The first shaman

A lone Crimson gaurd clan member by the name Gendrul was minding his own business as he foraged for food. He wasn't the tallest or strongest of his tribe and wasn't technically a part of the clan, just the tribe under it. He had the same looks, something red, which for him was red skin but black eyes and hair.

Gendrul was quite small compared to the others, only being 5,5ft tall, but he had a few lucky breaks. The first was that his clan and tribe the Crimson Guard, weren't bullies and at most made jokes but never physically violent. The second was that he was naturally curious and liked to learn new things.

These helped to keep Gendrul alive and allowed him to walk the path and discover a very powerful and unique form of energy. It was magic, and for over a year after he discovered it, he had no idea what it was or how to get it.

He was 12 when he found magic through both beasts and nature and then would ponder how it works and where it comes from. So, being the eager young man he was, he did what he could, which was trying anything he could.

When you are trying to understand something and have no help and you're in copper age, some are still in the stone age. This meant he had to try what he could without dying, such as watching beasts battle over territory using magic.

A Lenatrax, a large beast that looked like a rhino but twice as big and had had large open sweat, glans it used in defence. They had a special chemical mix that burned the eyes, which helped it in defence and offence.

While it's competitor a Bronaven, was a mix of an alligator and a bull that had scaled hide and large jaw that could snap bones. Then 4 large horns, 2 on its side of the face and 2 on the skull, which helped protect its eyes and face. The tail was the same as an alligator, but its muscle mass was much greater.

The Lenatrax used earth magic for defence while the Bronaven used water. Both were basic magic, but they both also had small aspects of more advanced magic. Lenatrax was using body magic, and the Bronaven used toxin magic, but both were very small.

Gendrul watching these beasts battle showed him how magic could be used differently and was multiple types. It also showed that even these physically strong and powerful creatures needed magic to survive.

This led to another 2 years of watching and experimenting, and finally, at 15, he was able to crack it. He first had to empty his mind of all thought and then would have to draw the energy around him and then turn the raw magic into his elemental magic.

He only realised what his elemental magic was when he drew the raw magic in and learned that he was most drawn to fire magic. He could go for others, but it would be like trying to dance in quick sand, and he didn't know this yet. But his affinity for magic was only low, which was why he struggled to get it in the first place.

This wouldn't be found for a while, but your affinity decided how fast you developed your magic but also what magic you could use. So now Gendrul was an initiate level 1, which he didn't know he was the first official magic user of the rixis.

Now, you must be wondering what Gendrul did next after unlocking his magical abilities. Well, he did what we all would do.

"Fire ball!"-Gendrul

After he nearly burnt down his nearby forest, he quickly ran back to his tribe and showed them what he could do. Now, many may have been killed from this or driven out, but the Crimson Guard thought it was cool.

So he spent the rest of the day until he was exhausted, burning different stuff they thre towards him, and he was now the elders apprentice.

Around 5 months later, many other tribes and clans learnt of this, and now that they knew it existed, many other started on this path.

"Looks like it has begun, and with a fire user, well I'll go to Jack and tell him the good news and I'll hope for the best"-Minerva

Minerva was, of course their to watch this rixis bring about the age of magic and was quite happy it began.

As for the loveable Jack, he was currently being held by his ankle while Nyx talked to him about how blood flows through the body.

"For the 3rd time, Nyx, I get it!"-Jack

"You know for 2 gods, one of whom created an entire race and pantheon of gods you sure do act like children"-Minerva

"Ow! Don't drop me ya walking knob!"-Jack


"Anyway, what's up, Minerva?"-Jack

It was quite weird for Minerva to see her creator lying on the floor after being strung up by his other creation and god of war.

But if it wasn't for how Jack was, his creations may be less happy and more drab and boring, and Nyx might have turned into a homicidal maniac.

"Well, I'm sure you'll be happy with the fact that magic is now spreading among the Jackrixis the first being able to use fire"-Minerva

"Really, oh hell yeah!"-Jack

"Fire magic, great, imagine the wars!"-Nyx

"Indeed, so now we will have to deal with the problems that come with it"-Minerva

"Ah shit let me guess, guys with power go crazy and destroy stuff and make our lives harder"-Jack

"When is it not?"-Nyx

"Very true, Nyx, it seems chaos is Jack's pet that loves to jump all over our lives"-Minerva

"Hey, this isn't my fault. it's who ever threw me into this game"-Jack

"Well, that's beside the point things do seem to escalate quickly"-Minerva

"Yeah, but I'm human things go fast when we're in trouble"-Jack