Close to ending but it's only the start

"How long left?"-Jack

[]Not long host, and then the game will begin, and you will have to hope the race you made is up to the task given to them even if they don't want it[]

"Am I gonna be a bad person once this is all said and done?"-Jack

[]... The game affects everyone differently somethrive and become what they already were and was just hiding it by the chains of society. They were once attached to and can now be released and free themselves to become their true selves[]

[]While others take on the aspects of the races they created and change over time to become the very thing they created[]

[]And others lose themselves in the death throes of

the universe around them as the soul itself rips itself into atoms in an attack to rebel against change inflict upon its host by the games[]

"Ya know besides the obvious fact we die if we lose there are some more dark things lurking around the corner isn't there?"-Jack

[]Restricted information[]

"Don't worry, that's an answer in itself"-Jack

"Alright, seems like the rixis are nearly done settling into the world, and we have two generations left before this shit gets real"-Jack

"Hey, odd question. Can we cuss or swear whatever you call it?"-Jack

[]It is not a forbidden host. why?[]

"Well, I wasn't sure if it would make the viewers mad or uncomfortable. ya know, it's tv, isn't it? I don't know space cable rules and all that"-Jack

[]You're fine host[]

"Fuck yea!"-Jack

Anway we move away from these two weirdos and go back down to the rixis who are all starting to become

closer as the generations move on to the next.

You see pride is seen as a sin but that is only when it is used the wrong way and if used too much it is pride that allowed the Jackrixis to get closer.

It's like how when soldiers or fighters go against each other they take pride in the fight and being able to stand against a person of similar strength.

They also understand that if it is on a stage or a waterfront that both opposing sides have to give their 100 percent to get there.

Now there's much more to it and you can interpret it in your way but the fact was the Jackrixis took pride in themselves and each other.

We have an example as right now if we go to the plains biome and females rixis was currently teaching her child how to climb using the claws they had.

The mother took pride in watching the child learn and grow but also carry on what they learned that also leads to pride for the ancestors who struggled.

To get the information they now had and it was the same for the child who had immense pride for his mother who was so smart and strong.

Once the lesson was over the child's father came forward dragging the corpse of his killed prey and I think you get the idea.

Pride says that six times fast the rixis had plenty of it and if they thought others were worthy of it they would give it to them.

But like other things, if one race was scared you may think that's bad but that could be what keeps them safe and alive to live another day.

Lust or wrath is the same look at the first candidate's race they were full of blood lust and

wrath but after hitting the same problem they eventually learned.

Just because you had sins doesn't mean you couldn't also have virtues and that is what the races need to find the balance.


(Space ship outside Ludum Mundi)

(Space ship for the game organizer)

"Ha ha ha, those are truly wild aren't they"-?

"Indeed looks like we're going to have a good game"-Cagra

"Come on ya big lizard show some emotion"-?

"Not whilst I'm on the job Zenithrax"-Cagra

"Eh well at least tell me who you're rooting for?"-Zenithtax

"You should know better I cannot show favoritism"-Cagra

"Ohhh shiver me tentacles Cagra anything put an opinion you need some drugs"-Zenithrax

"Negative and get that tentacle out of screen I need to check on the races"-Cagra

If you're wondering who Zenithrax was he is a thraxian whose race is a race of floating star rocks with Astral tentacles.

They also have 3 crystal eyes on each rock used to look around and enter the minds of others if needed.

They originally started as one rock with two tentacles but as they age the rocks get bigger and more of them which leads to more strong and more quantity tentacles.

They use said tentacles to extra energy out of anything they touch but can also use them to attack by scrambling the memories of their victims.

Quite scary though it's a good thing they are peaceful and just like exploring and learning they also enjoy long hovers on the beaches and the evolution games.

Oh, they also all have thrax in their name for some reason the people don't bother to ask for something to do with tradition and star gods.

They come from the menanex galaxy.

"Well, anyway, I just came to drop by and make sure everything's okay. The big guys want to make sure everything's going good"-Zenithrax

"All is well, and soon the 10 generations will be over, and the game will officially begin"-Cagra

"Great, we can go void hopping once it's done!"-Zenithrax

"No, I will not"-Cagra

"Fine, but you got to at least let me meet the winner, okay?"-Zenithrax

"If time allows it, then yes, I will"-Cagra

"Alright, astral ticker, I gotta go see ya Cagra"-Zenithrax

"Goodbye, old friend"-Cagra

They gave each other a quick goodbye, and Zenithrax warped out of the spaceship in the bright purple astral light.

"He never changes the agent of chaos"-Cagra