Chapter Thirteen: The Hate Boils Over


Sitting on the bed, my wrists rested on my knees. Glancing out the window, I didn't want to do anything today. My whole clan hated me, and there was nothing I could do about it. So much for me getting any form of respect when I became the Luna of the clan. Why couldn't people just accept me for what I am? Swinging my feet over the bed, my fingers scanned the closet. Picking out a simple black sweatshirt dress, my clammy fingers pulled on my black knee high Converses. Brushing through my hair real quick, my hands felt nice in my pockets. Opening the door, Hudson attempted to talk to me. Raising my hand, he stepped back.

Walking through the door, handwritten signs sat on the lawn. All of them were covered with insults towards me, the urge to kick them burning inside of me. Growling to myself, a couple of werewolves called me a bitch as I walked by. Stephan ran up to me, an excited smile on his face. Hiding my pain, he babbled on how his new girlfriend was going on a date with him tonight. Halfway through his conversation, my mind began to wander.

"So what do you think?" He asked earnestly, his eyes boring into mine. "Hey, were you even listening?" Surprise widened my eyes, his arms pulling me into a suffocating hug. A soft blush rose to my cheek, Latia calling out my name behind me. She was not someone that I wanted to deal with right now, my eyes rolling.

"Take me to the werewolves in the medic ward, so I can take care of them." I whispered in his ears, his head nodding. "I need a break from people who hate my guts." Saying nothing, he guided me through the village to the makeshift medic wing in a warehouse that held all of our supplies. All eight guys plus Desmond looked up at me with a huge grin on his face, all of them eating a platter of eggs, bacon and toast.

"Let me introduce you to a few people." Desmond chuckled lightly, running his hand through his wild hair. "These two are the twins Sammy and Selena Starlight, and yes their temper is as fiery as their red hair. Those two brothers are Dylan and Nate Skomet, fresh from Alaska. Those three are the Dandmont siblings, Erik, Derrick, and Merrick. That last loser over there is my cousin Danny Eunice, fresh from Maine. Sammy and Selena sat next to each other, their wild red curls bouncing around their porcelain face. Their green eyes glittering excitedly in my direction, the contrast couldn't be any different. Sammy had on a worn black leather jacket and combat boots while her twin was wearing a white frilly dress. Both of them stood at five foot two with petite bodies, my attention turning towards Dylan and Nate. Blonde hair shimmered in the light, light blue eyes twinkling in my direction. However there were stark differences between the two, the first one being their height. Dylan's blonde hair sat in a man bun on top of his head, a simple black t-shirt hugging his muscular six foot four frame. His arms sat across his chest, telling me he was a serious fellow. Nate stood at a respectable five foot nine with short blonde hair that hung over his blue eyes. The black business suit hugged his slender body, the vibe of the outfit not matching his goofy vibes. Erik, Derrick and Merrick shifted uncomfortably, barely able to look at me. Gray shaggy hair hung around their shoulders, gray eyes dimming with shame. The oldest Erik was the tallest at six foot five, his blue plaid shirt hugging his muscular body while the jeans were covered in dirt. Derrick wore a band t-shirt telling me that he was an adventurous soul, his height at six foot two inches. Lastly Merrick dusted off the black dress shirt that hugged his slender five foot eight body, his vibe a mix of chill but stern.

"I am Danny." The blonde haired kid introduced himself while popping up behind me, his white cotton shirt brushing against me. He was my height, his green eyes twinkling happily. His short hair bounced wildly around his face, his energy perking me up a bit. Offering me his hand, I shook it. Clearing my throat, they all stared at me.

"I am just curious." I wondered out loud, turning my attention to Desmond. "I am sensing no clan attachments with all of you. So are you like the lost boys in Peter Pan?" A crooked grin danced across his face, his hands crossing. Sadness hid underneath his kind gaze, a secret buried deep within his eyes.

"I guess in a way." He answered numbly, pointing to his friends. "We chose to belong to no one, that is until now. We wish to swear loyalty to you, well you specifically. You saved us even though we were strangers. Therefore, let us follow you. Come on guys." Getting on their knees, they bowed their heads. Placing their hands on the floor, a crescent tattoo formed on all of their necks. All at once, their thoughts flooded my head as the hateful ones mixed with their positive thoughts. A migraine throbbed in my head, all of them going silent for a minute. The hateful ones took over, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Thank you." I mumbled awkwardly, scarlet burning my cheeks. "I have to go meet Dr. Saluki, so we can see what the next step is for your mother. Are you coming Desmond?" Following me, Dr. Saluki was waiting at James' house. His slicked back hair glimmered in the morning light, his milky eyes meeting mine. His robes fluttered in the gentle breeze, his hand shaking mine.

"I am here to see Delilah, and then to be on my way. I am in high demand, you know." He said numbly, carrying his bag in his hands. "If it is truly cancer, then I can do nothing. You look like you know that." Chuckling to myself, I guided him up to their mother's room. The pink floral wallpaper was peeling off, worn furniture creaking as she sat up. Her tired eyes widened in fright at the Dr. Saluki, her skeletal hand reaching for Desmond. Saying nothing, Saluki laid his mother down. Hovering his hands over her, my fingers traced the scratches on my face. James burst into the room, the white lace curtain danced in the breeze. His suit was a little messed up, Hudson rushing in after him.

"I am afraid it is cancer." Dr. Saluki announced in a matter of fact tone, closing up his bag. "Death is holding her shoulder now. Fate has decreed that she will die today, but it seems she is aware of it. Perhaps you were holding on just to see James again. I am afraid I can do nothing. I am truthfully sorry." Tears flooded from James and Desmond's eyes, their mother sitting up.

"Boys." She wheezed, coughing up blood. "I love you with all of my heart and I am glad to see you one last time. Come here." The two of them approached her, Saluki having a conversation with someone that we couldn't see. The two of them embraced her tightly, tears welling up in my eyes. Hudson wrapped his arms around my waist, time slowing down as she dropped down to the bed. The boys howled in pain, her hand dropping to the side. Tears streamed down my cheeks, her spirit floating over her body. Waving goodbye to me, she floated out the window. Collapsing to their knees, the two of them held each other. Desmond's thoughts of grief dominated my mind, his pain was mine.

"I know a good place to bury her." I offered sweetly, wiping away my tears. "It is a beautiful spot." The brothers nodded, Desmond scooping up her body. Saluki snapped his fingers and he was gone. Guiding them to the forest, we all walked silently to a field of flowers. Flowers brushed against our legs as we walked to the top of the hill, my palm resting onto the ground. A six foot deep hole manifested in front of us, a white marble tombstone growing from the ground.

"So you put her in, and a casket will appear around her. The right words will appear on the tombstone." I wept softly, Desmond and James setting her in the bottom of the hole. Hopping out, a white metal casket formed around her, dirt pouring back in. Delilah Dandy carved itself in the stone, the words a great mother appearing under the dates. They both crashed to the ground, teardrops soaking into the loose dirt. Childlike wonder brightened their eyes, white lilies growing over the dirt. Turning to leave, both James and Desmond grabbed the sleeve of my dress.

"Can you stay with us?" They both begged at the same time, their bodies quaking with grief. "We need you to hold us for a moment." Nodding my head, I collapsed to my knees. Pulling the two of them close to my chest, salty tears soaked my dress. Hudson stood back, yelling coming from the bottom of the hill.

"Get rid of the witch." The whole village cried out, shame dimming my eyes. The girl's father was leading the way, silver blades in their hands. Rising to my feet, flowers brushed against my legs as I marched down to them.

"Enough is enough!" I screamed venomously, standing tall. "You have bullied me for fucking years, and treat me like shit. Respect me as your Luna or get the fuck out of my village!" Hudson marched up behind me, a snarl curled on his lips. Words burned on the tip of his tongue, rage seething in her eyes.

"Do you know what you are doing to her?" He barked hotly, grabbing the father by the collar of his light blue shirt. "She is your Luna whether you like it or not. I spent my whole life with her, and she is the kindest person. I watched her help you her whole life regardless of how you monsters treated her. Do you know why I became her friend? She was sitting alone, and just looked so defeated yet she showed up everyday with a goddamn smile on her face. She buried her emotions to make me happy. Does that sound like a monster to you? She risked her life the day we mated, jumping in front of me when a rogue vampire tried to eat me. Again, does that sound like a monster to you? She saved eight werewolves who were complete strangers, and didn't even blink a fucking eye. Does that sound like a monster to you? Finally, she is making it so we are all safe, so dickheads like you can still be assholes. So I give anyone the permission to leave if they don't agree with her or me. I will stand by her until the day I fucking die!" The village went quiet, the mother of the daughter stepping forward. Getting on her knees, her husband scoffed. One by one they got on their knees, the werewolves that I rescued popping up behind me. Everyone bowed their heads, the father still standing tall.

"I refuse to serve an Alpha like you." He growled through gritted teeth, the silver blade swinging towards Hudson. His wife leapt in front of him, taking the hit. Crashing to the ground, rage darkened his face further. Sitting up, she stabbed him in the heart. Stunned, no one did anything. Fresh tears streamed down my face, their daughter pushing her way through the crowd. Her short black bob swayed in the breeze, her mismatched blue and green eyes widening with terror. What do I do now?