Complete win

"Now I don't think I need to explain the evolution points since you all know it"-Cagra

"We do?"-Cagra

"....Ok so you earn evolution points from advancing through the civilization level or monster evolutions and can earn more through the action of your Main race"-Cagra

"But what type of skills are we talking about?"-Ida

"Well, this is just a random example, but let's say your race conquers a random tribe they could get 1000 points, and you would be able to buy a skill."-Cagra

"This could be anything from giving them small boosts in fighting or swimming while also giving abilities or entire race bonuses"-Cagra

"Take this advice from me and make sure to get some good skills it could be the thing that causes you to win this glorious game"-Cagra

"But now that we are done with this, I think I have explained what you need to know, but you can ask questions now"-Cagra

"What did you mean by other tribes I thought we were the only races that had intelligence on this planet, so does this mean the natives could have civilizations here?"-Hyun

"Well, yes, there are small groups and tribes on the planet, and if they survive or are not found very fast, they could form the basis of some towns and cities"-Cagra

"But I don't think you need to worry about them getting to the kingdom level as that would take a lot of luck and strength but also unity"-Cagra

"Anything else?"-Cagra

"Are we going to get another grand speech to finish this thing off?"-Evaline

"No, I will not as that was for the audience that isn't watching this right now"-Cagra

"Wait, so is the show off at the moment or something else going on?"-Hector

"Well, since this is a more private event for your sake, we show the audience recaps of your races and what's happened so far.

And also give the audience a chance to catch up on what they missed or if they skipped watching the tutorial"-Cagra

"Now, is that all?"-Cagra

"Wait, I have a question."-Jack

"Yes, candidate 10"-Cagra

"Was your race made in the games?"-Jack

This question made Cagra stare into Jack's eyes, causing an ice-cold chill to flow throughout his body and making him feel like he was about to be killed.

"Well, I guess you'll just have to survive and find out for yourself"-Cagra

"Now that is questions done. All I will say now since

I know you want to get to the game and stay calm

and focused. Don't underestimate the other candidates and luck to you all"-Cagra

"The next time we meet will be when one of you has won"-Cagra

After he spoke, they were all teleported at once instead of the usual one at a time, and Cagra was now the only one left in the room.

They were all teleported back to their spaces that expanded endlessly and in front of the many screens that could switch between a multitude of angles and scopes.

"Guess I'm really in the game now"-Jack

[]Indeed host[]

"Well, it's nice to hear you again. Is anything happening?"-Jack

[]No, the world has been frozen and will be for another 10 minutes as we give the candidates a chance to think through what they have just learned[]

"Alright we'll this is finally it no more tutorial, and everyone will be either trying to advance their civilization or evolve their monsters"-Jack

"System will I get the tribe and religion system after the 10 minutes is up or will have to wait a little bit?"-Jack

[]Not to worry host because of your skill, the Jackrixis will form tribes right away now it may not be an instant tribe in the sense of culture and language. But they will be a large group who help each other and will have a basic structure, but it should only be a month to get a proper tribe running[]

"But my skill said I would get tribes straight away, isn't this misleading?"-Jack

[]No host as your race will form tribes but that doesn't mean they work in a group and will understand some basic words and social structure.

They won't instantly get things that need to be developed or formed over time like culture and beliefs and group identity[]

"Okay, I guess I understand that so I get the bare bone of a tribe but they must develop into a proper tribe themselves. I guess that's fair"-Jack

"Hey, a bit off topic, but can I get some things in here like a chair to sit on?"-Jack

[]Yes, host, you can shape a design this space as you wish[]

"I'm going to guess this was one of those. Find it out yourself things, right?"-Jack

[]Indeed host since why would we just make you stand in an empty white space watching screens so you can customize it as you like by telling me what you want[]

"Okay, well, I just want a large couch or settee as we call it and a table with a nice carpet. I just want to be more comfortable since stress won't help me win this game"-Jack

[]Adding hosts requests to host personal space[]

Once the system spoke, a large 3-person leather couch appeared behind him that was crimson red, and an oak table was in front of him with a red carpet underneath the table.

"Now, this looks a lot better. I don't feel like I'm in prison as much"-Jack

Jack then quickly jumped on the crimson comfort before him and waited for the time to go by as it did he simply thought to himself.

"Can I survive what's to come?"

"Did I make the right choices?"

This waiting sadly led him to start questioning himself, but it was only natural as he was pushed into this, not knowing all he could and just hoping what he did was right.

"Just because I think it works or should doesn't mean it will"-Jack

"How much time left system?"-Jack

[]One-minute host[]


That was one thing that Jack wouldn't admit, but one good thing that came from this game was that it was a very good way to stop him from being bored.




As the message left Jack's field of vision and the voice that came with it, he saw the screen in which he watched his race turn on and the world returned to normal.

Jack quickly sat down and also asked the system to bring the screen closer so they were in front of the table but still in the air.

"Okay, let's do this!"-Jack

The multiple screens showed the Jackrixis all slightly shaking as their minds were being tinkered with by the systems and necessary information and changes.

This lasted for a minute before all at once they were back to normal, and the ones in small groups or families looked at each other.

In the plains biome, a large male and female Jackrixis, who was 8 feet tall and had very muscular looks, was quite different from the average rixis gazing at each other.

The male had bright red hair and skin as he pointed his finger at the female and did something that could be seen as one of the most parts of the history of a race.

"M.. Ma...Mate"

The male struggles to say these new words that he didn't know were words as they just appeared in his mind when he thought of the female rixis.

His mind still hurt, and his body felt weird, but it was clear they had both changed and could also feel a strange feeling that they couldn't understand.

You see, not all jack rixis went down the religious route, but those that did quickly linked that feeling to the connection they have to their god.

But this will be debated and fought against for the time being as some would say it was the warrior's spirit or the soul itself.

But these male and female rixis certainly weren't religious and liked fighting because of their natural size and muscle, which was the reason they became mates.

The female looked at her mate as he just spoke those storage sounds, but she was surprised she understood the intent and meaning behind them.

The female rixis also quickly spoke and had an easier time doing it once she thought about it and made some noises beforehand.

"M.. Mate"

These two both had toothy grins as they quirky jumped around and roared at the chance to know better and express themselves even if it was in only a few words.

This was happening all over the jackrixis race as they all tried speaking to each other and smiled as parents could now interpret things better to their children even if the languages were limited.

"Hey system quick question"-Jack

[]Yes host?[]

"It's cool they can speak some basic words, but why are they speaking in English is it the universal translator thing at work?"-Jack

[]Negative host any race created in the games will speak the language of their creator as it makes using universal transport less needed in the universes on a day-to-day basis[]

"Wow, that's cool, I guess, but what are the words they can say right now?"-Jack

[]Well, host the words and language overall, which will grow and change as they go on, but for now, it's simple single words like mate or love or prey[]

[]Also, it is not just the language they have gained. I suggest you check their race panel in the system[]

Jack didn't see anything different from them on the screens and couldn't think of anything right away, so he decided to check.


Creator:Jack Darwin

Race Name: Jackrixis/rixis

Food Type:Omnivores

current lifespan:0-35 max

Sexual Maturity:10

Racial skills: None

Religion:Needs to be made



Living on the planet: Ludum Mundi

Hair colour: Any

Body colour:Green, Blue, Brown, White, Black, Red

eye colour:Any

Average Heights are from 5,5 to 8,5


Jack looked at his main races panel and noticed that the religion had changed to needing to be created, and also, the civilization state had gone up.

"Hey, wait, is this right they've gained an extra 10 years! This is amazing this will be such a big boost they can find longer and maybe even have more kids and will gain and hone their skills been better!"-Jack

It seems the change that the Jack rixis felt to their body was them getting more rejuvenated and energy now they had an age of 35 added on to them.

"This will help with the hierarchy since they young at more likely to listen to the elders who have lived long lives and can gain knowledge from"-Jack

"I got to admit I see this as a complete win!"-Jack

While he was talking, the small group and families began their journey to meet with others that they liked or respected and quickly after a few days formed the first tribes of the jackrixis.