A Roman Intervention

Hours passed and the entirety of Mountain Glenn was now clear of grimm, it took them half the day so it was evening. The rewards were comparable to the last time he farmed the upper layer, only that a process that took a week now took only a day thanks to WYBRN's involvement.

Hanns was immediately notified of the developments concerning team WYBRN's discovery of their semblances being used by the tank itself.

It truly showed the value of being able to use the crew that he just thought was just another way to farm faster. Crew being able to affect the tank could change the game itself. Kills by the crew earn him SL and RP. Combine that with the booster he got, it was safe to say he was now swimming in resources.

SL = 4,193,503 → 7,586,190 SL

VEHICLE RP = 1,632 → 328,420 RP

Hanns was breathing heavily if he could. The greed was escaping. He wanted more.

He immediately went to his tech tree to check things out. Hanns wanted to upgrade his Tiger H1 to the Tiger II (P) as well as needed to give team WYBRN something to use like the Panther D or a Tiger E.

Air was also obvious for Hanns. He wanted to go down to the Bf-109 branch and focus on getting larger and larger bombers. His picks were the Bf-109 F and the Me 264.

The system calculated everything for him, it was costly, a total of 324,900 RP, which included buying the previous vehicles and unlocking the succeeding ranks. Surprisingly enough it only costs 1,192,400 SL to buy the vehicles he researched.

SL = 7,586,190 → 6,393,790 SL

VEHICLE RP = 328,420 → 3,520 RP

In less than a minute, the combined effort of seven different people continuously fighting from morning to evening was spent in a single minute.

Such was life in warthunder.



[Description: Surviving and thriving is a hard goal to attain. You have proven yourself to be above the rest and where others have fallen, you and many others have reached this point.]


After reaching a milestone you have received the following new functions:

[GE Converter]

[Description: Convert your 100,000 SL to 1 GE, normal rates applied to GE to SL conversions.]


[Multiverse Market Expansion]

[Description: A market for those who travel beyond their world.]

[Notice: Store is locked to worlds discovered.]



[Description: No longer locked to only warthunder content.]

[Notice: Current limit is 10 tons]

[Notice: Help Page was updated accordingly.]

Hanns clicked through the notifications and checked the store, scrolling through the various materials that were present in the world of Remnant.

'Looks like the relics here aren't being sold off that much.'

Hanns was thankful for the inventory upgrade. He didn't need to worry about having airfields anymore to refill dust. He could start bombing Salem now but dust was still going to be a resource that he needed to obtain.

After closing the notifications, Hanns turned to team WYBRN to discuss what tank they should use next.

"Team WYBRN, I need your choice."

"Choice?" Ruby suddenly recovers from her fatigue.

"Which one do you prefer." Hanns then transforms into a Panther D followed by a Tiger E.

Hanns spun around, using the tracks and engine. He followed up and traversed the gun to show its turning speed. He explained the shell variation on the Tiger E and the rest of the specifics on both tanks.

"You got all that Ruby?" Hanns asked.

"Team RWBY and uhh Neo! Team huddle!" The crew then formed a circle and started conversing with each other, except for Neo because she was mute although she nodded at whatever they were talking about.

"We pick the Tiger E, Hanns." Ruby declared.

"May I ask your reasoning?"

There was a lull before Ruby started explaining.

In short, The Tiger E's shortcomings compared to the Panther D were easily fixed by the addition of team WYBRN's semblances. Heavy armor made it easier to absorb hits which were converted to power through Yang.

Heavy tanks were slow but with the help of Ruby and Weiss' semblances, they could go way faster than it actually could in real life. The addition of tanks not breaking down only made it even more powerful that they could move a very quick distance.

Neo and Blake's semblance make for a great getaway and a get-out-of-jail card once they experienced too much trouble.

After her explanation, Hanns selected his new Tiger II (P), It was very heavy. He could feel the ground struggling to keep itself together from the weight. The others looked in awe. Ruby more so when he told her how much armor he actually had.

Then he got to the gun. She almost fainted again when he mentioned the caliber. The milk circulating in her system somehow kept her alive.

There was no doubt it could pierce anything, angles were still going to be a nightmare but that's without considering adding dust.

Hanns actually asked Ruby if she would spend just a day just modifying a long line of shells.

It took 30 seconds for her to process Hanns' request. Her mind only focused on all the possibilities and experiments she could do.

She started muttering loudly for everyone to hear how many types of explosives she could make. The normal dust-infused rounds, ice dust-infused rounds, using wind dust to further increase muzzle velocity, lightning dust to add shocks making quick work on those vulnerable to lightning like electronics, gravity dust to make rounds lighter and therefore less affected by drops, and much more.

She started to think out more ideas but a torrent of blood came rushing out of her nose. She didn't even notice it until Yang slapped a cloth over her face and pulled out her duffel bag to do a transfusion right then and there.

As Ruby was lying on the ground receiving a transfusion from the amount of blood loss, Hanns took the time to inquire about her plans with her team.

"Well, now that we are all done for today what are you all going to do?" Hanns asked the group.

"Well, the Vytal Festival is coming up so we were thinking of training for the tournament," Ruby explained.

"What about you, Hanns? Are you still going to deal with Cinder?"

Blake's question made everyone look forward to Hanns' answer. After his claim of saving the world, Hanns wanted to do exactly that. Though the immortal Queen part didn't dissuade him at all.

He wanted Salem to stay alive, her grimm was the best source of income. He wanted to keep out her inner circle from acting however so he just wanted to bomb her castle until everyone loyal to Salem would be dead.

Cinder was just the immediate problem, so he planned on dealing with her and her lackeys.

"Yes, I'm going to ask all of you to help me with this. I can't look around Vale for Cinder and her subordinates. I mean, I am a tank."

The group nodded in understanding, a tank speaking to people by pointing a massive barrel towards them was definitely going to raise alarms in people's heads. Not to mention a tank is not the most inconspicuous of vehicles to use.

"For that, I am asking both of you."

Hanns turns his turret towards Neo and Torchwick who were idling nearby. Torchwick looked behind him thinking Hanns made a mistake before pointing to himself and Neo in a questioning manner.

"Lunchbox, we ran from Cinder. I don't think a world-class criminal asking around for a specific person is inconspicuous. As for Neo? I can understand." Neo nods at Torchwicks comment.

"Well, you'll just be directing team RWBY is all," Hanns reassures.

This elicited a negative response from Weiss who absolutely hated the idea. She faced Hanns directly and confronted the idea.

"You want us, to work directly for Torchwick?! He's a monster!"

Torchwick laughs at Weiss' dissatisfaction with the idea of working with criminals.

"Ice Queen, might I remind you that both Lunchbox and I have been in this partnership for a week and it is going much more smoothly than I initially thought."

It was indeed proof of character for Torchwick. He could have just left but it shows how afraid and how willing he was to work with Hanns. Weiss stood there with a contorted look on her face before a voice spoke up.

"Weiss, I think we should give him a chance."

To the shock of everyone, it was Blake who suggested they work with Torchwick.

"Blake, are you crazy? You were the one who fought them. It should be you who would be the most against this."

Blake was indeed the only person that fought Torchwick for the longest time in the group apart from Hanns. Many assumed that fighting someone for that long would make someone hesitant with working with the same enemy.

"You gave me a chance Weiss… why can't we give the same for Torchwick?" Blake justified.

Torchwick jokingly thanks Blake by flourishing his cane and bowing towards Blake who doesn't react to the obvious troll attempt.

"Aww, that's sweet of you Kitty Cat. Although don't expect me to reform at just that." He snorts.

Blake only continued her reasoning.

"You won't reform but you're still an enemy to Cinder. An enemy of my enemy is a friend as the saying goes and if you do try and turn traitor, just look to your right and you can see what you are going to expect to face."

Torchwick did as Blake said and his eyes met the massive steel construct called Hanns.

"Point taken," Torchwick admits.

"Are you really sure of this Blake?" Yang asked with concern.

"If it's against this Cinder person Hanns told us about then I say we take his judgment of Torchwick's character."

They pause for a bit. Letting the information said by Blake sink in their thoughts and settle their doubts within themselves before coming to a conclusion.

"Alright, we can work together on this," said Weiss. She was a bit reluctant but Hanns was always there ready to put a shell straight through anyone who was unfortunate enough to pick a fight with a tank.

Torchwick laughs.

"Lovely, I can pack a trip to Vale again. Say, Neo how about we teach the kiddies how we run things in Vale?"

Neo looked at each of the members of team RWBY. She lets out a smirk towards each person, making them shiver from the lascivious look they were strangely getting from Neo.

Yang though was undisturbed and winked at the gesture which Neo smiles at before nodding to Torchwick and signing a response.

"It's settled then, when you kiddies get back to your bouncy castle in Beacon, we are going to set up somewhere. I won't use scrolls since yours are probably being watched by your conniving headmaster."

"You can't talk about the headmaster like that," Weiss says with slight offense.

"Ice Queen, the world is not just Black and White you know. Your headmaster has eyes everywhere and it's not just for the safety of the student as he would say. Maybe don't put trust into someone so easily. What makes him different from me? I just show my bad side to everyone, your headmaster meanwhile can only have a secret to hold."

The sudden philosophical outlook surprised everyone. They all blankly stared at Torchwick, including Neo. Torchwick took out a cigar and started to fiddle with his lighter, as he flicks it on and lighted the cigar, he looked towards the group staring at him with bewilderment.

"What? Just because I'm a criminal doesn't stop me from giving life lessons you know?"

Hanns got their attention and confirmed their plan of action. They would put more focus into investigating the whereabouts and last seen locations of those related to Cinder. With the help of Torchwick, they could hasten their investigations. It was a start to countering Cinder.