Reality comes knocking

"Well, I guess I should get ready for the oncoming storm once this is done"-Jack

[]Well, that's only an if host. You could still have a regular development cycle for a while, but then again, you could be swarmed by enemies[]

"Oh, I just love your endless enthusiasm system. You are truly the perfect symbol a guy can have"-Jack

[]Correct host[]

Jack was watching the Jackrixis while sitting down with his chin on his knees, and his hands had written around him as he watched his creations walk and hunt.

He hoped that when they would meet, it would go well as there wasn't a guarantee they would for all he knew they could reject him and he could do nothing.

"System, I haven't asked yet since I've been so

caught up in this mess, but what happened back

on earth?"-Jack

[]Restricted information[]


Now, this was odd since all he thought was that he wondered if anyone's family or friends were wondering what happened to them, but now.

They could have just said that no one realized or was reported missing, and that was it we would be forgotten, but now there was something else.

"Well, I'll just put this. I'm the back of my mind and cry about it later"-Jack

"I have to thank you to the system even if I sound stupid and mushy. I appreciate the help even if it was your job"-Jack

[]Thank you, host, but this isn't my job as I was made to do this and always will be for that is my purpose[]

"Haaa is sure you'll come are in a few years or century's...if a make it that far"-Jack

"I'm going to get grey hair from all this stress at this rate"-Jack

[]Negative host not possible[]

"Umm, okay, can you explain?"-Jack

[]The host's body has been put into a type of time dilation itself, stopping the ageing process among other functions it's why you don't eat or defecate the host[]

"Well, yea sure, I did wonder why, but thanks for telling me, I guess"-Jack

"Anyway, is a time dilation due yet?"-Jack

[]No host, there is one more important thing happening. Please pay the attorney to the screen[]

Jack watched the screen change from watching the plains rixis play in some tall grass to two female Jackrixis in the forest biome, and it wasn't pleasant.

The females were fighting, which was normal for Jackrixis for most things in life as they were still pretty savage as a whole.

So they found that most of the time, hitting something would make it work or stop, and so most things in life followed that route.

But here it wasn't your typical fight to win a mate or to test each other's skills . This was more brutal and cruel as there was no pride here.

The two rixis were fighting for their lives, and it wasn't both sad and truly scary sight to see, especially for the first time as claws and hair swung around.

The two females did what they could to hurt the other. If it was meaner pulling hair or poking eyes, it didn't matter they were doing this to survive, and for what reason?.

"Why are they doing this?"-Jack

[]Answers will be given after the fight[]

"Screw that tell me now!"-Jack


"Fuck please stop please why are you doing this?"-Jack

The fight went on and the blood splattered the trees and grass around them as they breathed heavily and sweat dripped off them both.

However, one thing that happened that changed the fight was one female Jackrixis that had beautiful black skin and bright purple hair with bright green eyes.

She stood near a rock and could see it had a jagged edge to it and even she didn't know why but she picked it up and held it in her hand.

This confused the other rixis and wonder what she was doing until they charged at each other once more roaring as they did like lions before an arm swung.

Silence befell the forest as the body of the female Jackrixis fell to the ground and blood seeped out of her head.

The purple-haired rixis held the now bloodied rock in her hand as her eyes were glazed over as if not realizing what she had just done.

But soon she snapped back to reality and dropped the rock in horror at seeing what she had just done to her fellow sister.

She could not face the sight and quickly ran away towards the edge of the forest in which her family was waiting.

She managed to get to the small area just outside of the forest where her family had settled down and she saw her mother and father eating some food.

She looked around and also saw her brother who was the runt of the siblings but they all still loved each other very much.

She quickly ran to him and held him not sure why she did so as she started hyperventilating but slowly calmed down.

Her family tried to understand what happened but they didn't have a language and could only grunt and use hand signs.

Eventually, the guilt got to her and she led them to the Bodie of her sister and their child as the parent's eyes sunk and Bodie stiffened.

They could not show weakness in front of the children however they asked in their way what had happened but this caused the female to think.

She didn't know what the reaction of her family could be and feared that they would kill her in revenge for killing her sister so she did the next best thing.

She lied saying that an evil beady attacked the sister while they were in the forest trying to give offers and connect with the great hunter.

They slowly got what she was saying and decide to pay respect to the sister by placing the forehead on the dead body before thumping their chest.

They then left the body to be taken back to the earth and join the soil so that the life around them could thrive.

The family left back to the temporary spot while the sister gave her sibling's body one last look before following her family never to talk about it again.


"Just why?"-Jack

[]You forget host that they are savages but they will see things they don't understand and dream and believe in things greater than themselves[]

"Yeah and!"-Jack

[]Those girls had heard the father doing strange things until eventually, they understood she was worshiping something[]

"W..what the sun or moon..the nature around him?:-Jack

[]No host he has like all races in the games one special thing no other natural races do[]

"Christ just tell me what?"-Jack

[]They instinctively know and understand that they have a creator who is alive and watching all that is different is when they start.

Trying to understand and recognize this feeling and follow it which leads them in some way to you the creator[]

"So so what you're saying it's my fault that she was murdered!"-Jack

[]Not your fault but that was what the fight started over host to gain your attention and admire among other things they could want from you[]

"So what they wanted me to what say hi to them?"-Jack

[]It is not up to me to say what they were aiming for but I can tell you this when the siblings eventually

understood the feeling that the father found[]

[]They to wanted to understand more so they thought

about what they could do until they saw the father leaving some berries in the ground[]

[]This was strange but cause at this current development they didn't store or save food they

eat it or it rotted since they didn't have persevering methods[]

[]So they assumed correctly it was an offering to that higher power and maybe proof that the father was such a good hunter he could give leftovers as offerings[]

"Let me guess they both went off and gave offerings as the dad did"-Jack

[]Correct the sibling who killed her sister gathered berry's seeing that her father did and would do the same however the other sister did not[]

"I see where this is going"-Jack

[]I know host but anyway the other sister caught a small animal and killed it making sure to drain as much blood as possible[]

[]This both scared and angered the other sister as she realized that she had been taken from the earth while her sister gave to it through the blood and body[]

[]She also was angry as she felt that she should have thought of giving prey to you as their race was hunters so you should be as well []

"But I'm not I'm lazy as hell!"-Jack

[]They don't know that so the sister in her anger and sadness felt her sister would gain something even if she couldn't see it and she would not[]

"So she attacked her sister"-Jack

[]Correct it may have been to steal their offering for herself or just a general scuffle but it escalated and lead to the death of one sister[]

"So the first murder in my race was what in my honor how fuck up is that"-Jack

[]It may be host but you need this[]

"And Why's that so your viewers can see me suffer?"-Jack

[]No it is because you will have to face the fact that your creations will do horrible things to each other even if those skills minimize them.

They will kill and torture and steal from each other and will do so for as long as they last there will always be good and bad.

While this may be called a game that is only for the viewers for you, this is for your life and isn't for your entertainment but for the viewers[]

"So I'm just your puppet following your strings!"-Jack

[]Yes, a puppet who if wins the game will have his strings cut and have the power and control of an

the entire planet and a minimum of 3 races behind him[]

[]You will join the other races who watched the games and can meet other winners and make connections for your planet and gain access to endless rewards.If you win that is what the puppet of our games wins host and you are a very lucky puppet in the grand scheme of things.[]