Chapter Forty-Six: A Day Out with The Boys


"Hudsy." My stepmother called, her hands clutching her several stab wounds. The chaos was erupting outside, my father stood in the corner covered in blood. My lips had parted to speak, his boots pounding up the stairs. All of my problems seemed small now, my quaking hands pulling her onto my lap. Ruby blood soaked my lap, scarlet painted my white t-shirt. The door slammed shut, my stepmother reaching for my hands. Large teardrops crashed onto her face, my fingers intertwining with hers.

"Don't die!" I pleaded desperately, pulling her up to my chest. "I love you so much. Don't leave me with that monster!" Coughing up blood, her hand cupped my face. Snuggling into it, her bright smile quivered on her face.

"I love you so much, Hudsy." She choked out, her life force draining away. "Promise me, you'll marry Evie for me. I l-" Her hand crashed to my lap, a death howl poured from my lips. A devastated Latia stumbled numbly down the stairs, blood soaking her white summer dress. A knife quivered in her side, a broken howl burst from her lips at the sight of our dead stepmother. Laying her down gently, Latia smashed into my arms. Ripping the knife from her side, the wound sealed shut.

"Are you guys okay?" A distraught Evie inquired, the trauma dripping in her voice. "Guys, where are you? Come on, I need to know you are okay!" Her scream broke over the chaos outside, the two of us rushed up to see a defeated looking Evie. Her face lit up at the sight of us, her arms stealing us in for a warm embrace.

"Wake up!" She shouted in my ear.

Snapping awake, her arms clutched me close to her chest. Clammy sweat drenched my skin, her fingers wiping away my tears. What brought back these horrid memories? Shivering in her arms, the black bags underneath her eyes told me that she hadn't slept at all that night. Glancing around, we were in our bedroom. The sounds of breakfast echoed in my ears, a migraine throbbed violently. All of this seemed too loud, the desire to hide away raged inside of me. How could Evie think of us first back then? She sought us to determine if we were safe.

"How did I get upstairs?" I yawned groggily, a nervous grin twitched on her lips. Her lips parted to speak, a grinning Theros sprinted into the room. Confusion twisted my face, a plate of pancakes and bacon rested on his palm.

"I brought up some breakfast for you." He offered sincerely, the three teenagers sulking by the room with a white haired vampire. "That is Athena DeMagoth, your kids new tutor. She used to be a teacher before my father bit her. She retired a couple of years ago. You look so vivacious today, Miss Evie. You were lucky that I helped you carry her up the stairs. Peony is here for your ladies' day so I will watch Hudson for you. Don't worry, Grappy will be going with them." Stealing the plate, she shoved him out of the room. Selecting a black silk wrap dress, the bell sleeves covered her hands.

"I will be back with some takeout for dinner, Peony really needs me today. Gabrielle will be watching from the skies alongside his brother." She expressed with a ton of worry in her voice, the look in her eyes begging for help. "Enjoy your boys' day with Theros and Puck. Goodbye, Hudson." My fingers snatched her wrist, her eyes falling on mine.

"Can you call me Hudsy?" I pleaded softly, a tired smile dimming her features. "It was nice to hear that nickname again. Hudson sounds too formal." Chuckling to herself, she plopped down across from me. Her ivory waves cascaded over her curves, her fingers wiping away my tears. Pressing her forehead to mine, my breath hitched at her beauty. Her delicate features made my heart flutter, her button nose made me smile warmly to myself.

"Okay. I love you, Hudsy. I am needed so I need to go. I have to get some decorations for the basement to freshen up the darkness of the basement. I will be back by dinner." She promised assuredly, pinning me to the bed. "Let me give you a gift to remember me by." Pressing her lips against mine sensually, my hand slid down to her waist. Time stopped, my heart skipped a beat. Her surprises never stopped coming, a satisfied grin rested on her lips the moment she leapt off the bed. Landing into her boots, a giggle told me that Peony had been waiting like a predator for her prey. Swinging my feet over the bed, the monstrosity of my depression reared its ugly head. Dragging my feet, my fingers traced the endless sea of black t-shirts and dark jeans. My temper flared up, the hangers protesting the moment I threw my clothes onto the floor. Sinking to my knees, my stepmother's last words wouldn't stop coursing through my head. A knock interrupted my tantrum, James poked his head in. Throwing one of my typical outfits, his eyes flitted between the mess and me.

"Did you have that nightmare again?" He questioned awkwardly, beginning to pick up my clothes. "Evie would have stayed behind if you asked. Must you always lash like this." A dark cloud hovered over me, everything seeming to hit me at once. Helping him pick up my clothes, his stern eyes commanded me to speak. Rolling my eyes, Evie didn't need to worry about me at all.

"I don't want her to see me like this. It is my job to protect her, not the other way around." I growled through gritted teeth, examining his new cream suit. "Cream? What brought that on? Are you trying to be the next KFC mascot?" His brow cocked in response, a fit of laughter burst from our lips. Theros motioned for us to come to the top of the stairs, our head turning in the direction of the teenagers. A sleek bob cut at her cheekbones, her ruby eyes softening and hardening with each mistake they made. Her inky lips twitched with irritation at Daryll's lack of academic skills, Puck popping up behind us. Tiny yelps left our lips, his clothes beginning to smell.

"Do you have any extra clothes I could borrow?" He grumbled under his breath, embarrassment coloring his cheeks. "We seem to be about the same size." Pointing into my room, he mouthed a silent thank you. Puck's energy through me off, his goofiness presented his younger soul despite his older age. Most of us could wish to be as plucky as him, our lives having gotten in the way. A couple of minutes passed, Puck stepped out with his dirty clothes on his arm. Of course they fit him, many questions coursing through my head.

"Before you ask, we are cousins of sorts." He explained calmly, wrapping his arms around our shoulders. "Let's go play a game of poker or something." Our eyes narrowed in his direction, a Cheshire cat grin spreading cheek to cheek. Desmond waved up at us, his shaggy hair was pulled back into a ponytail.

"Did you want to go on a hike or something?" He shouted up the stairs, Athena shot daggers from her eyes. "Geez, I am sorry. I have an idea for today. You can get clothes and you can spoil our precious Evie." Jingling the keys in his fingers, Athena snapped her head up at us.

"Could you just leave already! You are very distracting." She snapped impatiently, the kids shrinking back. "I am trying to teach your damn kids." Sneaking past them, a black SUV waited for us. Devin sighed bitterly in the front, his hair had been cut short. His bangs hung over his left eye, his pale blue shirt emphasized his ghostly complexion. Theros popped up his umbrella, us werewolves rolling our eyes. Athena's gaze softened upon her eyes meeting Puck's, a sly grin curling on my lips.

"Does someone have the hots for the teacher?" I teased playfully, my mood lifting. "You should ask her out. I bet she could teach you a couple of lessons in the bedro-" His hand covered my mouth, his strong arms dragging me to the car. Shoving me in, he waved at her. Theros crashed down next to me, the Dandy brothers took the front seats while Devin climbed into the very back. Theros yanked a simple black mask over his face, a fuming Puck made me want to get out of the car. Devin popped his head up behind us, the dark bags under his eyes only made him look like the living dead.

"I wouldn't have done that." He whispered shakily in my ear, the cracking of Puck's knuckles didn't help my case. "He uses his smile to hide the death of his mate.Trust me, I know from personal experience." Awkward silence poisoned the air, the trees turning into concrete. James snapped on the radio, the music slapped a band aid on the growing tension. Pulling into a large department store, Puck refused to talk to me. Theros winked at me, stealing everyone else but him away. What the fuck was his game? How dare he ditch me with the one person I pissed off.

"I am sorry. I didn't know that your mate died." I stammered apologetically, his expression breaking into a false smile. "You don't have to hide that with me. I have lost plenty of people in my life. How is the basement? Is it to your liking? You can just text me the color you want the walls and we will get the paint for you. I heard you like to fix cars. Our local mechanic is looking for some help. Would you be interested?" His false smile melted into a crooked grin, his arms folding across his chest.

"No offense, what do you do for money?" He asked curiously, walking over to the clothing section. "I haven't seen you go anywhere to make money." My job was weird but internet based, my lips pressing into a thin line.

"I make websites and create new apps. I am a millionaire because of a few games that I sold. I know its stupid. Alpha paperwork only takes up a couple hours of my time and I couldn't really leave. Hence the technology stuff." I bragged proudly, knowing that my work was popular around the world. "I am almost done with a new game that is sure to win people over. It is a werewolf horror game. I might keep that one for myself. Evie helped me invest in the best stocks. She is a freaking genius. I love her so much." Nudging my shoulder, he pulled worn picture from his wallet. It was a picture of a blonde woman in a mermaid style gown, her arms curled around his simple black tuxedo.

"This was our wedding day. We had a week together before she got shot by a hunter." He said numbly, tucking it back into his pocket. "Oh boy! We used to run the town. One night I got toasted and banged his mother. She was a bitch back then. We were just a one night stand which really meant no contact after. It was about a year ago that I found out that I had a son. I am sorry for what happened in the courtroom to your wife. She got shot a couple of times after telling her off. My son shot his own mother to protect her. He is a good boy." My eyebrow twitched irritably, a low growl rumbling in my throat. My fists curled into a tight ball, my own blood plopping to the ground.

"She didn't tell me that. Why must she be so annoying! I should have gone instead of her but no she insisted." I seethed venomously, his big hand resting on the top of my head. "What gives!" Thunderous laughter rumbled in his throat, his vibe unsettling me.

"If I learned anything about Miss Evelyn, she didn't think that it was going to happen." He pointed out simply, my hand knocking his hand off. "I will be seeking an apartment in town. I don't want to be a bu-" Biting my lip, his intentions were pure. Crossing my hands, Evie walked next to Peony with a few art supplies in her hand. Yanking Puck into the rack, her boots were in my viewpoint.

"Are you okay?" Peony asked her, Evie glancing around. "Why are you looking around like a nutcase?" Tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear, her eyes followed Evie's. Sniffing the air, Puck covered me with his body. Narrowing her eyes, her eyes never met mine.

"I thought I smelled Hudson." She sighed sadly, disappointment dimming her eyes. "I wanted to tell him what happened in the courtroom yesterday. I simply never got the chance. It really was a miracle that the bullets weren't silver. That poor kid had to shoot his mother because of me. I can never forgive myself. I came here to get Daryll's favorite things." Taking out her list, her boots barely touched the ground as she skipped off. Their giggles twinkled in the air, Puck released me from his heavy embrace. Crinkling my nose in disgust, I smelled like his cashmere sweater scent.

"One can safely assume you don't have a desire to be caught." He joked with a wink, waiting until they were far out of our view. "That was close. Now I need to get some clothes." Watching him pick out a bunch of stuff in my size, Evie was coming back around. Hiding me behind him, she stopped in front of him. Her bright smile lit up the space, Peony held a bunch of bags in her hands. Leaning forward, her hair grazed the floor. A curious glint twinkled in her eyes, the line of her vision falling to the pile of matching t-shirts and jeans.

"The jeans I understand but why are you getting the same shirt over and over again?" She teased lightly, standing straight up. "If you keep it up, I am going to start having to call you Hudson." A deep red colored my cheeks, a low growl rumbling in my throat. Black screamed mysterious and awesome, my whole Bruce Wayne vibe would be destroyed if I just started wearing color.

"Dang! I am starving." Puck exclaimed with a hand wave, his heel kicking my leg. "Tell me one thing. What is your favorite dessert from your bakery? I would love to thank you in a grand gesture." Tapping her chin, her feet barely touched the ground. Her laughter twinkled in the air once more, Peony tapping on her shoulder. Shooting her a death glare,her eyes rolled. Her bright pink summer dress blinded me, Peony's eyes widening at the sight of me. Putting a finger on my lips, the next words stunned me. This was something that I never knew from her.

"I like the Boston Creme Pie from the Italian bakery down the street. Don't worry about me. I have to go meet Death for lunch. He has some leads for me. See you later." She sang delightfully, Peony dragging her off. A pregnant pause hung between us, my fingers picking out a light blue t-shirt. My inner wolf was begging for me not to prove her right, thunderous growls rumbled in my throat with every second of my aggressive fuming. Pacing back and forth, Puck placed his hand on my head. A couple of women popped their heads around the corner, dread bubbling in my gut. Can't they just leave me alone!

"Calm down, young pup. Buy the shirt and just say you wanted to try it." He suggested with a fatherly tone, a strange feeling coming over me. "The key to a healthy relationship is to pick your battles, now let's go get some cake." Was this how fathers were supposed to act? So many thoughts haunted my mind, Puck hummed a rock song as he scanned his clothes. Taking my shirt from my arm, my lips parted in protest. A solemn expression told me not to protest, my lips pressing into a thin line. Hovering closely behind him, the others watched me oddly. Women began to stare at us, their lustful gazes sickening me. James skidded up behind me, his arms wrapping around my waist. Flashing him my brightest smile, my hands cupped his.

"Honey!" I whined pathetically, cupping his hands. "Not in front of everyone." The Dandy brothers did the same, Devin's eyes rolled. Harsh grumbles echoed around us, the women's heads going back into their cart. Slipping his arms from my waist, we held our heads up high. Rolling my eyes, this trick was the only thing to keep women from following us. Piling into the car, the brothers stopped at the bakery. The bell rang, a red headed woman stared hungrily in my direction, my finger pointing to the Boston cream pie. Fishing around for the money, her hand clung to mine for a bit too long.

"The cake is for my wife!" I blurted out bitterly, watching her face fall as she boxed up the cake. "Sorry for upsetting you." The lights flickered, both of her eyes growing an inky black. Her head twitched brokenly, a sea of murky darkness bathed the bakery. Chaos erupted in the back, cries of relief echoed in my ear. Cold fingers grasped at my arm, every flash of light revealing a decaying face. Nausea wracked my stomach, maggots fell on my face. Smashing the box into her face, a swift kick to her gut sent her back into the wall. A buzzing Evie ushered the bakers out of the restaurant, her scythe quivering in her palm. Cuts covered her face, her wide eyes watching Peony limp out with the survivors. Death hovered behind her, his hand running through his hair. Passing him her glasses, blood poured from her ears. A small girl clung to her legs, a white pearl shimmered in her left eye while her slate gray right eye fell on me. Death snapped his fingers, a pair of dark purple glasses appeared on her face. A belt of giant pearls hung off of her baby blue frilly nightgown.

"Pearl." Evie said serenely, cupping her tiny hand. "I need you to throw one of your bombs. Rip it off of your belt and give a good old throw." Guiding her hand to a pearl, the poor girl trembled in her arms. Ripping one off of the belt, the air whistled around the pearl. Shooting a blast of ice from her palms, the ice devoured the pearl bomb. Her reaper's eye quivered violently, black sludge poured down her cheek. Motioning for me to get out, she didn't have to tell me twice. Stumbling out, the horrific face of the others greeted me. Pointing behind me, a blast of ice knocked me onto the hood. A regal looking Evie kicked the demon around, trying to get information from the monster. A tiny hand tugged at the hem of my shirt, the little girl's wet eyes meeting mine. The energy in the air built again, lightning bounced off of my skin. Her silver waves tickled my hand, my lightning forming a dome around the survivors and our vehicle. Another blast of ice brought a surprise storm to life, the howling winds threatening to blow the five year old away. Engulfing her in my massive body, bits of her storm leaked in. The horror on her face matched mine. Surprise rounded my eyes, the wind dying down. Lowering my dome, a sea of snow and ice greeted me. Puck stepped out of the car, his palms pressed against the ice. A green wave of energy reversed the damage, a limp Evie slumbered in Death's arms. The glint of her glasses caught my attention, my heart sinking at the sight of blood pouring from the corner of her lips. Taking in a deep breath, she snapped awake. Leaping out of his arms, her trembling hand shoved me off of the little girl.

"Pearl, are you okay?" She fussed desperately, wiping the black sludge off of her face. "I am going to take you home." A throat clearing stole her attention away, an elderly woman held a big white box in her trembling hands. Struggling to find the words, Puck accepted the cake graciously.

"Thank you." The woman stuttered with fear in her voice, her ocean blue eyes falling on the shrinking scythe. "Wweeeee can't thank you enough." Scooping up the girl in her arms, the gentle embrace from Evie threw her off. Patting her shoulder, nothing needed to be said.

"See you at home, boys." She chirped cheerfully, pulling Peony close to her hips. "I will bring home dinner." Death snapped her fingers, the three of them disappearing in a puff of smoke. Gathering myself, no one said anything as we climbed into the vehicle. Thinking back to my wife and her new friends, a warm smile dawned on my face. Everything was going to be okay.