An eye for filth

The Jackrixis race was a powerful and proud race whose colours and skills gave them the image of a blazing world wind of fatastical death and destruction.

But a young rixis by the name of Black Vile was currently slinking between the trees as he ran from his pursuers. He had black hair eyes and skin, which was perfect for hiding, and as for why this was because of his multiple arson attacks on any tribe or clan he found.

He wasn't born into a tribe or clan like most normal rixis but instead a secret Covent that hides in the shadows. They were quite old, with its founder being a woman who tried to please the gods and failed.

From the stories passed down, these sisters both wanted to impress the gods, but their founder became jealous and killed her sister, and the gods cursed her for it.

This caused her to wander the lands in secret as she suffered under their curses and along the way found others like her. This led to the forming of their covent called The Scorned Eye Covent, who hated all rixis religions.

They saw them as shackles that hold them down for the purpose of enslaving them to the whims of the gods.They wanted to be free from all religious groups and believed they were the true Jackrixis.

Black Vile was actually the descendent of the founder being one of her 4 children who led the Covent after her death. They mostly kept to 10 to 30 individual groups who spread out but kept in contact.

Black Vile was the youngest of his siblings and the big risk taker doing the most dangerous missions, which be revealed in.

But he wasn't the smartest as he tried to attack the Crimson Guard clan, but it ended in everyone in his group dying while he managed to escape.

"These filth don't understand how far into the depths of the gods bowls they have fallen into,They can't even feel their souls burning away"-Black Vile

Black Vile spat out as he ran into his hidden cave that was covered by sticks,

moss and vines with a nice mixture of animal dung to cover his scent.

"Well, this place is done, and those idiots will find it soon it shocks me how my hidden covent can teach us to speak better than the largest of class what fools they are"-Black Vile

Black Vile was sadly true that his covent placed literature and language in high regard as it helped spread their message. It also helped that some rixis still couldn't speak fluently and even fewer even knew some basic writing.

He grabbed his small pouches and trinkets and ran back out of his temporary home, and quickly dashed away. Once he had disappeared into the night, his home was soon found, and anything found inside was burned.

The Crimson Guard peered into the night as they understood that the Vile being had gotten away, and they only knew of one thing that could escape a rixis, and that was another rixis.

The son of the now dead Crimson Guard, who had taken his father's place, knew something was shifting in the winds.

He looked to his elder and advisor, who helped him run the clan and made sure that he wrote down what had happened.

"We must not forget what happened here today this was no normal attack they are cursed and rotten creatures"-Red Fist

Red Fist was the first leader to suspect something was wrong with the attack on his clans home. And would go to others and inquire if they also had these attacks happen to them.

Even though Black Vile had been found and his home burned and team slayed, he still had big goals in mind.

He made his journey from the grasslands of the Crimson Guard to the large and sprawling mountains of the valley, and he searched for the beaten clan that hod within the valley.

He had to make sure he stayed clear of the Mountain Slammers, who, even though they liked to stay in their safe homes, still patrolled their lands to make sure their hidden enemies stayed away.

"These pathetic wretches and their disgusting temples to the foul gods are truly lost to the overwhelming evil"-Black Vile

He watched them from the corners of their homes without then knowing as they bathed their children in the lies of the gods.

The realm of the gods seem enticing at first until you realise how powerless you are to their whims.And Black Vile wanted nothing but to burn the gods and spread their ashes in animal dung.

"They have been tricked by the golden gaze of the great deceivers who hunger for their worship"-Black Vile

Black Vile soon made it to the last known location of the clan known as the Shadow Bringers, who were the enemies of the mountain Slammers. The only problem was that even though they felt that the gods. Had favoured their enemies and betrayed them, they still worshipped a god, just not one in the rixis pantheon.

"I don't like how they are still enraptured by religions, but we need strong allies, and they still wish for the death of a faithful clan and its gods"-Black Vile

Black Vile felt small while incased within the large valley as the rocks shadows covered his figure. He wondered if the gods knew of his actions and if so what they would do for him, but he didn't care what curses they had for him.

As he listened to the silence of the valley, but every know and then a rock would fall or an animal would run off with the sound echoing and bouncing through the valley.

However, before he realised, he was surrounded by 6 rixis with 3 holding on to the walls with their claws while another 2 where watching from above a ledge.

A single woman stood in front of him with grey skin, which was quite rare since the jackrixis hadn't been around long enough for different mixtures of skin types to be normal.

The woman's grey skin helped bring out her forest green eyes and hair that sparkled and swayed in front of Black Vile.

"What are you doing here stranger these lands are for the shadows!"-?

"I am not here for battle, but for an alliance, I believe we have a common foe"-Black Vile

This caused the others watching to look and sign among themselves, showing how they had adapted to their surroundings to survive and hide.

Black Vile didn't know what the hand gestures meant, but they were clearly talking among themselves.

"My group is separated, but we are driven towards completing our goals, and we think you want the same as us"-Black Vile

"Stop speaking in tongues and tell me what your enemy is before we make your voice reach the ends of the valley!"-?

"The gods and their deceptive clans need to be ripped out and boiled as the poisons they are that what we want and need if our people is to thrive"-Black Vile

The wind had taken the stands while the others thought of his proposition and the shadows leaders spoke.

"Well, I do like those goals indeed, and if we can reach them faster through working with you, I believe we can work very well together towards their demise"-?

"Well, I'm glad my journey hasn't been wasted, and I think a good start would be our names. I am Black Vile. What is the name you go by?"-Black Vile

The woman walked towards him as her warriors tensed up, ready to pounce if any threat attacked. As she brought her claw to her palm and cut her palm, and let the blood trickle out.

"My name Kelandre spirit breaker and I look forward to the screams of our enemies children as their parents burn by our hands"-Kelandre

The two shook hands as her blood slid through Viles fingers and down his arm as they stared at each other.