The art of distraction

In Nyx's domain, each of the gods sat at a large obsidian grand table with grey quartz chairs for each of them to sit on.Magma flowed in small lines through the floor like neon lighting and brought light from below.

The twins Vens and Vans are sitting next to one another with them both having a thumb battle together.While next to Van was Themis, who slowly tapped his fingers on the arms of his chair.

Minerva and Renka sat side by side as they talked about the power of knowledge and emotion.On the ends of the table on one side was Nyx, and the other is Jack who had just arrived and quickly sat down.

Nyx, who had been sitting in silence looking at his claws, looked up and greeted Jack as did the other after him.

"Sorry I'm late. I just wanted to make sure that the tribes had finished fighting, which they now have and are starting the clean up."-Jack

"Nah, no worries, we were just chatting anyway."-Renka

"Indeed, besides, the amount of time is trivial as I doubt the hounds will attack again so soon."-Minerva

"Well, I'm not going to take that risk, so I'm still going to be cautious and send warriors to the front"-Nyx

"I didn't know that the border tribes had suddenly turned into a front line?"-Themis

"Well, after this attack, it is now, and this is their message that we're at war, and they aren't going easy on us"-Nyx

Jack had to sit and watch them while thinking of what to do, and he decided to take control of the conversation as it started to unravel.

"OK, listen, we can't just sit here and talk. We have to do something. we need a plan to fight for these guys while the elite teams finish their training."-Jack

"Maybe we should use the staregize from before that we discussed"-Nancy

Nancy slowly walked in and sat next to the twins as she sat in the newly formed chair that rose from the ground.

"Thank you for coming, Nancy, and yes, I think we should implement those plans, but I also think we need more."-Jack

"Well, why don't we ask our big old god of war over there what we can do?"-Nancy

They all turned to Nyx as he knocked his head and spoke to the group.

"Well, I think when dealing with an enemy who has more numbers than us and prefers to strike quick and if possible in the dark"-Nyx

"The best option is to use distraction tacits so that we can confuse their forces and pick and choose our battles on our own terms"-Nyx

"Sounds good, go on."-Jack

"Well, i think we won't win even in groups as they have the numbers, and a key difference in how they fight is what keeps beating us"-Nyx

"What's that Nyx"-Minerva

"Ha, like you don't know already. It's quite simple when a rixis fights they do it for honour and glory but also for a legacy"-Nyx

"We will fight any foe without flinching and use our strength and wisdom to best any foe, but we are still sentient"-Nyx

"The jackrixis have family's and tribesmen they need to defend and children to raise and teach the ways of the hunter."-Nyx

Nyx stood up, and he strutted across the room as he spoke behind each one of the gods.

"To be civilised is to open up your mind and heart to both strength and weakness to good and evil alike"-Nyx

"Those hounds have no fear and no soul they care for none and work together only beacuse of the will of their master"-Nyx

"They only wish for blood to shed and for anything they see to be consumed by the pack of demons that will continue to spawn.From the bodies of our brothers and sisters"-Nyx

"You wish for us to cause distractions and misdirection to and among the hounds packs so that we can lower their numbers"-Van

"Precisely Van, we start a fire or kill an animal and lead them to one place while we kill another pack that we lure, and we repeat"-Nyx

"But won't the hounds or their master soon catch on to this plan and also adapt to it and the won't we be in the same spot"-Ven

"That is why it is only temporary until my warriors are ready to find their base or nest and destroy it"-Nyx

"Do any of you have an idea of what the nest looks like?"-Jack

"Possibly a totem or an alpha hound it could be anything"-Renka

"we will make sure to bring sufficient supplies and test everything we can in the time we have to destroy it"-Jack

"Going back to that team of yours, how are they doing so far?"-Nancy

"Quite well, it's amazing how much of a difference it makes we a rixis trains their body and skills to the max"-Nyx

"I thought they already trained?"-Nancy

"I'm guessing it's more like how they'll get strong in their day to day through hunting and fighting, but when they work out and practise the results, are much better"-Jack

"Well, let's not blame them they're only just beginning. I can't wait till they reach the stage they start having kindgoms"-Renka

"That's true if we can weather the storms to come, the rixis power will only grow in all areas"-Themis

"Well, I think this has been a great discussion, and I hope that Minerva and Nyx can work together to get the rixis in order"-Jack

"Yes sir"-Nyx

"My pleasure Jack"-Minerva

"As for the rest of you, keep an eye out and try to focuse your blessings on those near the hounds"-Jack

"And don't forget to spread the tactics and wishes as best as you can. I know information can get lost when speaking to them, so try your best"-Jack

"By the way, take a rest now and then as well you ain't slaves we all need to communicate and work together on this"-Nancy

"Very true Nancy Well let's get to work, guys"-Jack

The gods started to open portals to their own domains when ven quickly asked a question to Jack.

"Hey Jack, what are you going to do?"-Ven

"...I thought what I just did was my job?"-Jack

"Ha, you have it easy lazy lump"-Ven

Most of the gods left just after hearing Vens comment with a smile on their faces as Jack thought to himself.

"Did I just get dissed by a child?"-Jack