Payday 2

Hanns was currently considering what to do from now on. Now that he had another crew to join him, he needed something else to grind out the most RP and SL.

He'd need a bomber.

Hanns could train and give out the bomber to a crew. They could fly with him and bomb Salem's continent to oblivion.

He could purchase the first one but the size would be a problem. So he also needed a permanent landing site like Mountain Glenn.

Thankfully the moderator seemed to give him mercy for once. Vehicle RP can be applied to both ground and air instead of being separated.

Hanns had something diabolical planned for the air tree. Fuel and munitions can theoretically be unlimited as long as he was out of battle. So bomber range wasn't a problem since it'll only start draining when he fights an enemy.

This was important since he was able to reach the land of the grimm straight from Vale or Mountain Glenn and bomb it to kingdom come.

He would still need to upgrade towards larger bombers to get more storage but there's another thing else Hanns could do to make his bombing runs more efficient.

Get Ruby.

More specifically, get her to make dust-modified bombs. Add the capacity of bombers and he could farm the entirety of where Salem would be summoning grimm.

If the only thing needed for him to obtain ammo was for Ruby to modify a currently existing one and make Hanns use it, then he would be set for life. Who's gonna stop Ruby from making dust napalm or the first atomic bomb? The nuke would be hard but the possibilities are endless.

Dust was still an important resource. It was going to drain his stockpile, not like he has any left. So for that, he needs someone else to remedy that.


As the SDC heiress, all Hanns has to do is pay a visit to Atlas and create an unfortunate accident to kill Jacques.

Though he was sure that Ironwood was going to be hostile the moment he enters Atlesian airspace.

It's not like Hanns could fight the entirety of Atlas now, could he?

Atlas was going to be Hanns' next destination, he needed the permanent dust supply.

There are still a bunch of smaller steps in between but this was his plan going forward.

'So deal with Cinder first.'

It was time for Hanns to confront Cinder.

'I need some dust.'

A sudden knock from the top of his turret momentarily stopped his line of thought.

"Yes, Neo?"

Neo mimed eating from a bowl. At first, Hanns thought it was because she was hungry but then realized who he was talking to.

"Ice cream?"

Neo aggressively nodded at Hanns' assumption.

"We can't get any unless you're telling me to sneak in Vale. Though I guess we could do that since I need dust."

Neo stares at the front of the turret for a while. She blinks and suddenly gives a thumbs up at Hanns.

"Alright, I'll trust your illusions."

It was time for another heist, featuring Neo this time.

The two then drove off in Hanns' Sd.Kfz.234/2. Neo then prepared to use her semblance as they approached the entrance to Vale.

The man operating the boom barrier sat in his booth. Waiting for the next car to arrive. After his weird encounter with some teenagers, he just wanted another uneventful day.

A car pulled up and it was relatively normal looking. The window goes down to reveal Neo in a completely new disguise. She used her semblance to both shift her own appearance and the appearance of Hanns.

"Hey kid, you can't drive a car at your age."

Neo almost instinctively reached for her weapon the moment those exact words left the man's mouth.

She calmed herself and presented a blank card with an illusion over it.

"My bad, you're twenty?"

Neo started furiously typing on her scroll before showing the man her message.

"You calling me short?! (;・`д・´)"

"Sorry, it's just that a few teens were also asking around for something so it just reminded me."

Neo raised an eyebrow at the comment.

"Yeah, talking about markings on the ground or whatever. The first one had gray hair and the other one was a girl with green hair"

'Glad I'm the Sd.Kfz.234/2 right now. Though knowing that someone was looking around for me is concerning.'

Neo had a look of surprise. The man took one look at the license and let her in before handing back her illusionary license.

"Everything looks fine, good day."

The man opens the boom barriers and Hanns drives in without alerting suspicion.

'That went better than last time.'

The off-hand comment about teens asking for marking on the ground spooked him. Though Hanns guessed who was looking for him.

"You think it was Emerald or Mercury?"

Neo simply nodded and started looking on her scroll to navigate through the city.

'I should be cautious around them from now on as a tank.'

They both drove towards the commercial district while Hanns carefully made sure that no one would be able to break the illusion by bumping him.

They reached the ice cream parlor and stopped right in front of it. Neo's semblance has a limited range. It could reach Hanns but if Neo wandered any further then the illusion breaks prematurely.

Neo got off and walked into the ice cream parlor, by using illusionary lien cards she could trick cashiers to give her products without receiving anything in exchange.

She buys two tubs of ice cream and quickly goes back towards Hanns. She placed one tub in between her thighs and already started chowing down on the other.

"Right Neo, where can we find a warehouse full of stolen dust here?" Hanns asked quietly.

Neo frowns and points towards the dust stores around them.

Hanns had a predicament: he could either spend time finding dust warehouses and steal the already stolen dust or he could rob the already standing dust stores around the district.

"I don't want to steal from innocents. I'm not about to commit a crime in broad daylight."

Neo looks at Hanns with a suspicious look before fiddling with her scroll. She swiped up and side to side before showing an article to Hanns.

It was the resulting damage and costs that were incurred after Hanns blew up an entire block.

"Ok, fair enough."

'Hmm, I mean all of it is insured…'

Would he really steal from the vendors just to blow up Cinder? They were innocent but then again, it was for the greater good.

"Fine, but don't kill anyone. We may be thieves but I won't be labeled a killer."

Neo happily nodded as she finished a tub of ice cream and started eating the other one.

Hanns drove towards a larger and more expensive-looking store and stopped right in front of it.

Neo slid off the front and walked confidently towards the store. She took one look at the fancy-looking salesperson and smirked.

Hanns was idling outside when he noticed something from his peripherals. Using the viewports instead of turning, Hanns saw a surprising sight.

Right around the corner was a pair of police officers and their car parked to the side while the officers sat on a nearby bench eating and having their lunch.

'Oh shit.'

Neo opened the front doors and went towards Hanns along with a group of employees. They all carried crates of powdered dust as Neo motioned for them to leave it on the sidewalk where Neo began to pack Hanns full of dust.

"Neo, how many did you get?!"

It was a bit nerve wracking when the only thing preventing anyone from suspecting anything was an illusion.

It took minutes for Neo to cram everything in the ammo racks that Hanns emptied beforehand. They were done though and they could now start to drive off.

As soon as they travelled a meter away from the store the owner suddenly became suspicious and went over to check the register before seeing the money put in had disappeared.

He immediately sounded the alarm and a call was sent out to the police station who sent dispatches to police officers in the area.

The loud blaring noise of the alarm and a disgruntled owner shouting for people to stop the car Hanns was disguised as made him floor the acceleration.

'It was going well too!'

"Neo, get ready to switch illusions!"

Neo nodded, she could try and shift parts of the car to make it completely different but it would take preparation.

Neo signaled Hanns that it would take a minute to get the image to her head and to apply it on Hanns.

She also needed to change her own appearance to further lose them.

"Alright! I'll buy you time."

Hanns rounded the corner and saw two police cars heading their way. Acting fast he hurriedly goes into an alleyway that connects to a nearby street.

He almost hits pedestrians but they leap out of the way of a speeding vehicle.

Hanns exits the alleyway and drives even faster, dodging cars and navigating through the city.

Police cars catch up to where he was and Hanns begins to think of ways to shake them off. He swerves towards another turn and drifts.

The police chasing him went too fast and missed the turn completely and had to slowly back up and speed up again.

More cars begin to go active and hunt down Hanns. Moments later when the chase was at a straight road Hanns began to hear gunshots.

'Are they seriously shooting at us!'

There were still pedestrians roaming the streets so it was a complete surprise that police started to open fire.

'The hell are these fools doing?!'

They were a terrible shot but one stray bullet and it could hit Hanns and break the illusion so he needed to lose them fast.

He spotted a large number of cars on a highway going up and seized the opportunity.

"Neo! Get ready!"

Hanns hurriedly goes around overtaking cars until he could split off into the highway.

He finally merges and switches viewports to see the police not being in view.

He shoots out smoke everywhere and begins to settle in the highway. The cars stop and some even crash into each other.

"Now Neo!"

The illusion breaks and gets replaced by a new car and disguise for Neo.

The police reach the chaos that happened on the highway, losing sight of the described car.

Hanns began to cruise along the road and exited the smoke covered part of the highway.

Hanns breathed a sigh of relief as they began to move away from the police gathering in the area.

'That was way too close.'

Hours later in Beacon…

Ruby sat on her bed while her other teammates were doing their own respective activities.

She took one look at the scroll she had while gaming and saw a popup from the news.

"Hey everyone, you've got to see this."

The sudden request made everyone look towards each other before getting up and look through what Ruby had to show.

'Breaking News: Dust Robbery in Broad Daylight!'

"Is it the White Fang again?" asked Weiss.

"I don't think so…" Blake clicks on the video provided by the police to search for the person responsible.

It was a video of one of Neo's disguises handing over lien before smiling and waving directly at the camera. Moments later the video cuts off, completely missing the part where the illusion broke.

While the other team members of RWBY discussed the video clip, Blake felt like she had recognized the person in the video.

'Why do I feel like I know that person?'