Chapter Twenty-Three: Helping a Blood Brother


Sitting up slowly, the television was still playing, my real smile curled on my lips as I watched Grappy sleep in Bloodsworth's arms. Stumbling to my feet, no one woke up. Walking up to his office, the door was open slightly. Something was wrong here, a dark energy in the office. Slamming the door open, the light flickered on. No one was there, my wolf eyes scanned the room. A rush of air brushed past me, one of the disgruntled family members charging at me. Unable to dodge his attack, both of us flew out of the window. Glass shattered all over the floor, scanning for the best way to land while saving his life. Clutching him close to my chest, my arm was the only thing that was going to break. Bracing myself for impact, the crack of my arm shattered the still air. Crying out in pain, the bastard pressed a cold muzzle to the back of my head. Death was not an option, the crazed look in his gray eyes frightening me. Cold sweat drenched my skin, my bone sticking out of my arm. Blood dripped down my arm, my face going pale. Why was he doing this?

"You did nothing to save my family!" He screamed shrilly, people gathering around us. "You did nothing, and you need to die with them! You are a monster and you deserve to be treated as such!" His words stung, tears welling up in my eyes, his hand trembling. He didn't want to do this, I thought to myself. Holding my arm, a gasp of pain exploded from my lips as I sat up. My finger twitched, grabbing a handful of dirt. A sly grin danced across my lips, confusion contorting his. Tossing the dirt in his eyes, he clawed at his eyes. Leaping to my feet, dirt blew around me as I leapt over the gate. Hopping over the gate after me, his bones cracked as his muscles rearranged into a white wolf. Shit, there was no going back now. My arm was broken, and my wolf was still sleeping from everything yesterday. Backing up, the chilly surface of a giant rock smashed into my back. The gray eyed white wolf launched itself at me, his teeth sinking into my calf. Sliding to the ground, my vision blurred as he dragged me up the mountain. My arm refused to heal because my wolf was sleeping which meant that I couldn't call Hudson to help me. Teardrops soaked the dirt, no one coming to my rescue. Slamming me into a tree, the bark cutting into my back. Coughing up blood, his paw slammed into my chest. The crunching of my ribs shattered the still morning air. His claws tore at my chest, my shattered ribs falling into my lap. Fighting the urge to toss up the contents in my stomach, my heart was beating in my chest. A flash of black hair caught my eyes, black feathers snowing from the clouds. A flash of silver sliced the wolf's throat, his strong arms scooping me up. Tears welled up in Grappy's eyes, a couple pieces of glass sticking out of my broken arm.

"I am sorry!" I wheezed, blood pouring from my chest. "I am just a bur-" Pressing his finger to my lips, he landed gracefully in front of my home. Hudson sprinted out to us, Grappy setting me on the ground. Hovering his hands over my chest, the tissues and bones fused back together. Howls of pain exploded from my lips, his hands hovering over my arm. Looking over my leg, a black energy sealed my wounds. Laying still on the ground, Hudson and the whole clan were looking down at me.

"Can I have permission to stay as her guardian angel?" Grappy inquired oddly, his red filling with concern. "I think she needs protection when you aren't around." Hudson's answer shocked me, offering his trembling hand to Grappy. Glaring at me, his wolf was pissed with me. This time I had no choice but to be dragged into the woods.

"Just do your ceremony." He growled through gritted teeth, shaking his hand. "Clearly, someone can't keep out of trouble." His words made me sound as if I was a tiny child, not his wife. Grappy knelt next to me, the top of his palm glowing. Cutting my palm, my body still aching from everything. Cutting his palm, his fingers wrapped around mine. A black energy swirled around our hands, his red eyes boring into mine.

"Do you accept me as your guardian angel?" He queried tiredly, his wings fluttered irritably. "I require your answer, master." Both of us winced at the word master coming from his lips, morning sickness beginning to set in. Swallowing the blood coming up my throat, my hair splayed around my head. Hudson shot me a death glare, the threat ever present in his eyes.

"I accept you as my guardian angel." I mumbled under my breath, Hudson watching me closely. Both the tops of our hands glowed, a black feather faded into life. Offering me his hand, Hudson's steely gaze made me want to stay on the ground. Accepting his hand, he helped me up. Hudson ripped me from his grasp, clutching me close to his chest. Dragging me into the house, everyone scurried off with frightened looks. Grappy followed after us calmly, Hudson telling him to go take a break. Pulling me into his office, he sat me down on his lap. A snarl curled on my lips, a sheet of plywood covering up the window. Clenching my fists, this was fucking ridiculous. Did my eye just catch him running his hand up my thigh? A tender blush rose to my cheeks, my hand slapping him away. A sensual growl rumbled in his throat, his hands wrapping around my hips.

"What the hell was that all about!" I barked hotly, his sheer strength holding me down. "You didn't get dragged into the forest by a white wolf, and you didn't come to my fucking rescue anyways!" His brow cocked, his half grin turning me on. My morning sickness faded away, my wolf stirring awake. His wolf wanted my wolf, both of us dropping the fight. Flipping me around, he tossed his shoe at the door. The door slammed shut, him sliding the folders over. Pinning me to the desk, the hungry look his eyes told me that his rage was just pent up sexual tension.

"You turn me on when you yell at me." He whispered into my ears gruffly, stripping off my blood clothes. "You should probably get out of those clothes." Peeling off his shirt slowly, my heart skipped a beat. Sweat dripped off of his eight pack, my tongue wagging. Just like that, I was under his control. Teasing me, he slid my hand over his pants button. My trembling hand popped off his button, the black jeans falling to the floor. Getting on his hands and knees, him pulling me to the edge of his desk. His tongue danced around my swollen clit, his fingers sliding into my wet slit. Hitting my g-spot at the same time, the tips of his fingers danced away. Writhing under his insane touch, he went faster and faster. My hand grabbed his hair, loud moans exploding from my lips.

"Then punish me, Hudson!" I cried out lustfully, covering up my mouth. A devious grin flashed up at me, the floor creaking as he stood tall. Licking me off of his fingers, his lips pressed against mine hungrily. His hard cock rubbed against my leg, a shiver of ecstasy shooting through all of my body. Slamming his thick girth into me, his hard cock ripped in and out of me. Small gasps poured from my lips, his hands wrapping around my knees. My walls hugged him, his gruff groans only making me wetter. This position felt amazing, my inner wolf yipping away. Pushing a button on the remote, heavy metal blared out of his radio. This was a rather common occurrence, so no one would suspect a thing. Ripping me off of the table, he pinned me against the wall. My breath hitched, my legs wrapping around his waist. Wrapping my arms around his neck, my hips ground against him. His grip grew tighter, his fangs brushing against the nape of my neck.

"Bite me." I whispered sensually in his ears, his fingers running through my hair. Goosebumps popped up on my skin, my hips dancing faster as his fangs sat into my neck. His claws grew from his fingers, a sense of euphoria washing over me the moment his claws scratched my back. The rougher the better, our inner wolves taking us over. A black leather couch sat in the corner underneath his shelves of important paperwork, his lips kissing mine lustfully. Pinning me down on the couch, my legs flipped him over. Pinning him down, my lips brushed against his broad chest. Guiding his hands to my bump, a crooked grin made my heart skip a beat. Tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, his thumb traced my cheek. Clutching me close to his chest, our bodies pressing against each other. Sniffing my hair, his lips parting in protest as I sat up. Sinking onto his thick girth, we both moaned. It was my turn to dominate him, him growling for me to come here. Bouncing up and down, he squeezed my breasts roughly.

"Come on, Evie." He groaned huskily, his wolf crying out for more. "I am going to cum soon. Could you slow down?" Biting my lips, my hips bucked faster. Closer, I was getting closer to my climax. Just a couple of seconds more, I told myself. Clutching him close to my chest, his lips kissed mine. Our tongues danced in our mouths, our hips grinding to the same rhythm. Holding my hips down, we both cried out as he filled me with his hot seed. Collapsing on top of him, the warmth of his arms relaxed all of my muscles. The two of us panted, a sharp knock on the door. Sitting up, he tossed me his black t-shirt while pulling his pants on. Fixing our hair, he pulled a spare t-shirt over his head. Opening the door, James rushed in with Grappy. Turning off the music, he had his cell phone trembling in his hands. Placing it against my ear, Theros sobbed in my ear.

"Hunters, like real hunters, have surrounded our village." He wept softly into the phone, Diamond crying out in pain. "Diamond is having her baby." A lump formed in my throat, a transportation spell was going to be necessary. Snapping my head, I called for Latia to come to my aid.

"We need to help the vampires." I informed them calmly, Soleil running into the room. "I need you to get Dr. Saluki for me. Tell him to get to Diamond this instant. Grappy and Bloodsworth, we need to take out some hunters. Adrenaline coursed through my veins, Stephan bursting through the door. Running into my old room, I shifted through the cabinets for magical supplies. Soleil popped up next to me, her hands behind her back.

"Would you like me to stay behind to watch the portal?" She offered kindly, acknowledging her apprenticeship duties. Patting her on the head, my fingers wrapped around the spine of a black book. Flipping through the pages, my fingers traced each page until I found the one I needed. Leaping out of the open window, my fingers traced the transportation symbols in the loose dirt. Tossing the dried magical elements into a mortar and pestle, grinding it into a fine dust. Spreading it around the circle, I cut my palm. Dripping my blood around the circle, a white glow blinded me. Placing my hands together, a deep sigh tumbled from my lips.

"Moonie, grant me the power to get to Theros' house!" I chanted confidently, slamming my palms into the dirt. "Open the portal!" My hair flew up, his black shirt fluttering in the breeze. The humming noise grew louder as everyone but James and Soleil stayed behind. Glancing around, my fingers snapped. White energy danced around us, our town fading to the living room of Theros' home. The hunters weren't here quite yet, the pink rays of dawn peeking over the trees. We didn't have much time, Theros' running into my arms. His slender body trembled in my arms, tears of fear running down his cheek.

"I feel so stupid." He wept softly into his palms, scanning the room for any magical artifacts. "Does your father still have the Sorcerer's glass heart?" Nodding silently, he pulled a random book off of the middle shelf. The shelf slid over, Dr. Saluki popped up behind me. Holding his black medical bag, Theros guided him up to Diamond. Running down the curling granite stairs, flames flickered to life as we rushed past all of the torches. Skidding to a stop, my jaw dropped. Hudson tripped into me, my eyes scanning the dusty wooden shelves. Ignoring Hudson, the ladder cried out as I climbed up to the top shelf. Wrapping my fingers around the black onyx heart, my eyes fell onto the white heart next to it. A spell came to my mind, my heel slipping. Musty air lashed at my skin as I fell back, Hudson catching me in his arms.

"Thanks." I chirped cheerfully, grabbing the hammer next to me. "Step back a bit for me." Stepping back, the crystals shattered the moment the hammer smashed them. Searching for a bowl to put them in, a broken cauldron catching my eyes. Sighing deeply to myself, my trembling fingers sweeping them into the cauldron. Passing it to Hudson, he followed behind me with an irritated look in his eyes. Theros greeted us back in the living room, my nose already beginning to bleed.

"Block out any light you can." I ordered sharply, grasping his shoulders. "Carry Diamond down to the basement and have her give birth there." A sharp whistle shattered the silence, Stephan guiding all of the purebred vampires into the basement. Dr. Saluki held a screaming Diamond in his arms, passing her to Theros. Everyone piled into the basement, Hudson shutting it behind him. Running out to the center of town, my fingers drawing the angel spell symbols. Dusting the crystals over the symbols, my palm was still bleeding profusely. Dripping my blood over the crystals, Grappy was standing over me.

"Is there anything I can do?" He queried earnestly, trying to please me a bit too much. Blood was now pouring from my eyes, this spell already draining my powers. Turning up to him, Bloodsworth was standing behind him. Dread bubbled in my stomach, my stupid mind just remember that he would die.

"Cover your lover with your wings, and don't stop until I tell you to." I sighed tiredly, the copper taste of blood poisoning my taste buds. Making sure his wings were covering the two of them, Hudson waited patiently behind me a few paces back. Taking his hand for a second, a depressed grin dimmed my face. Pressing my palms together, this second spell was going to take the rest of my energy out of me. I would turn into my wolf form, so that was going to be awkward. The unfortunate part is that I would be a wolf for two whole days, an irritating inconvenience for me. Humming a note, this spell was going to take total concentration.

"Spirit of the heart of the sorcerer, spirit of the heart of the white wolf!" I sang in a slow tune, Hudson reacting to the hunter's flying over the walls. "Ring the bell of death, wake up the reapers from your graves. Rise my dear angels. Take the souls of the sinners invading my brother's home." Slamming my palms on the ground, a river of my blood flowed to the glowing crystals. A beam of white light bathed me, my bones cracking as my muscles shifted to my white wolf. Soft whines poured from my muzzle, reapers in black cloaks rising from the ground. Scythes in hand, the angels shooting golden arrows. Golden armor clung to their muscular bodies, golden helmets obscuring their faces. A sea of white flames bathed the land, the screams of the hunters filling the early morning air. One by one they were all cut down or shot in the center of their heads, turning into balls of white light in mere seconds. The screaming died down, the light fading away. The circle disappeared, my white werewolf form the only thing remaining. The morning sun rose over the mountains, my fur dancing in the chilly morning breeze. Nudging Grappy with my muzzle, he peeked his head out. A black umbrella sat at my paw, the loose dirt flying up as I rolled it to him. Hudson knelt down to my level, rubbing behind my ears. This felt so magical, his understanding smile making me feel slightly better about my situation. Grappy opened up the umbrella, Bloodsworth slender hand wrapping around the handle. Stepping out, his black velvet suit covered in dirt. Smiling warmly at me, they both pat the top of my head.

"You are so soft." Bloodsworth mused happily, playing with my fur. "Shouldn't we go check on Miss Diamond?" Nodding my head, dirt flew up around me as I pounded towards Theros' home. Hudson pulling the right book, Stephan peeking his head out of the entryway. The purebred vampires flooded from the basement, heading straight for the spare coffins upstairs. Running down the stairs, Diamond was holding a tiny baby in her arms. Sweat soaked her face, her hair clinging to her face. Tears flooding from her red eyes, Theros petting the wet black hair of the child. Both of them were beaming with pride, both of their breaths hitching at the sight of me. Three pairs of red eyes stared at me, my tail wagging happily. Walking over, the child reached for my fur. Rubbing my nose against her cute face, a tiny giggle twinkling in my wolf ears. Yawning, a cloud of dust flew up as I laid down next to them. Closing my eyes, it was time for bed.