
"So, what brings you to my office on this fine morning? But before we talk about our situation I believe Glynda can take her leave from here."

"Why? Don't you think the school's most responsible and the one next in line to you is supposed to be here? Perhaps there are things you'd like to hide, even from her."

Ozpin kept his lips shut as Glynda sighed at the short exchange. "I will head down. If you gentlemen need anything, you always have that button on your desk."

The door to the elevator opened and quickly shut as the room was silent with the two leaders on opposing sides of Ozpin's desk.

Ozpin was the first to break the mute air. "Where's Ironwood?"

"In cuffs and chains for the foreseeable future. It was a consensus by the population, no one would want to see a criminal roaming free."

"You say that as if you're not one of them."

"Oh... trust me, I am a criminal in my own way but that doesn't matter when right in front of me is the biggest criminal of them all, Ozma."

The name shook Ozpin's very core, it was a name only known to very few. More or less he acted in calmness but inside he could feel his mind twist.

"I don't know what you're talking about-"

Hanns flared out a part of his face. "Lies again, Ozma? I already knew for a very long time who you were. This isn't a game of chess anymore, we are at the most important decision in history."

He readjusted the look on his face and checked with his scroll before standing up and going to the windows overlooking Vale. "The prospect of unification and success is in your hands and not in mine."

"You are playing with lives, Hanns. What is there to obtain through conquest? Nothing but the misery and resentment that will fuel Salem and her Grimm."

"This is exactly what Ironwood is wishing for before, Ozpin. Even in his darkest moments you still seek to not understand your so-called friends. He had the right idea but lacked execution, exactly like you."

"His idea of bringing a military into the world is wrong. Just as he would've done so, other nations will try again in their ambition. Huntsmen and Huntresses are the answer, not a military that would risk war."

"Ironic, isn't it? You say all that but the man who was closest to uniting the world was you. In the Great War, you had defeated 2 of the four nations and were allied to the last but you threw it away because of an outdated outlook."

"Outdated? It results in war, a war that will cost the lives of many. I have experienced lifetimes and know how much conflict can breed in humanity."

"Living so long means you are reinforcing the wrong opinions. The world is reeling from only 80 years from the greatest war Remnant had ever seen. But so much had changed, you went from sharpened sticks to fully automatic guns - the military is too much of an opportunity to fight against the Grimm. Atlas was in its greatest position to take advantage but even they had failed due to the old men like you stuck in the dark ages."

"It was for good reason, letting everyone have a military would only increase the chance of a second war, just like what you're doing in Atlas. I sought change too, it is why I had the academies built. It would only train those specifically for Grimm. Defenders of everyone in Remnant, not tools of combat."

"That's the problem, Ozpin. Defenders aren't the answer, offense is the best defense, and what Remnant needs isn't small teams but entire armies marching to clear the world. Stubbornness from you is what Salem wants. By the way, your coffee is going cold."

Ozpin hadn't even taken a sip as the conversation continued, it was that important of a talk to him. "I appreciate the concern but that's not what this is about. What are you planning by going here?"

"I am here for a proposition, actually it's more of a threat."

Ozpin narrowed his eyes. "A threat?"

"I know what you're trying to do. You're a hypocrite for trying to push for more students to train, when I heard you've been trying to let the Council create a form of militia, I wasn't surprised anymore."


"Hah... It's no use, how about this - I will tell you from this point onward a prediction of what the next series of events will unfold. You can still decide if you are to listen."

"...Go on."

"In the next few days after the dance and at the same time as the Vytal Festival, the world will see a Grimm so different that not even anyone will remotely recognize. People around the kingdoms will be exposed to such a thing and fear what would come next. They will then see us as the most popular sign of protection because the beast that threatens Remnant will be slain by us."

"What an absurd idea. I have lived long enough to know what Grimm can roam these lands. Salem's bounds are limited to the Grimm she can obtain to make. Even then, she can only have so much to use."

"Absurd? The crazy one is you. The moment you send out your armies, ours will decimate yours. We will have armor that cannot be pierced, aircraft that can evade and destroy your own, and bombers that can flatten any fortification you desperately create. Who is the absurd one now?"

"Many have boasted about their feats of strength before, I will not be intimidated easily. Having all this weaponry won't kill Salem, it'll only encourage you to trample down others."

"Unlikely. This could all change you know? What likely will happen is that the world unites either way. It's as inevitable as the snow and as predictable as the sun that follows the night. The difference is if you are there to fall or there to watch it all happen."

"Why are you going so far to unite the world? You could have simply stopped at Atlas and continued in your fight with her and her alone."

"You know that is not possible. Borders stop total victory where humanity and faunus do not hide in the shadows, just like you are. They deserve to know what Salem is and I can bring the world back to its feet."

"No, that isn't possible. I have tried and failed before, we would have no direct way to tell the world of her existence. Not to mention this would incite panic that would worsen our situation."

"I am already steps ahead, Ozpin. A united military will solve the Grimm problem and the way I am going to show the world how she exists, then look no further than what I have already said. You underestimate what calamities I know of."

"...the Grimm you speak of? Impossible, only she can know what terror she can create but I know her well enough on what she can or can't do."

'I don't know what else Salem can do, but the calamities were probably made by the Moderator I'm guessing. It's not going be different to her creations - a simple accusation will be all it takes.' Hanns echoed in his mind.

"Exactly. Such a massive Grimm can always be attributed to her, it's not a matter of if they will believe but when. Face it, Oz - Remnant needs the Volksreich. I already foresee the nations eventually falling, not because of me, but because of the people within their own territories."

"How is it that you are confident that all of this would be possible? This isn't insight or knowledge, it's arrogance."

Hanns smiles as he turned to walk slowly toward Ozpin. He relishes the feeling of power before looming over him with his daunting height.

"The great strength of the totalitarian state is that it forces those who fear it to imitate it. People want a safe and secure life for their children, living inside walls to the whims of snarling beasts isn't a secure future, it's a prison. The Volksreich is their future and they would want it, enough for them to blindly trust."

Hanns walked to the desk and pressed the button calling for Glynda, he reaches the elevator and waits for it, leaving a conflicted Ozpin to wonder before entering the elevator and leaving.

"It's your turn, Pawn checks King. I don't want your words, actions will speak louder as the days go by. See you, we'll enjoy Vale before we leave."


'That should do it, even if I can't get through to him, letting him know I figured out he is Ozma should be enough for him to realize I am taking the responsibility for defeating Salem once and for all. There's one step left for me.'

The door opened for Hanns to directly see the disciplinarian waiting.


"I do not recall letting you speak so casually of me. If you are here to talk then don't bother, the headmaster is calling for me."

Her glasses get pushed up as a nerve threatened to burst. "As much as I hate being called by that button. I have my responsibilities."

"I'm the one who pressed that button. Actually, I have a request in mind... you might not like it."

Glynda had no idea what to expect. 'Request? Would it be the kind he offered this to the likes of everyone around him? Is he about to try converting me to his side?'

She was with Ozpin and the others in their inner circle for most of their lives. Ever since they had been in Beacon, memorable moments in their youths made her steel her resolve.

Hanns wanted something from her, that is much what she thought. It was scary knowing that the leader of a military is asking or maybe even demanding something that may be dangerous.

'Whatever it may be, I won't let it influence me.'

With a stiffness all around her body, she reluctantly replies. "What is it?"

"...Can we take a picture together?"


It was so unexpected that her mind short-circuited, it briefly had to load what actually came out of Hanns' mouth for her to drop her guard in favor of being confused.

"Are you playing me for a fool?"

Hanns waved his hands as he tried to convince Glynda to hear him out on the request.

"Look, I admire how you teach your students. I've heard from RWBY how much you are stern to them but I always know that it's for their own good."

"I appreciate the comment but what makes you say you admire me even though you put my students in danger with your goals?"

"That... I can agree on but you must have your own opinions on what the role of the future generation has against Grimm. They chose this path regardless of the dangers. A stark contrast to your headmaster."


"Your headmaster says that the children are to be the defenders of the world, don't you agree?"

"Of course, I do. They are not only training to eliminate Grimm but more importantly, helping people. Putting them in danger now is reckless."

Hanns had to try his best not to smile, he only needed a few more pushes. He circled Glynda as he spoke, using his appearance to emphasize how much he was in control.

"What's more reckless? Letting children decide for themselves or manipulate them by not telling the truth?"

"What kind of question is that? Not... telling the truth?"

Hanns smiled maliciously. It was a classic hook, line, and sinker - he had her curiosity, now it was only left to get her attention.

"When I let team RWBY join in me trying to defeat the Grimm. Did you think that was the end? Just Grimm? I told them the truth about the world and the dangers I was going to face. I gave them a way out but they nonetheless wanted to go in this crusade of mine against Grimm."

"Even if you did, there wouldn't be a justification for a hostile takeover. Letting children head your country? That's madness."

"Madness is what separates the old and new. A radical idea will always be looked down upon - but without seeing a sapling's fruits, how will we know if the seed is worth growing? In the end, what matters is that I told them everything. Don't you ever feel like the headmaster is hiding something? He is in a secret society to protect the world, what's stopping him from having a few more unnerving facts to hide?"

It was another tense situation. Hanns had put himself in the spotlight and made honest and believable points. What was left is how Glynda can formulate a response to it.

Hanns of course didn't give her much time to do so. "So... picture?"

"...Do what you will."

"Cool, thanks. You don't need to smile, actually it's preferable if you don't - it's better that way."

Hanns faced her and put out his scroll to the front. He smiled while Glynda wore an irritated look but tried to tolerate the weird situation.


"I hope you don't go too hard on team RWBY for missing so many lessons. I take full responsibility, though you'd be surprised how much combat they learned."

"I'll be the judge of that. Goodbye."

"If you dwell on what I said too much, you might burst another vein. You should really get some rest, you'd be surprised how much RWBY has to do paperwork - it's why I had them come back."


As Hanns saw Glynda walking to the elevator he gripped his scroll tight and tried taking another picture as he saw Glynda walking back.

'That's the front done, I just need the back. Haaa... I feel so wrong doing this but if it's for the quest then I need this.'

He held it to the front while adjusting the zoom for it to take as wide as possible before he tapped on the display.


His thoughts were too focused, forgetting he didn't turn off the sound. Which was already evidence incriminating him.


Not only that, but because he gripped the scroll, he didn't realize he also turned the flash on. Exposing him immediately.


Glynda heard the camera click, and then the flash showed up. At first, she was confused but then a thought entered her mind.

'...Did he just take a picture from behind?'

She faced Hanns with suspicion all over her expression. Her hand brushed the handle of her riding crop as she saw Hanns staring like a deer in headlights.

"Your scroll, hand it over, deviant."


"Ok, let me be completely honest here. I'm no ordinary fan... I am a BIG fan. If you know what I mean? I guess you can call me your... only fan?"


"Hey, don't blame it on me. I'm a machine remember? I need to know what makes a human a human, look I'm trying to understand human emotion."

'Not like I had any beforehand.' he joked to himself.

The way he phrased and had a questioning tone in all his sentences made Glynda narrow her eyes. It was clear Hanns didn't convince her in any way.

"That's a sorry excuse for your actions."

"...But it's the truth?"


The door slowly closed as Hanns breathed a sigh that made him want to collapse to the floor in shame.

'Guess the machine part let her mind at ease but I should've been more careful.'

He opened the two pictures before opening a chat that was filled with emoticons and short responses.

'Gotta send this to Neo, she should be here tomorrow.'

He remembers the awkward moment before slamming his face on the ground. 'I swear if this is going to be a core memory, I'd like for Pietro to find a way to reformat my head.'

Hanns stood up from the self-wallowing before heading to the exit with his attitude thoroughly destroyed from the encounter.

'If Neo is just messing with me that she needs a full look at who she's copying - I'm gonna take away her ice cream for a month. I don't even care if she stabs me for it, this pain of shame is worse than a spike entering my skull.'

His inner teenage years channeled themselves during the way he explained himself. It was more convincing but he still wanted to die from the experience.

'I can't believe I was caught taking a picture of someone when they were turned around. At least she believed me, I think. The things I do for SL and RP.'

He started to wear an impartial look as another message came from Neo, he swiped and clicked through to respond before gazing at himself through a reflection on a lustrous surface.

'Yes... the things I do.'


[Four Seasons One Tank: Obtain all Four of the Maiden's Power (1/4)]


Fria sat inside a medical facility, her state of mind empty as she looked blanky to the ceiling. Even after Hanns had taken Atlas, she was continuing to degrade her ability to hold memories for an extended period of time.

A knock came on the door, it was unusually earlier for her. Fira checks the timetable that was always present for her to remember. Her age kept worsening her ability to even have short-term memory.

She got up from her bed, excruciatingly slow as she reaches the door and asked, "Who's there?"

No answer came from the other side. Suspicious at the lack of response she checks the peephole, she rarely uses it since there was only one person who kept visiting her.

But Fria couldn't recall.

Winter had for an extended period of time been kept busy by Hanns and had an uncertain position in the military until Hanns could create a new specialized squad.

She finally turns the door and sees someone with a recognizable set of white hair tied to a ponytail and moved to the side. "Hmm... Ah! Weiss, it's been a long time since we last met."

Fria opens the door to see Weiss smiling while holding a tray with a tea set on top. It was recently made judging by the steam still coming from the pot.

"Come in, I didn't know you had changed your hairstyle."

Weiss raised her eyebrow before pausing and fondly smiling before nodding her head. She enters the room and sets down the tea set and pours out a cup for Fria.

"We have so much to talk about since you last visited, I hope that situation with Ironwood is all resolved. The soldiers here have changed since, I have been meaning to ask what is going on."

She got her scroll out and swipes up and down before she finds a picture of Ironwood and gestures to Fria about him being arrested.

"I can understand. I hope nothing bad happens, I still have enough in me to know Atlas is in turmoil. Can I have some more?" she hands out her cup.

"It's getting harder for me to remember, Weiss. I don't know if I can even tell people apart from now. My mind is getting shuffled around, last night I called my caretaker the wrong name but she corrected me. Speaking of that, why is it that you are here? Lunch is an hour away."

In response, Weiss shrugged and pointed to the tea. She made it obvious that she was there to meet with Fria. "Really? That's good of you. I was wondering, why are you so quiet?"

Weiss obliges and pours out another cup, without even taking her own sips. Without another word, she takes the chance to hold onto Fria's hands before massaging them, intending for a final act of kindness.

"Oh? Thank you, Weiss. That's awfully nice of you... are you already going?"

Weiss stood up with a hop and walks to the door, she waved a final goodbye before shutting the door. Her smile widens to a grin before a flash of pink and brown left her eyes.

Her scroll buzzes as soon as she left and sees the photos Hanns had sent. The image of her eyes flickers green and she types out a message for Hanns.


Weiss looks back to the door before walking away, the tap of her heels echoing in the near-empty facility. It wouldn't take long for it to be discovered but Neo had accomplished what was needed.

"It's done. 。^‿^。"