Religion system part 1

Sometimes, it's nice to get multiple good things, but when you don't expect it and what to use it to your best ability, it can cause some stress.

"Alright, all I've got to do is make sure not to mess up one of the most important systems in the game and also pick a good skill. From the shop since I don't know the next time, I'll get more points"-Jack

"Hey, system, can I decide on which one I can do first?"-Jack

[]Indeed host, please decide[]

"Great, I choose the religion system first since I can choose my skill from the shop based on that"-Jack

"Also, system?"-Jack

[]Yes host[]

"Do the other candidate's systems call it a shop or a store?"-Jack

[]...Is that an important thing to you host?[]

"No, just curious, let's start"-Jack

[]Affmative access to the religious system has been opened for candidate 10[]




■PLEASE CHOOSE YOUR TYPE OF RELGION■ 1:Polythesim 2:Monotheism 3:Monolatristic 4:Tengrism 5:Totemism

"I don't know what any of these are, though?"-Jack

[]Would you like a basic definition host?[]

"Yes, I would thanks"-Jack

[]Polytheism is the belief in many gods[][]Monotheism is the belief in one god[] []Monolatristic is the belief in many gods but the worship of only one[]

[]Tengrism is the belief in shamanism and animism and the belief in a god who provides for everyone[]

[]Totemism is a belief in spirits and nature and having guidance from their ancestors[]

"Okay, so is this unique for me, or will everyone get these options?" -Jack

[]Everyone will get the first two, but the other three are chosen because of your decisions so far[]

"So if I choose the ones with multiple gods, will they appear and exist, or do the rixis just think they do?"-Jack

[]Yes, they would appear and would be given a weaker version of a system to help them do their job[]

"Okay, and if I choose to be the only god I'm guessing, I won't be all-powerful and all-knowing then? "-Jack

[]Correct host. However, they both have pros and cons, and it is up to you to decide the path you walk[]

"Nice pep talk now. I'll admit that I would like some help and with more gods that could ease the burden on me and will also mean.If I'm not wrong they will get some blessings and curses as well, but I'm sure there's a catch, which is system?"-Jack

[]If you choose to be the only god, your blessings and curses are more powerful, and your followers are more loyal and zealous[]

[]While multiple gods create diversity and allow for more culture, it will cause your blessings and curse to be weaker, and your gods will have. A variant of whatever you choose but also allows easier time to gain followers from the other races[]

"I see, so I'll be realistic here. Totemism is out since it is only really for the tribal and maybe village stages, so they are out"-Jack

"What is the difference between the Monolatristic and polytheism system?"-Jack

[]Well, host Monolatristic would give you slightly more power and control as you would be viewed as more of the leader of the gods. While polytheism would just be that you would be a slightly stronger god of the group[]

"I'm leaning towards Monolatristic or monotheism as I wouldn't give that much control to other gods as I'm guessing"-Jack

"That just like our races my gods are living beings not just servants and have wills and desires of their own and could turn on me"-Jack

"But it would be arrogant of me to think I have the answers and can deal with anything that pops up in my way, so I'm throwing out monotheism"-Jack

[]Could I ask host what about Tengrism?[]

"Oh well I do think it has a wide reach and could go further than totemism I still don't think it would reach as far as I wanted to be put I still think it's cool just not for me"-Jack

[]So, are you choosing Monolatristic host?[]

"Yes, I get the benefits of still being in charge while also still getting a decent amount of power, and the added help of a group who can specialise is areas I'm weak in"-Jack


■CHOOSE THE TYPE OF GOD YOU WILL BE■ 1:God of the Hunt 2:God of War 3:God of Change 4:God of Knowledge 5:God of Civilization

"Alright, well, from looking at these options, they are pretty accurate with how I've been going so far, but I'll be honest. I'm not fit to be a god of war"-Jack

"And I also don't think I want to go for the god of change because while that can be perceived as evolution. I'm guessing there also a good chance of their being bad changes"-Jack

"Besides I want to stick with how the jackrixis are and just make them better but I may add one or two things later on but it doesn't mean I need to focus on that main thing"-Jack

"As for the God of the hunt, that would be good if I was going down the path of the original, but I'm not plus. I want my race to be good hunters but also fighters who can win wars. The hunters part is a more cultural and societal aspect, but it's still key"-Jack

"Now is the two option I'm most drawn to, which is the God of knowledge and civilization, and both are good positive options for me, however"-Jack

"Just because you are smart doesn't mean you can know or fix everything, and I believe there would be many restrictions on the knowledge I gain"-Jack

"It would probably be that I know something but can't tell my race it even if they need it or they might have to earn it in some way"-Jack

"Besides, knowledge doesn't matter if you can't act on it and prepare like telling a guy in a stuck wheelchair that he's going to get crushed by a bolder"-Jack

"Sure, it's nice for him to know ahead of time, but he can't do anything with that knowledge he's stuck in a wheelchair. So what he needs is others around him to help him"-Jack

"I think soon as this option was shown, the audience knew what I was going to choose it's the god of civilization, and with it, my race can improve. And move and create and destroy with the power all great civilizations have with the benefits of using numbers to cover their downfalls"-Jack

"My race we the added loyalty skill and hopefully in the future I can get more so I have an entire united race that will move at my will. Which is something incredibly powerful thing to have"-Jack

"Also, since my gods will have a variety of my skills, which are a mix of the type of god I will be, let's say, instead of setting fire to the forest. These skills increase the temperature of the area"-Jack

"Now this may seem weak, but think about it, fire can be put out quickly if found, and people move on, but it is uncomfortable and hard to work and fight properly. When it's hotter or even colder and will mess with them and cause them to get more annoyed and angrier"-Jack

"What I'm going for is a gradual increase in the overall strength of my race and the slow but effective decreases in my enemy's ability"-Jack

"And this would make my race more unified and group orientated, which would lead to less infighting, which means they can focus. On growing and developing into the race, I know they can be"-Jack


"I'm ranting, aren't I? "-Jack

[]A little host, but we can tell by your enthusiasm that you are driven, which is nice to see in the games[]