Border tribe

On the border between the winter forest and the grass plains a large tribal camp had been set up and anywhere from 90 to 150 Jackrixis now lived here. They didn't want to but because of the words given to them by their elders and priests who were instructed by the gods so they left their homes for safer lands.

Unless you spent a long time with the rixis and understood how they thought you would understand the great shame and anger they felt at this act. They were not mad at the gods but felt that they weren't strong enough in their creator's eyes and failed in what they were created for.

One of those rixis was a young boy who felt that his life was being forced to change by outside forces because he wasn't strong enough to fight against them.

"I didn't want to leave our homes it was perfect there, plenty of prey to hunt and a new environment to explore, adapt and learn from!"-Stone Fang

Stone teeth were currently sitting on a log while talking to his older sister who was trying to make a new form of fighting style that fit female rixis better.

Both genders were very similar even more so than humans but overall they did have slight differences when it came to strength and speed and various other minor attributes that benefited both sides in different ways.

"You need to use the head, you too dumb stop acting like ancestors start thinking smart like me"-Okana

Okana like many of the current tribal Jackrixis spoke broken English the language of their creator, and held the names that fitted with their surroundings and current technological stage. This is why so many of them had more archaic names such as Stone Fang or Black Blood most names came from looks or attributes linked to nature.

As of now rixis society like many prospered in some ways and faltered in others but the struggle was worth it for Jack in the end and so they continued. None have heard about the attack that happened 2 weeks ago that wiped out the last stronghold in the winter forest but there was speculation about it.

Jackrixis being natural hunters meant that quite often even in the wild they would meet and exchange information and knowledge with each other. Even if Jack didn't choose to go down the civilization path it's very possible that in a few million years, the jackrixis would have become some form of tribal species anyway but most likely not as advanced and Robust.

It was one of the few aspects of their hunter nature that were often overlooked and forgotten but the exchange of information was extremely crucial in all forms of life.

That's exactly what happened when the rixis first came to Lundum Mundi they had to find out the hard way what things were poisons or deadly.

The reason why the games were watched by so many besides the importance that came with the ruler of a new race and planet, was the fact they could watch and learn about others and see how they progress and change for the better or worse.

And can also go into more detail and dive into the lives of important individuals besides the fact that most races in the multiverse on average. Live over 150 years so they have a lot of time to spare and most regular jobs are done by machines or slave drones depending on the society you live in.

After the migration, some of the chieftains and elders of the tribes decided to get together to form a group of warriors that would go into the forest and check in on the last tribe there. Around 8 tribes contributed to the effort sending 3 or 4 warriors each letting the search party reach 26 a solid number overall.

The group of men and women went off into what was once their home and made sure to stay alert in case anything tried to ambush them. The world was still a dangerous place for them and a wild monster with enough power could still kill them. They cut through the snow as they marched to their destination hoping to soon see the tribespeople and get some rest.

The distance was about a 3 days walk to a decent distance was put between the forest and the border tribes, the expedition group decide to rest for the night as they were a few hours away from the tribe.

It was dark besides the small fire that was created and the air was still as if something was gripping its throat and the rixis could sense it. They weren't taking any chances so they had some basic spears put in the ground surrounding the group and 12 would keep guard while in a now hostile territory.

Throughout the night all they could hear was the sound of twisted and monstrous howls and nothing else as if all other life and been wiped out. The guards kept cool and held onto their weapons while scouting the nearby trees for any danger.

Some sounds and sticks breaking were heard but they looked to have been left alone for tonight so the guards switched and then once the sun was high they moved on.

6 hours later they came upon what was left of the tribe as most of the bodies had been eaten and the bones and blood were covered by the snow there wasn't much left to see.

Battle marks were still around and so they split into 3 groups and wandered around the site and came back together to discuss what they found.

It wasn't much but it seemed they were surrounded and overwhelmed with numbers by the claw marks on the wood and weapons. A group did find another group of bodies a few distances away that looked to have been trying to get away.

The expedition's 2 leaders didn't like this one bit and already were nervous so they quickly packed up and left not even stopping to rest in the forest. The leaders didn't want to admit it but when they left the clearing of the forest they felt as if they were being watched and almost allowed to leave alive.

A meeting was quickly held and was concluded without a doubt that a new enemy had come and that all of the Jakcrixis tribes, possibly the whole society would have to do what they did best which was turn an enemy into prey and hunt them down.