Fighting for the blue people

After the battle royal was finished, the remaining winners were given an hour to rest and recover some of their energy. 

The losing Jackrixis ethier decided to stay and watch the fights or prepared to leave as some would have long trips back home. 

Some of them even wanted to go up to one or two of the gods, but when they were all there together, they felt too much fear in their souls to dare bother them. 

Renka made sure to give them a comforting smile, hoping it would lift their spirits and show that they weren't disspoaninted in them.

After waiting for the mortals to calm down and letting those leaving go on their way, the fights would now begin, and for the group fights, 100 groups would fight each other. 

This meant that in the end, 50 groups would be winners, while in the individual fights, there would be 100 fighting each other, and 50 would win.  

We will be looking at 2 fights from both the group battles and the individual battles and going into the competitor's fighting. 

The first we would be looking at is the group's battle in which the Crimson Guard clan envoy would be up against the Mountain Slammers clan who hadn't met before. 

When it comes to other clans, at most, they know of each other and are in contact with at least one of them who is closest to their tribes. But the Crimson Guard clan and Mountian Slammers clan had never met before, and only knew of each other exists. 

The two introduced each other as they both had 5 members competed in this match, and so they gave some basic respect to one another while the elders met on the sidelines. 

When comparing the two, it was hard to guess who would win the strong guards or the sturdy slammers, but eventually, the introductions were over, and the fight began. 

On one side of the square were the slammers, while the other had the guards as they both stared at each other, watching the movements or breathing of the other.  

Nyx, who was watching, waited an extra few seconds so that the tensions would have more time to rise before he shouted for them to begin. 

Both sides blasted forward, already picking their prey and how they would go about beating them as the two group leaders held back and walked slowly toward each other. 

Not having to worry about their fight being interrupted, the leaders took their time until there was a small amount of distance between them as their groups fought around them.  

The crimson leader had a large toothy grin as she towered over the slammers leader as both clans seemed to also be the opposite in height. Surprisingly to most of the slammer's leader had a weapon that was allowed in group and individual fights, which was a large wooden club. 

The slammer leader whispered a small prayer, asking his ancestors and gods to give him strength before he ran forward and slammed his club into the thigh of his opponent. 

The smile on her face broke slightly as she didn't expect it to hurt as much as it did, showing that these smaller rixis weren't weak and held great strength within them. 

She nodded happily to the leader as he tried to hit her on the head with the club having to jump to reach her, but it sadly failed.  

She held on to the club with her claws sinking into the wood, slowly cracking and crushing it to bits as the slammer let go of his weapon. 

The female growled at him before he jumped back he decided to kick some of the wood into her face, causing some splinters to stick in her eyelid. 

For a slammer, he was quite athletic and creative but now even he felt some worry looking up at the over 7,5ft tall bulky female rixis who now was giving him a one-eyed death stare as what looked almost like steam came out of her nose. 

What came next was what most would call a beatdown as she slammed her fist into the slammer's chest and kicked him around before he soon surrendered.  

As for their groups, the slammers put up a good fight even managing to beat two of the crimsons, but with their leader beaten and the crimsons coming to help her people, they surrendered.  

The slammer's leader felt like he had many broken bones and lost a bit too much of his blood luckily the gods were watching and healed his wound but allowed for some bruises and scars to stay to show his loss that he would have to take home.   

The crimson leader also got healed, but to the shock of many didn't want her eye healed and wanted to punish herself for allowing herself to be so cocky. 

The gods accepted her choice and healed her other wounds and made sure her eye wouldn't get infected as she healed the slammer's leader from the ground, showing they still had respect for each other.  

 Onto the next group were two normal tribes who were currently fighting as one member was slammed into the floor and was having her head slammed into the ground with her opponent pulling her hair to do so. 

The other two were punching each other, and it slowly generated into a slugfest as blood and sweat ripped off the other with some of their teeth on the floor. 

If you're wondering why this fight seemed more brutal, it was because these two tribes were at war at the moment and had ambushed each other on their way here. 

So there was a lot of bad blood between the two, and they held no respect for their opponents and wanted to do as much damage as possible.  

Jackrixis, when they lose control of their emotions and beliefs, among other things, became killing machines that many wouldn't want to go against.   

But the fight stopped as it started to devolve, with one having their ear bitten off and another losing a finger which the Little Blues grimaced at.  

The winner, if you could call them that was the side that had a green-skinned rixis with black hair and eyes who had many open cuts and bruises all other him. He roared into the sky when his group, who was mostly past out, won the match and soon dropped himself.  

"Shit, they want these little guys to don't they"-Jack  

"Well, yes, some came for them, but I think many just said that because they didn't want to travel their real reasons for coming here"-Renka 

"And that would be?"-Jack 

"I can't tell you that it's a secret and would be rude"-Renka 

"Fine, keep your secrets. Let's continue after a small break every 5 battles"-Jack 

Soon, the group battles passed, and 50 groups stood proud with many new scars and bruises to show off to their families while many lost either left or watched from the dark corners.   

Following the two individual fights, we had our first, which was between two female rixis with differing looks. 

The first had red eyes and hair with deep blue skin and stood at 6ft an average height when compared to the smallest at 5,5ft and tallest at 8,5ft. 

She has sharp and jagged rocks in her palms and had some basic strings attached to them around her wrists that were stuck to the stone using sap.  

Her opponent was possibly one of the tallest there at 8, 5ft she easily towered above the crowds and was almost as tall as some of the gods who were at 9ft but they could change their bodies if they needed. 

A simple word to describe her was black as her hair, eyes, and skin were all as black as the night sky, and her multiple scars almost looked like stars on her. 

The two fighters wished each other well and went into their corners and then began their fight. Once Nyx started the fight, they both didn't move an inch. 

They both were carefully watching the other, but the larger rixis didn't want to wait any longer and charged at her opponent. He lunged at the smaller female, but she had already jumped out of the way. Managing to cut the defenceless female who roared in pain quickly and quickly turned back and threw a punch behind her but hit nothing.  

This was how the battle went as the larger female was injured by the more agile and smaller opponent, ending up with dozens of cuts and her energy drained.  

She managed to get one punch on her opponent's arm and managed to pop it out of the socket showing how much damage she could inflict but it didn't stop the female rixis from slashing at her foe who eventually surrendered after the ground was coated in her blood.  

Both were healed, and many interested looks were given to the smaller females' weapons that allowed her to have the reach advantage. Many Jackrixis, especially the taller and larger ones, didn't like using anything but their fists and claws. 

This fight showed that weapons, if used correctly, could change the field of battle and let a fight turn in the favour of the weaker opponent.   

Going to the last fight, we saw a strange sight of a white-skinned rixis with blue hair and was 5,5 feet tall but had his eyes covered in a basic and dirty cloth.  

The man was blind quite a rare sight to see as many born blind didn't survive, and that's if the parents wanted to keep the baby. The racial and candidate skills helped, but it is extremely hard to get rid of everything no matter the skill. 

He seemed to be on the older side but was just young enough to enter and had a long stick by his side that he poked at his surroundings. 

On the other side was a young male who had mixed feelings about his fights as he couldn't decide if this was right and he almost had his pride hurt that this would be his opponent who the gods would watch his face. 

He had brown hair and eyes but red skin and was 6ft and was walking from side to side, seeing if there was something that allowed his opponent to get here besides luck.  


The blind man slowly walked forward his head turned and swayed while the young man ran at him, hopefully to get him to submit and end this quickly. 

But before he knew it, he hit his head on the ground as the old man swept his feet from under him using his foot and started to wack him using his stick. 

The older man slowly worked his hits up the young man's body and up to his head while making sure to kick him now and then to keep him on the floor. 

And when his nose got a stick up, it was when the young man decided to surrender. 

It was a very unique fight, to say the least, but Nyx seemed to like it as he clapped and shook the ground as he laughed.  

That was also the last fight for the individuals. Out of the original 100 tribes envoys that came some would leave ashamed and furious, but there isn't much they could do.  

Some of them even thought it was wrong that an individual rixis could have the chance to gain 3 Little blues as allies while a group of them couldn't. But they lost, and those individuals survived, and they would have to learn to live with it or get consumed by it. 

"Well, that was great. we should do this every year!"-Nyx 

"I think once was just fine Nyx"-Themis 

"It was a very lively experience for all!"-Renka 

"Let's just hope this experience brings some new ideas to the young that can use them in the future"-Minerva 

"That blind guy was pretty cool"-Jack 


"What he was?"-Jack 

"You focus on the strange jack"-Minerva