The next generation

It finally began the time dilation, and quickly, 10 years went by for everyone. Now, you may wonder what about it stopping?.

Well, it does record important events, and then one-time dilation over it shows them you at once, kinda like those video games.

This was how they managed to keep the candidate's time the same, but that didn't mean the same amount of action happened to one candidate.

May only have had 2 things happen while others could have 10 it just depends on the actions the race did in that time.

Now 10 Years may not seem that long but for the rixis that their whole childhood since they reach sexual maturity at 10.

While the life span of a Jackrixis currently is only up to 25 so they only have 15 years to find a mate and have children hopefully before 20.

This also meant that some of the rixis we watched were no longer with us, and even though they didn't have names and wouldn't for a while, it was still sad.

The Red rixis died in a glorious battle while protecting its newborn children of 3 and sadly died, but it did take the beast down with it, leaving some food for

the children and mother to eat.

If you are wondering how long the mothers stay with the children, it is until they reach maturity, and then they will leave. The child is hopefully stronger than the previous generation that bestowed its knowledge upon them.

That is what made these children and generation so special as no one in the first had anyone looking after them, not even the young children themselves

This meant they had 5 to 10 years depending on the parent's age to teach them what they knew, like what is edible and places to stay away from.

This is also why it's preferred to have children before 20 as that would only leave the parents 5 years of teaching and training to give.

Now, as for the others, we got acquainted with the blue Jackrixis from the stream that was still kicking around. But he was old in her 20s and was unlikely to find a mate, though it seemed she didn't mind and was doing what she always did.

Though her methods had improved or at least slightly don't forget, they are alien cavemen at this point.

They have no names. they don't like grouping up, only meet to mate and aren't efficient it's only the skills Jack had that allowed them to pull ahead in certain areas that helped.

Anyways, the blue rixis contained as she was in the most basic way of explaining she was chilling, probably enjoying the last embers of her life.

Moving on, we had the little brays who, to no one's surprise, became mates and were currently both middle ages around 15 and 16.

Quite odd to think that, but they now both had the

rest of their lives to help the 4 children they had to grow

and thrive it also helped get information and techniques.

So with Red Dead, along with brute and the rixis who were killed by a snake that left 9 Jackrixis, left with the other 6, we didn't talk much about all surviving.

As for the other 6, with one being reds mate, there were the other two mates, with one not finding one like blue with those two, each having 3 kids.

Altogether, there were 9 first-generation and 13-second generations adding up to 22, which was a much safer number than 12.

Even if half of the first generations would go in the next 5 to 10 years, the number would still be solid and allow for continuous growth.

It was sad for Jack to realize how the first of his creations slowly grew old and died, but that did allow him to think of something.

"System what will happen to them when they die is that just it or will that religious side actual do anything?"-Jack

[]The religion system will not be open until a minimum of a tribe is established, and then you will get access to the system where you can decide.

What religion to go towards and its beliefs and

how where your race ends up after death while

also choosing the blessing and ways you can communicate with them as well []

"Why's it seem like there are still so many hidden systems"-Jack

[]There is a host[]

"That not restricted information?"-Jack

[]No host, you already know they exist, and with your skill, it's guaranteed they will make a tribe if they make it through the 10 generations[]

"I do wonder since if I think they'll make it where the tribe would set up since they have 3 biomes to choose from, but even then, there could be multiple tribes made separately."-Jack

"Will they fight each other?"-Jack

[]Conflict is inevitable, especially between the same races, but I think it won't be as bad because of the different skills you chose.

Which should help keep order and balance while other candidates will have to deal with their creation fighting, especially the None humanoids[]

"Christ, these skills are pulling hard for my game. Let's just hope I can get some evolution points soon and can get my race some stuff"-Jack

"System, when do I start getting evolution points

and is it race skills I can but and my skills as well"-Jack

[]Host the evolution points start after the 10 generations and will be used to help buy skills for your race but also yourself[]

"Thanks again, system. just wanted to be sure"-Jack

After that, Jack proceeded to watch the small little rixis stumbling around while others were in their parent's arms.

A normal Jackrixis learned to walk at 1 year old so quite quickly and currently half the children could walk but since. They were born in groups, which meant that depending on their age, all 3 could or couldn't walk.

"Aw, look at these cute little guys and gals who's the cutest hunters"-Jack