March on evil and birth of the first

A large cluster of stress swirled above Jack's head as he watched his loyal soldiers making their way to the frontline.

Plenty of planning and care was put into the fight against the hounds, but no plan could completely survive upon impact with the enemy.

Many would die, but many more could wake up and see the sun the next day a breath the oxygen in the air.But one beautiful thing about the game was that they would be remembered for eons to come.

Jack didn't like to go down to Lundum Mundi as he always felt vulnerable and out of place, but he felt these warriors deserved this much to see and receive the respect of their creator before they walk towards entropy.

The 2 teams had been walking in formation and were now resting for the night when, from the shadows, Nyx emerged.

Very few things could make a grown Jackrixis warrior feel true fear, and one of those things was an 8ft tall god of war appearing from the shadows. His purple eyes scanned his grand creations with warriors with modern-day training with bronze age equipment and divine blessings.

He wouldn't show it, but he was proud of them man and woman who rose to the occasion and fought the odds to stand here today.Thats why when he was talking to them he treated them as equals and with respect and it was the same way round for the warriors.

"We are close to the border tribes and will soon be in the jaws of the enemy, so stay alert and make sure to be prepared"-Nyx

"But I am not here to warn you, but I'm here to say that the creator has decided to bless you with his presence for your sacrifice"-Nyx

This news shocked them all as they had all heard of the creator since birth and knew that very few still lived. From when he appeared at the frozen forest to watch the fights so they would be among a very lucky few.

It's a hard feeling to capture and explain to others the chance to meet the mind that created your very existence from scratch. To even see that being and know they exist is something not many on earth can say with pure certainty.

But the next step was to speak to your creator and receive his love, which is something that could give enlightenment and peace to their minds.

"He'll be here in a moment, so show respect, or I'll make sure the hounds eat you first"-Nyx

Nyx then moved to the side and kept his eyes on the surroundings he wasn't sure if Jack could be hurt by mortals, but he didn't want to take the risk.

The games rules and systems were vast, and he wouldn't be so arrogant as to say he knows of them all and things can change in a second.

The wind continued to swirl and sway, and the fields and grass shuddered between the legs of the awaiting warriors. But only a few seconds after a small light emerged that grew and shined with immense fury and beauty.

The winds held their breath as the grass bowed towards the ground, and the rixis covered their eyes as the light expanded.

The only one who could with stand the force and light bleeding from the source of light was Nyx, who awaited Jack's arrival. Soon, the light acquired Jack's shape, and the god of civilization emerged with the dying and flickering light fading behind him.

Jack wore a smile on his face as he wore a simple blue shirt and black jeans and shoes quite a strange thing for the rixis to see. As a whole, it was quite weird to think that beside the twins, Jack was the smallest god and was smaller than the rixis, which was by design.

Feelings and emotions warped and twisted among the groups as many felt awe, while others were shocked by how he looked.

Thankfully, they looked similar enough to not he completely alien besides the height,claws teeth,skin and hair among other things.

But like Hector with his hounds, they felt immense love for their maker and could see the care he had for them and that he even knew they existed.

"Hello, I'm glad I could have a moment of your time before you head to the border tribes I'm just here to thank you for your service"-Jack

"I won't lie to you. The fight won't be easy, and some of you won't be returning, but I promise you have been given everything you need to succeed"-Jack

"You will be revered as great warriors and will be revered by generations to come, that I promise you"-Jack

The warriors could understand Jack perfectly, even with words that didn't exist yet, and it brought them great comfort.

The main leader of the operation who was in control of both teams walked forwards a kneeled as a looked up at Jack.

"I am cracked claw great hunter and I'm honred to be in your service I will not fail you or may Nyx curse me"-Cracked claw

This stament made even Nyx's brow stand as that indeed boosted your chance of getting on on his long list of waiters for his curse.

"I trust you with the job at hand may the gods watch over your warriors and protect them from the enemies of the night"-Jack

At Jack's word, the other god appeared around the group, and each pointed at the rixis who would receive their blessings.

7 blessings split between the attacking and scouting/defending team with the leader gaining Jack's blessings, which was:

Better leadership gives an increase in the effectiveness of a leader overall by 50% for 3 months.

The rest of the gods gave their blessings to whoever they felt it would help with the job the best.

Soon, all the gods left as quickly as they appeared, and the wind and grass went back to normal.The warriors were left impowered by divinity, and they celebrated what could be they're last night in wild fashion.

As for the gods, they all sat down on the long leather couch exhausted with all the acting and fan fair.

"Hey guys, know that I think about it. When will we get the level up in the religion system? Haven't we got enough followers?"-Jack

"Who knows, maybe we're close or need to be around longer to have more history?"-Nyx

"Quite possible, but I must diverge from this topic to bring up an important piece of news, Jack"-Minerva

"Please don't tell me the hounds have begun attacking again"-Jack

"No, Jack, it quite good new if I do say so"-Renka

"Hm, have you already told her Minerva?"-Jack

"Nope, I can just sense the joy from here, silly Jack"-Renka

"What's she talking about?"-Jack

"Well, quite simply a little golden eyed. Jackrixis has just been born a couple of minutes ago"-Minerva

"...I'm sorry what?"-Jack

"Oh hell yea!"-Nyx