Game tutorial

Currently, Jack was in a blank space that spans endlessly, but this was just in his mind. The body was currently speeding through space. Towards his destination, his particles were trapped in a light beam to make sure nothing messed with his form.

[]Welcome candidate I am the system bestowed upon you for the games of Evolution[]

"Woah, what the..why do I keep getting teleported so much"-Jack

[]It is simply an easy form of transportation as well as a way to make sure the candidates do not get too stressed or angry while waiting for the games[]

"Haaah, I'm not ready for this, but okay, let's start"-Jack

[]Splendid candidate, you have been given your designated system, and since we will be together in the great game, I will now address you as host[]

"Ok, I'm just going to roll with it better than going back to be bullied or forgotten. At least I get an audience"-Jack

[]Very well host, you are currently in the tutorial stage of the game in which you can ask questions and get a basic understanding of the game[]

"Hmm ok so can I just get a quick run-through of everything so far l"-Jack

[]Ofcource so to begin, you and 9 other candidates have been chosen to participate in the great game of Evolution[]

"Wait, that's right. Why did you choose us?"-Jack

[]Well, host the candidates were chosen by multiple factors including age, gender, and personality, among other factors, but I assure you we chose the best for the games and the enjoyment of the viewers[]

"Isn't this wrong.. you're killing us for entertainment. How is this right?"-Jack

[]You do not currently have the right to know this information. However, I will tell you that the game has a reason for existing that it is connected to all who play it[]

"Fine, I was guessing I wouldn't be told the real answer, but it helps to Try"-Jack

[]That's the spirit host[]

"Well, about the audience or viewers, can they see me right now, and can they interact with us or the game?"-Jack

[]Good question host, but no, they can not influence the game or interact with you or the other candidates, but they can watch what they are doing currently[]

"Well, that's still kinda weird. I mean, I'll be watched 24/7"-Jack

[]Correct but not to worry when you are asleep or unconscious the viewers will be shown other candidates or your races in the current moment they are in[]

"I guess that a bit better, at least I'm not being watched while I sleep"-Jack

[]Anything else hosts, or would you like to get to the basics of the game?[]

"Sure, but can I still ask questions if I think of one later"-Jack

[]Ofcource host you can as long as it is not restricted information. Let's get onto the basics[]


Name:Jack Darwin

Age: 19



Evolution points:0


Main race: 0

Minor race:0


[]This is the current system with some basic information like age, planet, name, and candidate number[]

"I'm glad it's not crazy complicated, but what's stuff like evolution points and skills also the race stuff?"-Jack

[]Well, evolution points are what you will use to help your races grow and change to what you desire. These points will be critical to the success and assurance of your races[]

"So I should use them wisely or else I'll be in the ground"-Jack

[]Skills are what you can unlock or give your races using evolution points and will be extremely important in the long run[]

"Care to explain?"-Jack

[]You could get a skill that may not seem great at the time, but in the right setting or time, you could rocket your race to dominance and save them from disasters[]

[]When you begin, each candidate will be given 3 unique skills that they can keep or replace with someone else's[]

"Okay, that's interesting, so what everyone gets 3 unique skills, but we can replace them with what other unique skills at random then?"-Jack

[]Almost host every candidate gets 3 unique skills, but if they don't like them, they can replace the skills, and it goes into a pool of other replaced skills.From other candidates that they can choose from, but only those that others have replaced the ones you kept are still only yours and are a secret.[]

"I'm guessing the downside to this is that if it's replaced, it could benefit someone else more and also gives the other 9 access to it, but it does give me a chance to gain something as well if I get some poor choices."-Jack

[]Indeed host[]

"I can also understand why it's bad because if everyone replaces one skill and in the off chance we all choose the same one, then that skill basically gets cancelled out"-Jack

[]Very inquisitive host yes say if every candidate's race chooses the same damage skill or temperature etc then it just become normal since everyone has it and gets cancelled out[]

"Alright, well, I've just gotta hope I get some good starter skills. I kinda know what I want, and if I'm right, I can make something cool"

[]Host system is pleased you are getting into the games and from reports so are the viewers it's rare someone gets with the program this quick well done[]

"Um.. thanks, I guess?"-Jack

[]Now host when you get to Ludum Mundi, you will be given the chance to design the main race and the skills you want them to have.[]

[]Also, you should know you will not be some invisible entity to them. You will effectively be their God who they will know exists. And will follow the will of it is up to you they could be zealous or just follow orders you command, but they are still sentient living beings with free will they will interpret your command how they will[]

"Whoofff, that's a lot. I'm being something like a God, and my goal is to create races and take over a world. Wow, I'm sure it'll be a walk in the galactic park"-Jack