The start of something great

The lands of the demon hounds were scarred and bruised as the beasts had no need or care to keep the lands healthy and for those that still survived in them. Hounds prowled the area looking and smelling for any intruders who would dare try to invade the nest and would rip them to pieces if they tried.

The nest was the one thing that mattered and was the origin of all demon hounds the nest was a large hole wick a basic mud and stick wall around it. There was a small entrance for them to come out of while inside a hole was a crimson liquid that created and formed the hounds. On average 2 hounds would be made a day but the process would speed up when bodies are fed to the nest.

Resting beside a rock was Hector who besides his overall situation was loving the freedom he got in his little paradise as a large hound resting on his legs.

The hound was the size of a Siberian tiger and had jaws that could uproot a tree and claws that were made to pierce through flesh.

If this was anyone else they would be resting nicely in some stomach acid maybe stuck in between some fangs but in front of his creator he was a puppy.

"You know I've been having a great time so far except at the start when everything was wild and everybody screaming which made more people scream"-Hector

"If I'm being honest I'm surprised everybody chosen wasn't from America but that Canadian dude is gone now so I see that as an early win for me"-Hector

Hector got up and walked with his friendly follower as he watched his race eat and fight each other while some patrolled and a rare few were napping.

Hector's main plan so far was to sweep through and have all beats consumed to fuel his ongoing horde anything that could swim or fly was mostly left alone.

The ground was like sand and the few pieces of grass were dying and turning brown but he didn't care as in his mind when he win hell get the whole world.

"What's killing a small area when in return I'll get an entire world to run and once I do I'll make sure to pay the warden and the police a nice welcome"-Hector

Away from Hector Jack was trying to think of the best way to get into where ever these hounds came from without having to use an entire army.

"I've got it ill just steal an idea from Earth why try to invent the wheel when I can use one that's already been tested the good old SAS"-Jack

"Or maybe the Navy Seals or Gurkhas I don't know but the basics of all of them is hard work and teamwork and extreme weapons and survival training"-Jack

"I'm sure it will be easy"-Nyx

"Aren't you the god of war shouldn't you be more excited for this I mean this is all you right now like war and battles a little bit of strategy"-Jack

"Sorry I'm not the construct your brain made from your media and life experience believe it or not why I do love war and fighting I don't take pleasure from it"-Nyx

"I can see that but I need you to be the badass destroyer, not the chilled-out jackrixis who likes sleeping on the beach for me the gods, and our races"-Jack

"...fine you can always get me with that soft weak face and those squishy eyes and weird-looking flesh"-Jack

"Ok ok no need for the whole cannibal breakdown I just need you to tell your followers to train up some warriors from the tribes"-Jack

"Nah no need I'll do it myself"-Nyx

"Hm, why?"-Jack

"Well who to learn from but the best besides from what Minerva said it's one of the benefits of you choosing a pantheon"-Nyx

"Hold up..wait how do you know about that?"-Jack

"Minerva told us it's one of the reasons we respect you so much you could have been a supreme god of an entire race instead, you decided to have a pantheon"-Nyx

"Well yeah that's the basics of it but what benefit are you talking about that I don't know about?"-Jack

"Oh it was simple if you made yourself the only god you would be much more powerful but you would also lose the ability to walk amongst your race"-Nyx

"So It would be like at the start where I could only observe but in return my blessings would be much stronger and some other benefits as well"-Jack

"Yep I'm not sure about other pantheons though I mean if someone wanted to they could just have all different types of war gods if they wanted"-Nyx

"How do I not know this stuff"-Jack

"If it doesn't help you or you don't ask what's it matter we would rather you focus on winning the game and let us worry about the rixis and blues and maybe a bit of paperwork to make everything run smoothly"-Nyx

"Why does it feel like I've been helped more than I know?"-Jack

"Eh who cares things are going great don't worry about it anyway I'm gonna go make some killing machines see ya"-Nyx

A portal of flames quickly engulfed Nyx

"No wait you..god..dammit!"-Jack

"..there is no way I'm not being laughed at right now"-Jack

Down in the dirt were a couple of rixis that Nyx had collected and he didn't do it in the most subtle way he just simply grab his targets from where ever they may be.

Some were hunting for food while others were sleeping and even one rixis was fighting against the hounds when all of them appeared here.

Many were furious at their chance of fighting or time sleeping was interrupted but when they saw the 8, 5ft tall jackrixis god of war they quieted down quickly. Sure some rixis reached that high but the aura and muscle and the sheet energy that radiated from him couldn't be matched.

"Listen up I have been tasked by the Almighty Hunter himself to forge a team of lethal warriors who will do his divine bidding for the glory of the rixis race!"-Nyx

The rixis of different colors and sizes took a while to understand the speech given to them but they quickly got along with it and roared in excitement and vigor.

"This will be a long and hard journey but I promise I will make you some of the greatest warriors our race will ever know and your names will be remembered for eons to come!"-Nyx

He wouldn't ever admit it but Nyx was loving this as giving speeches to warriors ready for blood and honor always put a smile on his face.

"Now im not amazing at organization besides when it comes to armies and supply lines so I'm getting my followers to set up a training course and base"-Nyx

Behind Nyx around 30 of his followers along with a few little blues were the architects and managers of the whole operation. While waiting for the things to be set up and made Nyx had the rixis pushed to the limits with different tests and trials while he sat back a drank some juice from a wooden cup.

"You can do it guys I believe in you"-Nyx