Candidate's progress pt1

Candidates 1 and 5 are dead, and we know how Nancy's been doing, so let's check in on the others.

Candidate 3

Name: Ida Kerry

Age: 29

Main race: Venoids


Her race is Venoids, a race of skinny aquatic creatures who live in the sea they have the skill hidden figure, which gives the ability to blend in with their surroundings.

They had now moved into larger caved father into the depths, which led to them needing to see in the dark better. It also meant they need longer claws and teeth to fight the more ravonuse ocean beasts below. In fact, their camouflage abilty did even better in the dark to the point you wouldn't see them coming. Even the largest of beasts wouldn't notice the flock of Venoids coming towards them before it was too late.

Now that they reached the tribal stage, they began sectioning parts of their large caverns, and whoever had the best skills and the strongest might would be the leader and get to mate. The Venoids didn't practice monogamy and mated with who they could when they could as they lost as many as they made.

They use swarm tactics very much like piranhas and even go into a frenzy once the attack begun. They also started to use crude weapons such as breaking off sharp long rocks or using hard coral. They would then use them to block off exists after luring in their prey while also using kelp and other long sea plants to make nets.

Their overall society was similar to the Blooded Hydra clan of the rixis, but they didn't herd fish into small pools to farm. They also shared their skills for using numbers as a tactic and not stopping until the enemy is down.

The Venoids were very calm and peaceful, with each other having very few internal conflicts. It was when they got hungry and started to fight that they became the skinny monsters in the dark.

As for the candidate, she was one of the few who was excited after starting the game as she was a nationalist and very proud of her country. Ida felt it was her duty to bring glory and power to her country which though first world she felt, had grown conceited and lazy in its purpose as a country which was to grow conquer and stand at the top.

So, for her, this race of swimming razor blades would be perfect for swimming past any opponent and shredding them apart. She felt bad about having to kill others, but she felt if they had been raised in a country that fostered the right attitude, they would have been the ones who won.

"Once I wins this, I'll find my way home not matter how long it takes, and Denmark will once more be at the top of the world, and those filthy swedes will be gone"-Ida

Candidate 4 race

Name: Gabriela Campos

Age: 22

Main race: Light sprites

Country: Brazil

Her race is a race of fairies that have the skill Mothers of all, which gives a massive boost to them that makes other beings more relaxed and friendly towards them, increasing the chance of Allies.

The light sprites had decided to move from the jungle floor to the canopy, not living completely at the top. But being high enough that they weren't in any danger as they could fly very well and with their light magic. No longer needed constant guards of whatever creatures their skills attracted as they now worked in groups.

Before the light sprites had whatever animal would protect them but now they preferred to specialise and have one large and skilled animal in their grasp. Some went for fast and agilty based beasts such as Melotrackses which were like tigers but had dark green fur. They had the same build but had 2 extra ears and sharp bone like spikes coming out of their backs.

They were some of the fastest animals with good camouflage and defence while also being a pro at stealth attacks. So when the light sprites combined with these powerful beasts, they became a deadly combo.

A variety of animals were used, and since the light sprites had it quite easy now, they like to try and experiment with different animals.

Since they were in tribes now, they started to focus more on getting better at light spells. They also used their beasts to bring materials they needed to construct their homes. As light was a big part of their lives, they made sure their homes were all facing in the direction of the sun.

As for how they changed after joining tribes it wasn't much since they were already friendly and peaceful. Rather, it allowed them to focus more on their magic and improve what they already knew. The light sprites were very playful and liked to wonder off of tasks, so them being in groups allowed some semblance of structure to form as the older light sprites not being as naive and silly as their younger counter parts.

But as for the life spans of both the light sprites and Venoids, they increased with the Venoids rarely living past the age of 9. They matured at 4 since underwater creatures typically grew much faster.

The sprites typically lived quite long lives, which may have to do with their light magic and having no predators besides when the wave happened. They matured at 20 and lived until they were 30, which as of the current state of the game was quite long. But they really didn't do much and only started advancing further into magic once they formed into tribes.

So, for now, both these races have changed and adapted to their situation quite well. The venoids were becoming better at tools use and crafting using their surroundings. While the light sprites improved their skills in magic, though they may need something to drive them out of their lazy streak.