
SL = 291,283 → 350,344 SL

VEHICLE RP = 589 RP → 27,293 RP

CONVERTIBLE RP = 29,028 → 89,648 RP (Forgot to update this in previous chapters.)

Hanns has been at the grind for the days he has been waiting for the dust-infused ammo. He still had to travel around for hours so he was losing efficiency each time he went out grinding. It would be paramount in his goal for more power. Power to end the current world boss. He doesn't know for sure, but he certainly needs to change canon the way he wants to influence it.

The Wyvern that was going to destroy Beacon would be strong, he was already making progress against Cinder's plan. Clearing out grimm wasn't just for the grind. He wasn't joking when he had to clear a continent's worth of grimm.

Dust was another thing needed for Cinder's plan. The lack of it meant that he could delay her plans for even longer. Not only that but Blake will have to face the White Fang as they are now. It was only a week into their 1st semester so speeding up the canon would be good for him. He needed help after all.

This was how he came to the solution of robbing the robbers. He would kill multiple birds with a single stone, or tank round in Hanns' case. Get dust, delay Cinder, Get Blake to deal with her past, and maybe even if they were lucky, make Torchwick leave Cinder's group.

"It sounds a bit wild but have you ever heard of dust stores being robbed without the culprits taking the money?"

Blake had heard something like that recently. The news from yesterday was filled with Hanns' rampage on Atlas but there were certainly some articles buried under all that.

"In passing, Ruby foiled one in progress. Why do you ask?"

"It's all perpetrated by Roman Torchwick." Blake's ears perked up at the name. Torchwick was infamous in Vale, rising through the top of the underworld made him known throughout the city.

"So you want us to steal what they took? Wouldn't it be better to leave it all to the police?" Blake was troubled that they'd be taking the dust off the shops that had been a target.

"No, I'm guessing that Torchwick has them on payroll, why do you think he's been operating for so long? Besides, the dust is all insured by the SDC, so innocents won't lose anything. We just have to take Torchwick's supply, just think of it as doing the police's job."

Blake had a choice to make. In her decision to leave the White Fang she had to find a new way to help Faunuses gain recognition. She would help by becoming a huntress and entering Beacon but now Hanns offered something else.

A more active way she could do it, right now. Being a huntress will take years before she could prove to the world that Faunuses can be equal to a human. Will being a vigilante help her goal while she was in Beacon? Maybe now she could.

"I'll help you."

Hanns wagged his barrel up and down to signify a nod. Now though they had a problem.

"First though, we'll need to head into the city."

"How? I don't think you can pass as a normal car to anyone with how much, exoticness you have."

"Let's just say I have a solution," he assured her. It was a meticulously crafted plan that could guarantee access to any facility if they wanted to.

Later at a checkpoint near the walls of Vale…

A man stationed at a boom barrier calls for the next person in line. It was only reserved for those that had vehicles. It was a boring job. The man ushered in the next person to arrive, he'd check their license and registration.


As he spoke with the man inside their vehicle another car caught his eye. A car with what looks like a set of four wheels on each side with the top draped with a lot of leaves and foliage.

Which was now currently barreling towards the gates at a high speed. He stared at the broken barrier that now laid in pieces on the ground, splintered wood had been thrown around and he was now staring at it with tired eyes.

"They don't pay me enough for this."


"Was your plan really to cover the gun with leaves and crash into the gate!"

Blake screamed while she held on for dear life while on the seat of the vehicle Hanns was. He was drifting around the city just in case anyone followed them after breaking the barrier and traveling down the road at 100 km/h.

"It worked!"

Hanns had opted to use the Sd.Kfz.234/2 he had to make it less weird for bystanders to look at the tank he was in. Though the barrel was still there he just made Blake strap bushes and foliage on it.

But it was still a pretty odd sight to see a car with 8 wheels and seemingly being covered in leaves.

After coming to a stop near an abandoned building, Hanns let Blake out.

"So, what's the plan?"

"We'll need to search for their bases which are likely to be here in the industrial zone. Warehouses made great hiding places so this is where they'll likely be."

"Remember, we are going in sneaky beaky like" he continued.

Blake listened in closely and nodded.

The plan was simple, let Blake single-handedly take everyone out in the warehouse while Hanns acted as a getaway driver. They would extensively use Hanns' tow hook to bring every dust they could carry.

Spotting movement in one of the warehouses, Blake scaled the roof of the warehouse while Hanns stayed put nearby, ready to go in as soon as Blake yelled for him. His engines were too loud so getting close to the warehouse would be bad for stealth.

Blake hung upside down from the window using her ribbon to support her weight to take a look into the warehouse. She saw none other than the White Fang aiding the criminal mastermind who was just in another room protruding from the warehouse.

'Why are the White Fang aiding a human?!'

Is this what the once peaceful organization turned into? Members working together with an infamous thief to rob the innocent? The thoughts ran through her head.

She was correct, perhaps Hanns did provide her a way of redeeming the Faunus. She leaped off the building and silently landed near the door. She could hear the grunts guarding the backdoor while talking to one another.

"Why do we have to get guard duty?" the other grunt just shrugs.

"Don't complain, at least we aren't being berated by that racist of a human."

"I guess s-" the man falls to the ground.

"Hey! Someo-"

Blake successfully knocks out the two guards, entering the building she notices a few grunts at the other side of the warehouse taking a break.

'Perfect, now I just have to pile on these cases.'

Blake took her time carefully navigating the warehouse and slipping out cases upon cases of dust, refined and in crystal form. She used pallets to place the crates on for Hanns to tow.

She had taken the 10th box in before a grunt began to walk in her direction. Thinking quickly she immediately hid behind the shelves of the warehouse and listened in for the grunt's location.


The grunt had taken notice of some crates being missing from the shelves, he almost yelled for the others to notify them before a ribbon kept his much shut.

"Sorry." Blake quietly tells him before choking him for him to pass out.

'That was close' she continued getting more cases right under the nose of Torchwick.'

Minutes went by and the group of grunts finally realized that one of their comrades didn't come back from taking a look at the shelves. Sensing something amiss they all went towards where the grunt Blake just knocked out went to.

Blake was halfway to emptying the warehouse when she noticed all the movement going toward her. She needs to get out now, they would find the grunt's unconscious body soon enough.

"Intruder!" one of the grunts shouts while pointing at her hiding behind shelves.

'Oh no.'

Blake has been spotted and they are now rushing at her with guns. Figuring that the mission was now going loud she didn't need to be silent anymore. She fired her Gambol Shroud against the group, using its kusarigama form to efficiently throw them around, knocking them out so as to not kill them.

"Well, well, well. Looks like Kitty has found herself out of her litter!"

The voice of Roman Torchwick temporarily ends the scuffle Blake found herself in.

"Brothers of the White Fang! Why are you aiding this scum?" Blake still had hope for the misguided Faunus. They could still be saved, she reasoned.

"Oh, kid. Didn't you get the memo? The White Fang and I are going in on a joint business venture together!" Torchwick scoffed at the display before continuing his talk.

"Although, it looks like we have a cat burglar running around taking our profits, wouldn't you say so boys?"

Torchwick lifts his cane and the end pops out to reveal a sight. With the press of a button on the cane, a flare rips out in the air before nearly hitting Blake. She used her acrobatics to dodge shots while knocking out more grunts.

Torchwick fires another shot toward Blake before she stops and narrowly avoids the shot. Blake dashes forward and engages in a melee against Torchwick. She used her Gambol Shroud to both parry and attack, she was outmatched by Torchwick when he didn't even break a sweat deflecting everything Blake threw at him.

He uses his cane to shoot towards the floor and Blake staggers before her head meets the end of Torchwick's cane, sending her flying to the warehouse's wall.

Torchwick walked slowly while twirling his cane, seemingly getting ready to finish her off while she was trying to get up. Torchwick lifts his cane directly at Blake's forehead and prepares to fire.

Closing her eyes she expects her life to end, only for the wall to burst behind her as the behemoth of steel called the Tiger H1 crashes into the wall to announce its arrival and makes the barrel end of his gun meet Torchwick's face.

"Hanns!" Blake was relieved.

Torchwick's cigar loosely hung from his mouth as he looked at the machine.

"What the fuc-" he says before getting interrupted by Hanns.

"Get on Blake!"

Making her way up to the driver's hatch she opens fire on the dumbfounded Torchwick before getting in the tank. Hanns hooked the crates she prepared and drove off towards the road. The wooden pallets get dragged along the road while Torchwick just stands there not knowing what to do when a tank busts in.

The warehouse was compromised and the grunts from the White Fang began to recover and drag out injured allies. Others were shoulder to shoulder taking in their injured comrades.

Torchwick's eyes track the tank before Hanns slowly turns the turret towards him and what remains of the warehouse. Sensing impending doom he quickly runs out along with the rest of the White Fang seeing Torchwick running away.

The dust round in Hanns triggers and the tank shell pushes the gun backward and spins around the barrel before leaving a trail of red behind it. Being filled with a precise mixture of dust and gunpowder made the recoil hit harder than before.

It travels down towards the warehouse, the red dust in it reacting with the gunpowder and creating a trail of light behind it as it impacts the center of the warehouse.

The shell detonates and flashes the area white before releasing the explosive within it, shaking the entire city to the ground. The warehouse's roof gets shot up into the sky as the dust-infused shell levels the warehouse along with the nearby warehouses collapsing from the power of the blast.

Torchwick and what remains of the White Fang get thrown into the air from the pressure. The ringing in their ears and the loud boom that resounded disorientated the Faunuses in the group because of their superior hearing.

Not another moment later, another series of explosions continues as the crates of dust creates a cascade of different elements flying around from the dust still kept in the warehouse.

The blast creates an orchestra of elements while it upended the entire ground and left a deep crater. The sound even reaches Beacon where the residents are woken from the massive bang that emanated from the city.

Hanns sped along the road with crates still stacked on palettes behind him as Blake stares with awe from the devastating bomb Ruby had created. Quickly speeding off towards the recently repaired boom barriers.

The man from before heard the thunderous blast and rushed inside the booth he worked in, hiding under the table upon hearing the explosion that ripped in the air. He heard an engine arriving and crashing into the hard work he had just done.

He looks up from under the table to see the barriers he recently fixed now laid out on the ground. The man sighs.

"They don't pay me enough for this."