Last generation in the tutorial

The 10th generation was the last and would be the last in many things like the wild nomadic lifestyle the Jackrixis lived and were moving on to more.

An organized and lawful nomadic lifestyle so not too far, but things would change once the 10th generation gave birth to the 11th and once they reached full maturity.

So the real game would start in about 20 years since most of the current generation were young adults and would be the elders to the tribes if they made it to the older ages.

"I feel like we are just trying to rush this generation and get the game starting"-Jack

[]Possibly host the audience is getting restless[]

"Well, why can't the last generation of this tutorial matter just as much as the rest?"-Jack

[]Host most just want you to get on with it a see the fighting between tribes and factions and so on[]

"Isn't that just mindless violence and pointless conquest with no true goal or drive behind it?"-Jack

[]There are millions of races. Not all of them are higher beings with superior morals. Some viewers just want to see another alien get its head smashed in or see the race genocided[]

"I just hope I can find some allies in that chaos"-Jack

While Jack was talking, he was watching the young of the 10th generation who was currently in a type of strange sombre mood.

It seemed they understood something was inevitably happening as if the flow of time was moving on to another era and would be very different from theirs.

It seemed that for once in all, the generations had actually calmed down on the hunting and only did it when necessary, which was surprising.

The adults for once seemed more involved in the groups they were in and talked to each other in however crude a way they could.

They also seemed to be moving around and gathering more for reason, most definitely linked to the skill Jack had.

It would seem they accepted the destiny given to them, and many found it gave them a feeling they had never felt before.

It was called a purpose, and they had managed to find theirs and could tell the actions done today would ripple through their race for Century to come.

This is one of the things that made civilization and gods and other similar concepts so powerful that they gave those with sentience purpose.

Which would allow them to do things they thought were impossible and would allow for hundreds to thousands of them to die in their pursuit of a purpose.

Everything in some shape or form or time will or would have had a purpose, and this is what allows other concepts to be able to continue existing.

"If I'm not wrong, they are all in different ways getting ready for the tribes that will arrive with the coming of the 11th generation and the start of the game"-Jack

[]You are correct host[]

"What will happen then? Will I just get access to other parts of the system, or will some crazy and overly flamboyant presentation happen?" -Jack

[]The presentation is more for the audience host[]

"Sounds about right well, I'm just going to watch these little rixis adventures while they're still little"-Jack

In the wild desert biome of the Jackrixis, we're slowly managing to stock up on resources but had a hard time.

They would need to see what lasted longer than others, such as testing to see what types of food lasted the longest even if they didn't taste the best.

They may not have had the most out of the rest of the groups, but they had found that most of the material they had was much more sturdy.

From the shards of glass to the plant life that had all evolved to survive such harsh environments of the desert and would only be found there.

As for the others, the mountain rixis had stopped sliding down the mountains as much, and we're from the looks of it trying to make more room in the camps they had.

In the ocean and beach biome, the rixis were focused on eating what they found near the beach more than they see and generally just tried to have a more in-depth look at the surrounding areas.

As for the forest biome, they were much more focused on prayer than anything else as there were multiple holes with berries in them.

That had been moved to stop animals from eating them, and it was obvious these rixis were more focused on the arts and religion than anything else.

It seems there were also some strange carvings made in the trees of some type of beast or enemy that they all hated.

"I'm going to guess the beast that the sister made up is now seen as a type of evil to them who attacks if I don't know they don't pray enough or stay loyal?"-Jack

[]Yes, host, you could say they have started making the story of their lives and how things have developed, though not very accurate or well articulated[]

"I don't think I'll get used to this part yet"-Jack

Now to the plains biome and seemed to be focusing on something that shocked Jack and made him realize something.

"Oh yeah, they haven't been wearing clothes. I'm surprised I'm not uncomfortable seeing them, but I guess I had other problems"-Jack

Currently, the Jackrixis in plains had a go at making some crude skirts and shows but hadn't gotten far by using the tall grass but had a good start.

"Well, at least everyone is trying something different, and it will help in the future if different tribes can specialize in certain areas"-Jack

"But hey, who knows for all I know they could all join together or maybe start a holy war hell when the game starts. I'll have to watch out for the other candidates"-Jack