

Hanns had done it, he had seen enough slopes and inclines that he had reached what looks like the outskirts of the ruined city of Mountain Glenn.

Besieged by grimm and brought down by their numbers, Mountain Glenn's ruins are a reminder that there was the existence of the ever-so-lasting threat of death outside the walls of well-protected and established cities.

There were many factors contributing to its fall. The worst among them was the upsurge of grimm that the city experienced a long time ago. Its borders were not like that of the city of Vale, lacking the natural boundaries that protected the city.

After the city fell, Vale sealed the tunnels leading into the city and left the ruined city to fall to the monsters that destroyed it. The only inhabitants present in the city, their numbers inflated beyond normal means because of their attack, were the Grimm.

Grimm that could be culled for their rewards.

[Activist: Win required number of battles with needed activity percent 0/5]

[Slow but Sure: Destroy enemies using a heavy tank 0/4]

Hanns could finally start grinding again. He observed the concrete creations that laid across the fallen city. Hanns was still stuck outside of Mountain Glenn proper so he still had to travel through forests that were inhabited by new grimm he hadn't fought in Forever Fall.

A snake with two heads on opposite sides was slithering around the eerie forest. Hanns took his turret and swung it towards the creature. Using his rangefinder to gauge the distance. After a few seconds, the current distance of the king taijitu was now flashing in his gunner's view.

'It's pretty far. Let's see if I still can do this.'

He loaded an APCBC round into his cannon and eyed where he should shoot, trusting his instincts and experience in playing warthunder for years now, he let the travel towards the king taijitu.

'Darn, too short.'

The shot hit right in front of the now alerted king taijitu, the shell ricocheted on the ground and flew away harmlessly into the air, missing the oversized serpent completely.

Hanns was not worried. He had kilometers in between him and the king taijitu he fired on. He awaited his reload and corrected his aim to compensate for the miss earlier.

The king taijitu's heads were now searching around itself. Not knowing that the thing that tried to attack it was far away in the distance. Hanns lets out another shot and it blows apart the white-headed side of the king taijitu.

The other head feels the pain experienced by the death of its other half. Trying to escape, it quickly slithers away while its decaying opposite side keeps bleeding out black substance that made up a grimm's body.

It found it difficult to move when half of its body didn't exist anymore so it wasn't long before another shell went straight through the scales on its head and exploded outwards leaving nothing but the middle section of the king taijitu left decaying.

[Slow but Sure: Destroy enemies using a heavy tank 1/4]

'That was a good warm-up.'

Hanns had gotten used to the distance, he could now confidently shoot far away enough that he could properly engage in fights without him ever being touched by the grimm.

Using his gun sights he spots another king taijitu sleeping peacefully with its heads curling towards each other.

He points his gun at the sleeping taijitu. Testing out if he could guess the distance without using the rangefinder he aims his gun above the double-headed snake and fires.

The shell collaterals both of the heads of the king taijitu, dying in their sleep not knowing it had been killed in an instant. Their conjoined body decayed as Hanns observed the process.

Hanns happily nodded to himself, shooting and taking someone out with only reflex and experience at a distance was pretty satisfying to him even if it wasn't warthunder.

[Activist: Win required number of battles with needed activity percent 0/5]

[Slow but Sure: Destroy enemies using a heavy tank 2/4]

'I guess single enemies don't count as a battle unless maybe it's something big or a bunch of them are killed one after the other.'

Hanns took a look at the nearing entrance to the ruined city and started to drive towards it. Hanns would periodically fight basic grimm along the way towards Mountain Glenn proper. It didn't take him long to unlock the medium missions after finishing up the easy ones.

SL = 350,344 → 373,292 SL

VEHICLE RP = 27,293 → 34,584 RP

CONVERTIBLE RP = 89,648 → 92,034 RP

[Hard Targets: Destroy the evolved versions of enemies 0/5]

[Through the Fire: Destroy medium level grimm 0/22]

Hanns looked at the medium mission displayed in front of him.

'What does medium-level grimm mean? I know the evolved versions mean older versions of regular enemies but the medium level is just something else.'

Right at the edge of the city's entrance, large almost earthquake-like tremors were felt by Hanns through his tracks. A series of them thumped in the distance though it wasn't anywhere near him. He could feel the slight reverberations through his tracks which made him wary.

He focused for a moment before determining in what direction they were coming from. Hanns looked through the ruined buildings to find one that he could possibly climb over to get more of a view of the outside of the city's old walls.

Using a combination of shooting tanks round through buildings to collapse parts of a building and using the already vertical terrain, he made his way slowly upwards to the walls of Mountain Glenn.

The collapsed rubble made a makeshift ramp for him to go up on and he made sure to switch to a lighter vehicle that could climb the rubble to make his way onto a stable and still-standing part of the wall that once surrounded Mountain Glenn.

In the distance, he could see dozens of massive grimm that towered over the forests below. He thought of what these creatures were, they came from the show as well so he can take a guess. He peered through his scope to find a herd of goliaths traveling through the forest at an incredibly slow speed.

He gawked at the size these things actually were, the zoom he had were covered in just goliath skin and fur, he can tell that the goliath had its name for a reason.

'Goddamn! How big are these things?!'

When Hanns was first introduced to the Goliaths in the show, he didn't know the scale of how big these things truly were. The scene where this exact moment was shown had been severely underplayed when professor oobleck went through here with team RWBY during their time in Mountain Glenn.

The trees were being dwarfed by the goliaths but seeing them in the distance, he could tell that the goliaths are much bigger than what the show presents. Not even close to what he thought was their supposed height.

'Could I take pot shots at them I wonder?'

He turned his tank to face the goliaths. They were walking in a column with each elephant-like grimm facing the rear of the other. Hanns could try aiming for their heads but the massive bone mask covering it didn't make Hanns feel like he could accurately punch through it. Angles were a nightmare for shells, ricochets would happen regularly if Hanns wasn't careful.

The goliaths themselves aren't too aggressive toward humans since they've lived long enough to know that fighting with humans was a fruitless endeavor. For Hanns, he needed the SL and RP.

'Aiming for the legs would be too hard, they're slow but from this distance, it might as well be trying to aim at a stick with a pistol 20 paces away.'

He looked for a potential weakness that they could have before settling on aiming for where its body met the head. Their necks are hard to see where it started and where it ends but it's a far easier target to hit than the legs and a better chance at piercing than the head.

He aimed for the weakness he theorized could be a great target, judging the distance and loading in a Dust Infused APCBC round. The DI-APCBC round would hopefully pack enough explosive mass to do the job.

'Let's hope that the round has enough post penetration to kill or injure these things.'

Hanns was a bit worried since the goliaths easily could just absorb the shell with its larger mass but he still held hope that his cannon and shell could have enough punch to tear through at least parts of the body.

He let the shell fly through the air and watched its effect through his scope. The shell burrows deep in the goliath's upper part of its neck and it explodes creating a large chunk of meat hanging from the injury.

The leading goliath wails in pain before the unsupported head tears itself apart from the body because the missing muscles that held the head attached to its body were blown apart by Hanns.

'Oh God, that's so grotesque!' Hanns grimaced at the sight.

It slowly started to decapitate itself because of the weight of its head pulling down on the remaining neck it had before collapsing to the ground and landing with a solid thud, destroying the trees beneath it.

The rest of the goliaths were startled and panicked, long in its history had it been avoided by humans because of its size. Humans alone couldn't damage them let alone kill them in one shot but they could still lose if humanity brought out better weapons. Their more passive stance on humans made it so they were not used to seeing one of their own suddenly die in a single moment in front of them.

Another shell tears a large chunk of flesh from the goliath behind the column of elephant-like grimm. The same slow decapitation is happening to another of its species.

Hanns meanwhile was focusing on the rampaging goliaths. The tactic he used was the same one taught on how to deal with enemy tank columns. He was applying it to the grimm since he thought it would fit the situation.

Shot after shot, he tears off more flesh from the herd of grimm before letting gravity pull its head apart from the main body. Two dead became three and three became six, the panic caused by the ambush made the goliaths try to run away but more shots impacted the rest of the herd who were now stampeding in different directions.

A few minutes passed, and Hanns kept the assault going, repeatedly lobbing shells towards the upper parts of the neck before Hanns gauged the range the remaining goliaths were at.

Feeling that the rest of the herd was too far away from his effective range, Hanns let his smoking and slightly heated cannon rest from the continuous barrage of shells he shot.

The ambush was a success, the shells were too fast and too far away for the grimm to know where they came from. The only thing the goliaths saw were its friends having chunks of their neck blown out before slowly dying.

It was a massacre.

[Through the Fire: Destroy medium level grimm 14/22]

'Imagine if I had this in warthunder, up-tiers wouldn't even matter when this thing could blow apart a whole building.'

The fight took a bunch of dust from him and Hanns could feel the dust stored within him turning into DI-APCBC shells during the time he killed the goliaths. A good amount was used up but he was confident that his supply wouldn't dwindle too much in his time in Mountain Glenn.

SL = 373,292 → 616,293 SL

VEHICLE RP = 34,584 → 78,743 RP

CONVERTIBLE RP = 92,034 → 125,887 RP

'Hmmm, It's about close to how much I got when I destroyed those spider droids Atlas had when they attacked me.'

He slowly let himself back down to ground level after ambushing the herd of Goliath, using the ramp made of rubble to carefully let himself down. Hearing growls around the corner he looked up to see hordes of grimm being attracted to the noise that he made.

'Well, I guess they made it easier for me to grind. How nice of them.'

The sound of the gun breech loading an HE shell could be heard as the horde of grimm charged toward him.