pride attached to his stare.

'What happens now? Would she accept the task you have given to her? I mean, her stare says it all."

Trix said, as she. noticed the stare down ongoing between the both of them. The best she could do at that moment was to keep mute and watch them go on at it, without disruption. A good decision to say the least.

"No, Don't worry" Mark said, looked at Trix and smiled. "I have known Milana for quite some time. She's many things. But if there's one thing I'm positive enough about, it's that she never goes back on her word. If she says she'll do something, she'll do it. She already promised. There's no going back now." Still looking at Trix Mark said all these until her attention was driven towards him and she let out what seemed to be a blush at the sight in front of her. She however, regained her straight face, first time looking away first from Mark.

On lower ground where Aria, Milana and Theodore stood, Milana was about getting into the pod until Aria, who was already on her own pod speaks up.

"Hey! Milana!" raising her voice a little bit, she spoke out, Still inside the pod.

"Yeah?" Milana answered almost quickly.

"Are you as excited for this as I am?" Aria asked with a bit of thrill in her voice. Milana took note of this and decided to go with the flow of positivity.

"Yes." She replied.

"What? I can't hear you" Aria said, with an exciting smile on her face. Milana, who was standing a few meters away from her on seeing this smiled back and shouted

"Yes! I am!"

This made Aria chuckle a little at the tone of the response.

"I know you have adrenaline rushing into you from all directions, but don't you think you replied a bit too loud?" Aria said, inside the pod."

Milana refused to answer this as she knew this wasn't a question to be answered but rather thought this to herself.

"Well, that helps me vent out my anger. I don't know why but ever since I met you, you seemed unique. Special. I can't wait to see what unfolds of the friendship that we both have, Ariadne Luna." These thoughts dominated her mind as she looked smilingly at Aria who was in the pod. After that her eyes changed direction to look at Theodore who was also looking at Aria with smiles. On noticing Milanas' sight had changed without having to look at her, he asked

"What would happen if she reverts to the path of her psychotic self? I mean, the kind we saw once in the passage above?" His face looked concerned as he suggested this. Milana took note of this and replied intelligently

"Oh, don't worry. Believe me. The place we are headed right now, should she turn psychotic it would be like having another one of them. The inhabitants of TRANCE are all pyschos. I think? Besides, She isn't the type to harm her friends."

Theodore asked yet another question.

"Yes, what if she considers you not a friend? whatever would you do then? I mean, it would be the end for you, you know that right?"

"No," Milana replied " I highly doubt that. She can't do anything harmful to me. Believe me. it's highly unlikely."

"Well, whatever you say ma'am. Whatever you say." Theodore said as if to Avoid any silly argument

"Don't call me ma'am I don't think I'm that old"

Milana said with a rather decisive look.

With a curious accent, Theodore asked

"How old are you really?"

"Sixteen. Just turned sixteen recently. How about you?"

"Well, You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

" I know that Wall Workers live very long for the most of it but I have no idea how old you would be."

"Take a guess then. Pick any number you have in mind." Theodore said smiling.

"Let's see" Milana said, as she placed her index finger and thumb on her jaw as in a state of thought. "fifty seven?"

"Nope, I'm not that young." Theodore said looking disturbed.

"Young?? Fifty seven is actually old if you ask me." Milana replied in her defense.

"Yes it is. For you small people. Wall Workers live Quadruple times longer than small people, I think?"

"If quadruple, then you look fifty in a normal person then I say a bit over two hundred years old?" Milana said with a rather reluctant look on her face. She stated that as in mathematical terms and so therefore didn't mean it.

"Yeah, a bit higher than that " Theodore replied. "Seventy years higher."

"Two hundred and seventy??" Milana said as her attention got peaked once again by Theodore who was proudly looking as he felt the shock in her voice.

"Two hundred and seventy SEVEN actually." Theodore replied with pride.

"What!!" Milana screamed.

"Shhhhhh! Don't say it out loud." Theodore said placing his index on his lips to give a shush expression.

"Sorry" Milana whispered. "You are two hundred and seventy SEVEN!!! really!" The whisper seemed to be filled with pressure this time as she was still in a state of shock. She couldn't be blamed. Very little is known about the Wall Workers that even their lifespan would be a great discovery for humanity. They were myths that never saw the light of day and although some sightings have been recorded, They were never actually confirmed to exist.

"So if your over two hundred years of age, how old do you think Mark over here is?" Milana asked, pointing at Mark, who took notice of this and thus it peaked his interest but didn't let it show as Trix was still standing on his right.

"Well, Not much is known about his age. My pops once told me that he knew Mark since he was a baby." Theodore said, as he looked left and right as in trying to directly look as Milanas' face as it was filled with so much curiosity.

"B...baby?! How old is that meant to be then?"

"Beats me." Theodore replied. "I know this much though. No one really knows his real age. If you really want to know so bad, you'd find better luck asking the closest person to him."

"Don't tell me...." Milana said, as her curios expression changed from a state of curiosity and descended into a sense of disgust as her thoughts revealed to her who it might be.

"Yes. It's exactly who we both have mind. Trix. She's the only person that might possess a clue as to how old he is. She's his wife, remember?"

"I know. I'll ask, but for now I rather not. I don't see a reason to. Besides, she can be really annoying with Mark around. She's such a simp that it makes no sense." Milana said with disgust.

"Oh ho ho" Laughed Theodore. "It's called love little one. It can be a disease when it wishes be. You truly have a lot to learn. If it disgusts you does that mean you have considered yourself to be worthy of her current position at some point?" Theodores' question was rather a trigger than question at this point and Milana, unknowing to the trap placed Before her, answered with incredible innocence.

"W...what? Me? No I don't think so. Besides, he never really looks at me in the way he looks at her. I don't think I will ever stand a chance. At first I thought it was about my age but as I matured splendidly into this," Milana said, indicating towards her body with both hands. "I figured it wasn't the reason. Now I know better. He'll never see me as a grown woman. No matter what."

"Well Mark is a handful at times but I guarantee you this. He must have thought about you in that light once or twice. Even he isn't that apathetic to sexuality." Theodore said rather reassuringly.

"Wow. Thanks. That really cheered me up Theodore. we've been talking like we've known each other for years now and I must say you are even better a friend that I thought you out to be. On first look seeing you awake, I feared that you might be a vicious monster awaken to hunt me," On saying this, Theodores' face became clearly reeked of disturbance but Milana took little notice of this as she was facing her pod backing Theodore, letting words fly out of her mouth.

"But right now it seems you're different. Social, a good friend to say the least. I wish we had more time to talk. The. we'll rant on about many other things. Oh, yes. Gibraltar." After saying his name, she turned to look at a Theodore who was no longer interested in what she was saying.

"What about him?" Theodore asked reluctantly.

"Isn't he meant to be like, your grandfather or something? How come you rarely brought up his topic. Or did you know all this while?"

Theodore couldn't reply her question and decided to keep mute over it, until Milana spoke out

"Come on Theodore. You know you can tell me anything. Or is it perhaps you feel not comfortable talking about it? If that is so then I must apologize-"

"Oh, no That isn't the reason for my silence. Not at all. I just don't feel like talking about it, or him at the moment. We better focus on the task at hand, getting you into the pod." As he finished his statement, Theodore saw as Milanas' face changed from excitement to a state of disappointment yet again and so he made her a promise.

"You know what?"

"What?" she replied reluctantly

"When you come back from your pod, we will share the incredible stories we both have. I'll give a listening ear to all of them. Even the ones you wish not tell anyone. I will also tell you my secrets as well. Do you agree?"

Hearing this, Milanas' face lit up with joy as she said



"Pinky swear?"

"What is that?" Asked Theodore inquisitively

"Oh, it's a thing we teenagers do to make sure we keep our promises. It isn't much of a hassle and I wouldn't get annoyed should you not do it though."

"I will do it. Don't you worry. Walk me through it. Is it some sort of long process?"

"No it's not. Just here" She said, bringing out her pinky finger.

"Come Theo. Is is okay that I call you Theo though?"

"Uh yeah? No one has ever called me that before. It's weird."

"Oh, my apologies then"

"No worries. Theo it is. Now here I come."

Bending to her height, he brings out his Pinky and intertwines it with hers

"Well," Milana continued " not only are you hands big but your fingers as well huh?

"That's true. Or is your pinky A little bit too small?" Theodore said as Milana laughed.

Mark was so happy to see her in the normal mood he's always know her for. His gratitude remained with Theodore for helping Milana overcome her doubt once more. Or was it perhaps, a delay of an inevitable truth? Only time will tell.

"Now, help me up unto the pod. We best not be late as Aria and Mark are waiting for us" Milana said, as she stretched her hands out to Theodore, who lifted her up from the armpit and placed her gently into one of the pods. After this, he looks at Mark and gives a thumbs up as to alert him to do his part.

"Let us begin" Mark stated, as his voice echoed from the microphone