Tying up Loose Ends: Menagerie and the Fang

3 days after The Battle of Mountain Glenn, in Menagerie...

A Bengal tiger Faunus sat in the middle of her throne flanked by guards, her dark completion standing out from the red color present in the room. She taps her fingers on the arms of her seat while reading over reports from White Fang activity all over Remnant. A flick from her extra set of ears adorning the top of her head senses the creak of the door.

She looks up from the reports she held and reached out to her side and gave them to her guard on the left. The door opened to reveal a White Fang member in a panic.

'My informant... was it that quick to find out Adam's actions?'

It had been a while since she had any contact with the Vale branch of the White Fang, her troublesome and radical subordinate didn't make the effort to actually listen to her nor give out a periodical statement about his situation. Which is why she sent an informant days ago.

The same informant panted as he rushed to say the news in person. "Sienna Khan!"

"Yes? Do you have the news concerning Adam?" she stood up as she listened in.

The White Fang member smirked under his mask, he reaches behind him while genuflecting in front of Sienna.

"I do..."

Impatient at the news, she clenches her fist and stomped on the floor. "Well? Spit it out!"


Instead of receiving an answer, the White Fang member starts to maniacally laugh. Sienna Khan steps back, looking with wide eyes at the cackling informant of hers.

'What is up with him?'

The White Fang, now with a full smile raises his head up as he pulls out a gas mask. The same one that had been used by team WYBRN.

"I have a message for the leader of the White Fang."

Sienna flinches at the sight of a grenade showing on the hand of the White Fang member. The person in front pulls the pin and slams it into the ground while attaching the gas mask to himself.

'That's a grenade!'

The guards suddenly freeze at the sight of the grenade.

The White Fang member screamed out, "Long live the Kaiser!". His muffled voice rings out as gas blows outward. Enveloping the entire room in a thick blanket of gas.

Sienna can shove her guards toward the man before screaming out an order, "Fools! Get him!"

The guards rush toward the man before falling on their face, the red lens of the White Fang member remaining untouched as Sienna desperately held her nose shut. 'What's this gas?!'

Sienna pulls out her chain whip and lashes toward the White Fang member. The gas' thickness only impeded her cloudy vision as it hits several lengths away from the White Fang member.

The whip falls to the ground as Sienna had inhaled some gas before feeling her body from the neck down slowly stopping motor functions. She tries one last time to attack but collapses on the ground while looking angrily at the pair of red lenses staring at her.

"Did Adam poison your mind with his madness?! I'll let you know that I won't give up the Fang without a fight!"

The White Fang member chuckles. He walks toward her and flanks behind her as he taps on his neck and mutters out. "Success, Uberkommandant."

He turns to Sienna and prepares to lug her up to his shoulders. She couldn't struggle while he went to the throne and made her sit. He arranged her face to stare at the entrance before walking away.

"No, not him. Someone that will give us a better future than what Adam, Ghira, and even you couldn't give us."

She felt her mouth still active. Sienna asks, "Who?!".

The door opened with a loud thud that echoed through the gas-ridden room. The gas escapes making it thinner as another person appears on the opposite end. She pulls a wind crystal out of her pockets and throws it on the ground.

Sienna glances at the unknown uniforms flanking the figure in front. They stop short as the one in front squares themselves.

The wind rushes around and clears out the room of gas. Sienna finally gets to properly see who was responsible for her situation. A pair of cat ears prop up as the figure removed their gray helmet with an Iron Cross on the right side.

A gas mask slowly gets taken away from their face. Sienna felt her breath hold as she saw a pair of amber eyes and a recognizable face.

"Blake?!" she screamed out.

Blake sweeps her hair backward as she lays the helmet and gas mask to her side. "Hello, Sienna. Long time no see it's been long hasn't it."

Sienna was completely lost, she didn't know what was happening. She knew Blake as a person and yet she now had so many questions. "Have you followed his path too? I never saw you as that kind of person."

Blake shook her head as she started walking closer. "If it's Adam we're talking about... it's not him."

Sienna was left with no words. 'What happened to Vale while I was in the dark?!'

"Where is he then? Why are you taking my position over? Did Ghira ask you to do this?!"

With a neutral face, Blake stopped right in front of Sienna. "Adam is enjoying his work as an ice cream server in the city of Vale. Someone else I hold dear wanted to help us the Faunus and so we, the Wehrmacht, are carrying out his vision. "

Out of all the things that could happen to her, hearing about Adam's apparent employment at an ice cream parlor was not on her mind. Blake answered her question yet it lead to even more questions. 'Ice cream server? The Wehrmacht? What's going on?!'

Sienna stares at the ground as she accepts her fate. "So, are you going to kill me now?"

Blake shook her head from side to side. "No, the Kaiser is a leader. What's a leader without their servants?" She takes her hand and lifts Sienna's face to gaze at her. "You will join us."

"What makes you say I would agree to that?!" Sienna was confused. In what world would she join anyone who was trying to take over her White Fang?

"Oh, if Adam can succumb to the Kaiser's will, then so shall you Sienna." Blake ominously said. She turns to the soldiers behind her and says, "Escort her outside with the others."

She placed back her gas mask and helmet, making sure to tighten them properly as advised. She checks for the stability of her helmet and nods.

Blake walks out of the door, the soldiers taking away everyone left affiliated with the White Fang. Blake swings around to the previous informant of Sienna and reached out for a handshake. "Good job."

The man accepts her gesture and bows. "Thank you, Uberkommandant."

"You don't need to call me that, Blake will do."

The man nods. "Are you going to be fine Uberkommandant? I know you're going to your parents to relay the news."

"It's fine. I can do this…"

Blake tightens her fist over her chest. 'Hanns told me I need to tell them, I hope he's right that mom and dad will still accept me.'

As she walked down the streets of Menagerie, heading over to her home, dozens of her soldiers were already taking in the remnants of the White Fang peacefully.

Soon enough, she had reached her abode and knocked on the door. She took a deep breath, afraid of what her parent's response would be for not following them as they told her to. They gave her their word on not continuing being in the White Fang, yet she still foolishly followed Adam. Until Hanns came to tell her that she could redeem herself and now redeem the White Fang.

"Who is it ?" A deep male voice announces from the other side of the door.

Blake was still nervous, she still had a part of her mind to just not follow through. Though it was interrupted when the door opened suddenly.

Ghira Belladonna didn't know what to expect when he heard a knock. When he heard no response for a short while he opened the door to see a person decked out in armor and military clothes with a gas mask and a stahlhelm obscuring their face.

Ghira was perplexed. 'Is this White Fang? No… it's way too different from any of the recent masks they wear.' "Who are you?" He asked.

Blake froze when she thought her father didn't recognize her before realizing she was hiding her face under her dual filter gas mask.

Blake clips off the chin strap from her helmet and lets it hang to her side. She clicked the gas mask's strap securing it to her face and slowly but surely takes it away.

"It's me, dad."


Another voice from inside echoes out. "Honey? Who's at the door?"

As soon as Ghira stepped to the side, Kali Belladonna felt her ears perk up and her heart melt from the sight of her long-absent daughter. "My baby girl…"

She envelops Blake in a deep, warm, and welcoming embrace. Blake was surprised but returned the gesture twice fold. Kali releases the embrace and steps back to notice Blake's appearance.

Kali looks over her daughter's outfit and looks at Ghira doing the same thing. Blake notices their confusion before telling them outright what they wanted to know.

"I'll explain later."

"You have a lot to explain that's for sure. Come, we have much to talk about."


A pot of tea steamed from the table with three cups empty around it. Kali takes a hold of it and starts to pour while Ghira takes the lead in questioning. "How have you been all this time?"

Blake lowered her ears. "It's been pretty rough at the start, I was still following the White Fang with Adam. I… learned about the direction they were heading and wanted none of it. You were right, mom, dad, I was an idiot for clinging unto the White Fang."

"Don't demean yourself, Blake. We're just glad you're okay. Speaking of the White Fang, what happened to them?" Ghira asked.

Blake took her cup and drank before replying. "I left and I never turned back again, until now."

Kali set down the teapot and spoke. "That's good of you to leave, just know that you're strong for making the decision to leave. Though, what do you mean by until now?"

Blake looked to her mask set on the table. "A friend of mine gave me, and the rest of the White Fang another chance. He was the first to tell me I still had the chance to turn it all around."

Kali sat up straight at the mention of a friend. Ghira did so too but with narrowed eyes. "A friend? He?" He suspiciously questioned.

"Yeah… he's honestly a great… person…?" Blake wasn't sure but she was considering Hanns a person anyways but she didn't know if her parents would understand.

"Tell me more." Kali slyly asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Honey, I don't think-"

"Shush, I want to hear more about this 'friend' of hers." She wiggled her eyebrows.

Blake didn't get it but she was okay with speaking about Hanns. "He's ummm." She didn't know how to start, how can someone explain that a person that didn't see a tank in their life "Well, he was friendly when we first met. We had a bit of a misunderstanding when he knocked me out."

"…Knocked you out?" Ghira's father instincts were kicking in, his hands tightened as he imagines strangling the boy who introduces himself to his precious daughter by knocking them out.

"I like him already," Kali purred out.

Blake continued. "It was hard to communicate with him but he was fine for the first meeting. I still remember the time he needed to swing his barrel around to communicate."

"Oh my… honey, do you think?"

Ghira's left eye twitched.

Blake still went on "Then, he invited me over to Forever Fall in the middle of the night. It was late already but he kept pestering me to come over. I was exhausted the entire week from school because of it."

"My… he is active for sure. Don't you think, honey?"

Blake stopped to sip on her tea. "Oh right! I was also invited over to commit a crime. Actually, I had a moment when he said to go inside him. After I went inside him, I wiggled his barrel around and fired it. Oh, I forgot to mention that he became even bigger the last time we met, I felt my body shake just from the barrel shooting so far and so powerful."

Kali had a creeping smile on her face while she winked at Blake who quirked her eyebrow at the action.

Ghira at this point had deep fried his brain when he heard every word.


"Dad? He didn't touch me at all, he couldn't even if he wanted to. Besides the others in my team took their turns in using his massive cannon too. Ruby especially since she even made him fire more powerful rounds."

"He's… a playboy too?" Ghira was shaking in rage.

"Playboy? Dad, what are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about this friend of yours seducing my baby girl, knocking you out, introducing himself by swaying his barrel around, inviting you out to spend the whole night firing his gun! Not only that but other girls too?!"

Blake finally had her brain click into place after knowing how inappropriate everything she just said sounded. She blushed furiously before covering her face in shame and trying to scream out. "Dad! It's not like that!"

Blake was going to have a hard time explaining everything to them. Her new cause was to renew the White Fang and turn it into the Wehrmacht, the plans Cinder had and what Hanns planned next, and much more.

Maybe importantly was trying to convince her dad that she didn't mean to make her memories of Hanns so lewd sounding.

A/N: Blake kinda sus about it.