Candidates quest

The days,weeks, and months went by on Lundum mundi as each candidate and his or hers race grew and evolved. This could be both physically or technologically, and besides those with the monster system, all were now in the stone age firmly and to make things more interesting some of the candidates received quest that Jack did not.

These quests all lead to things Jack was already at the front of, such as the religion system and different civilizational aspects. This may seem unfair until you realised Jack's quest gave him the opportunity to have another race to help him out, even if it did cost going to war.

These quests helped these candidates catch up, but that didn't mean Jack didn't get any either. it's just that his are much harder to do.

[]Quest:Blood in blood out[]

[]As your race develops its civilization, there will be those who wish to stand in the way of progress and bring degradation to your creations and their progress. So have over 1000 traitors of the Jackrixis executed within a 5 year period[]

[]Reward:1 racial skill and 2000 evolution points[]

This was no easy feat since, on average, there was a traitor caught every few months as they stayed in the shadows. There may not even currently be 1000 traitors, more likely their being 200 to 300, so this opportunity was stalled for now.

As for Jack, all he could do was try not to scream after having night terrors, which started occurring recently. He never had them before, but once in a while, he'd get dreams of Hector staring at him with empty eye sockets dripping a black substance while the tips of his fingers had no flesh exposing his boney finger tips. He would point at Jack and realse a vomit inducing screech that shouldn't have been possible to make using human vocal cords. Then, as Hector would run towards him, he would start to decay and rot visibly to the eye before he crumpled to the floor. That last thing Jack saw was Hector's half rotting eye glaring at him while his decaying jaw tried to bite him and disconnected from his face.

Now, the first to notice this was Caer since she was the god of dreams and quickly searched for the cause of this problem. All the gods knew Jack was shaken after seeing someone being wiped from existence, but he seemed to get better over time.

Sadly, she could not find anything but noticed that Jack wasn't having normal dreams, and it meant that affected Caers ability to help and the cause to remain unknown. Jack told them he was fine, but Themis didn't believe him when a snuck upon Jack had what looked like an anxiety attack. Renka could tell Jack wasn't okay, and Minerva knew Jack enough to tell he was struggling.

So they decided to give him an intervention and talk about the problems he was facing, which he listed off, and some they already knew about some they didn't and this helped to get him back on track. He still struggled as he was only a young man trying his best in a chaotic situation.

"I'm going to need therapy after this shit"-Jack

"He'll yeah you do, but don't worry about it. A good warrior understands they need to keep the mind strong as well as the body"-Nyx

"I'm sure they do, but I'm pretty sure most warriors dont think so much they feel like they have a bullet train crashing in their mind"-Jack

"I don't know what a bullet train is, but sure, and don't forget you'll have plenty of time to figure this stuff out once we win this game"-Nyx

"That's all I want to finish this bloody game at this point"-Jack

[]Host i have something that may interest you[]

"Oh, what's that then?"-Jack

[]Global quest:Fight for your place[]

[]All candidates will be attacked by the nearest monster horde or sentient civilization. Your race must either survive for 10 years or destory your enemy[]

[]Reward: 1 candidate skill[]

"They say candidates skills are rare, but I'm getting them like they're skittles"-Jack

[]I do agree you are in the top 10% when it comes to getting candidate skills[]

"Well, this isn't great, and I'm guessing a monster horde is controlled by a stronger and smarter monster"-Jack

[]Indeed, you could say it's the nautral version of the wave that forms when a powerful monster evolves and takes over[]

"Okay, I'm surprised I'm not stressing, but maybe I'm just tired or confident"-Jack

"Maybe all the emotion is being dulled for a later time when it can explode"-Nyx

"Your turing in to Renka"-Jack

"How dare you I'm actually useful!"-Nyx

"Yeah, but your main purpose is to fight other gods who want to kill us"-Jack

"Is it my fault none have appeared?"-Nyx

"Anyway, let's get the machine started and start getting ready to fight our new enemy"-Jack

All over the world, the candidates received this quest and started to prepare for either something similar to the wave. Or a new faze of warfare in which the enemy had sentience and possibly a high level of technology.

In a black sand desert near the very edge of sand striders desert home, the sand shifted and rumbled as the remains of beasts rose from its grasp. All types of skeletons rose from the dark sand with grey magical wisps drifting out of their eyes.

Eventually, a large cloth covered Skelton with a spike covered spine, and head stood in front of the undead army. A stone staff was in one hand with a cracked purple gem in the centre that leaked grey death magic.

The monsters body was mostly hidden by its cover, which was made of dried animal hides that still had some faint blood splatters. The Skelton mage was the leader of this monster legion and began to walk towards the enemy it sensed in the distance.