peaceful times

There was much to say about what had happened so far as many hunters and gatherers passed the lands the Jackrixis called home.

Different explorers and fighters wandered the lands, both hoping to find something new to discover or fight to the death.

It was an exciting time for all, even if it involved a lot of losses and sacrifices to gain even the small advantage they now had.

"Well, I think unless more wolves show up out of the blue, I think we've got this in the bag"-Jack


"Yea, I and you and the Jackrixis were one big team, aren't we?"-Jack

[]Indeed host we are a team[]

"Ha ha great well I'm guessing some time dilation is due since not much has happened recently"-Jack

[]Yes, host time dilation will happen in 1 hour[]

"Well, I guess I'll just sit and watch the Jackrixis do something while I wait"-Jack

Currently, the rixis had a peaceful time collecting food or hunting it, and they all seemed quite happy with the arrangement even though they were hunters.

That didn't mean they wanted to constantly kill or fight. That was just one part of being a hunter. There was much more to the job and lifestyle that comes with it.

The newborn children were playing among themselves with their brothers and sisters running around, not worrying about the weight of the world.

The parents watched on as these little killers grew up hoping for them to one day bring glory and pride to not only the family but to the Jackrixis race.

In the beginning, it wasn't thought about, but now the families and groups that were forming realized they wanted to create a legacy and leave it behind for the children to continue for generations.

[]Beginning time dilation[]

[]Fixing irregularity in time frame[]

[]From 70 years to 220 out of 250[]

"Woah, this is a bit..different"-Jack

The land hand mostly stayed the same, but the population of the Jackrixis had once more increased, which was always appreciated.

The 7th generation had a population of 75, and you could tell or at least from how Jack could see as there were more groups together, which he was glad to see.

"Hey System, would you say they are in groups now?"-Jack

[]Yes, they are now in groups having small traditions or techniques and also regularly help each other []

From what Jack saw, there were still many rixis who were lone wanderers who stuck to themselves and didn't want to be in a group or hadn't found one yet.

But there were now two or three groups in each biome and usually, number 5 to 10 Jackrixis and was doing quite well together.

"Yes, the rixis Empire will come true!"-Jack

[]Good job host, you have survived[]

[]Let's begin the next time dilation, then host[]

"Wait, what we are going again?"-Jack

[]Yes host[]

"But haven't we got to check on them? Make sure everything's okay and if anything's happened?"-Jack

[]No host as nothing of significance has happened, so we didn't need to and can move on[]

"But wait, didn't you say that some of the viewers liked watching the more peaceful side of stuff? Don't they want to see this?"-Jack

[]No, as all footage taken is uploaded to the game of Evolution galactic website and the hexagonal web, a much more advanced version of your internet[]

"Wait, so this isn't just one big stream, but we are also being recorded and watched on the..what universe equivalent of the internet?"-Jack

[]Correct host[]

"This would have been nice to know at the start"-Jack

[]We didn't think it was important for any beginning time dilation[]

"Well, it was nice seeing you guys while I could"-Jack

The 8th generation of the 10 generations and 230 out of the 250 years left.

Once again, Jack was looking at the Jackrixis, who once more increased in number this time to checking amounts and was now at 120 a shocking number.

It was now a fact that with these numbers, Jackrixis interacted with each other semi-regular, at least seeing another one every three days.

But this did lead to another exploration boom where over 70 Jackrixis went on to the new lands, and they found more interesting sites.

The main thing was the sea that was at the end of all 3 biomes and went as far as the eye could see shining like the sun, the blue sea, and small waves.

This is where some of the water hunting rixis went and started adapting them to the larger ocean and new prey.

Another land found was some large mountains near the jungle that looked like someone had broken a piece of the world and sprinkled it along the land.

Some rixis seemed to like this place and also settled down here on the high peaks and the narrow valleys below.

Finally, they found another land that was a normal forest with dark blue trees and ofcource some of the Jackrixis. Settled here under the tree or near the flat spaces.

This now meant the race of Jackrixis was in 6 biomes, and there were roughly more than 20 in each one, but some had more than others.

This new land brought many things and allowed the Jackrixis the chance to learn more and fight in a new place so they were ready for anything.

It would also make it harder to kill or wipe out the Jackrixis as they were now in multiple places like the beach/ocean and the mountains.

This evolution worked would give the Jackrixis skills needed to survive or help them better in those environments, which would create a healthy diversity.

"Well, I gotta admit it doesn't seem like it, but this is cool. These guys are awesome. I deserve a pat on the back for this"-Jack


"Eh, whatever you say, grumpy, at least they found some mountains, and the ocean is there so they can find some metals from the mountains."-Jack

"But also with the ocean who knows what we can find down there but also allow for shipbuilding in the far future if possible"-Jack