Chapter Forty-Nine: A Day Out Cripples the Heart


Tugging on my simple black silk dress, the deep v neck line showed off my tender swollen breasts. Hudson had been spending quite a bit of time with Daryll, the loneliness seemed to be getting to me. Little did he know that a strange illness stole my lively nature by the day, the depression only adding an extra serving of pressure. Twisting my hair into a side braid, Grappy skidded in. His fluffy hair bounced around, his black silk dress shirt shimmering in the sunlight bathing the room. Tugging on my boots, he plopped down next to me.

"Do you want to get out of here today? Hudson has granted me permission." He offered sincerely, taking my hand "You seem down. I was thinking we could go to my favorite place. Are you up for a flight? I have a few friends that I want you to meet." A nervous grin twitched on my lips, the outside not feeling too safe. Catching my expression, he rested his head on my shoulder. Honestly, he really was a golden retriever at times.

"Trust me." He pleaded sweetly, jumping to his feet. "Get on my back and hold on tight." Climbing onto his back, he leapt out the open window. A rush of warm air lashed at my face, his wings unfolding. Curling my legs around my waist, my head rested on his back. Flying higher, a golden portal swirled over our heads. Closing my eyes, ever hotter air lashed at my skin. The air slowed to a stop, a tap on my hands telling me to open my eyes. Dark wood lined the room, thousands of books lining the built-ins. Three fallen angels sat at a sleek gray marble bar, all three of them waving at us. The three of them had long silky onyx hair and glistening ruby eyes, the three of them wearing matching ruby velvet suits.

"You are the one who got my brother married to a vampire, aren't you?" The tallest one at seven feet tall teased playfully, pulling his hair into a ponytail. "I am Shaposo, you can call me Shappy if you wish. These two besides me are Mario and Laproso. He can go by Lappy if that makes it easier. This is our reprieve from our masters, albeit they are far tamer than you. Join us for a drink and a snack." Motioning to a stool at the bar, Grappy set me down. Approaching the bar cautiously, my eyes fell on the wall of mysterious colored liquids. A slow squeak echoed in the air as I sat down, Grappy choosing the seat to my left. The other two played with my hair, examining the dagger dangling from my neck. The shortest one danced around, his hand hovering in front of my face. Curiosity twinkled in my eyes, Grappy clearing his throat several times.

"Would you quit it, Mario?" Grappy snapped hotly, his eyebrow twitching with irritation. "We don't need to scare her away. I will have you know that my husband is the most wonderful vampire you could meet. Could you get her a chocolate milkshake?" Embarrassment colored my cheeks, my hand shaking his.

"I am Evelyn but if you guys get nicknames I get one. You can call me Evie." I introduced myself clumsily, gazing over at the solemn Lappy. "It is so nice to meet his family. When did you guys fall from Heaven?" A pensive silence stole the room, everyone refusing to look at me. Well, fuck. Bowing my head in shame, my first question had been a bit too forward. Shappy pat the top of my head, sliding over a dark chocolate milkshake.

"We simply didn't want to follow the rules anymore. We left on our own." He explained calmly, his eyes falling Grappy. "This one made a shitty deal and ditched us for the bad guys. We could have cut his head off. At least he is here with us now. Thank you for bringing him back. I heard Gabby is mated to a vampire." Flashing him a bright smile, my first sip sent me to Heaven. Lappy smacked his forehead, his eyes rolling.

"Aren't you overlooking the fact that he brought the Reaper's Angel to our stoop? Isn't she dangerous?" He groaned bitterly, banging his fist on the table. "I can't stand to look at her." His wings unfolded, his temper flaring. Ripping out dual curved sleek onyx blades, my shaking fingers ripped off my dagger. A flash of bright light blinded me, my scythe resting in my palm. Charging at me, our blades clashed violently. Locked in our positions, ice crept underneath my feet. Stomping my boot, a spike of ice knocked him into the wall.

"Who the hell was the last one!" I shouted with a bewildered look, kicking Lappy back into the wall. "I am as nice as they come, damn it! I think you are awesome but okay be a dick." Rolling their eyes, his brothers waited by the bar patiently. A flurry of white flames whipped in my direction, my scythe cutting them down with ease. Black smoke filled the room, my feet pounding towards Lappy. A punch to my jaw sent me into the wall, a snarl curling on my lips.

"The last Reaper's Angel killed our big brother! Why would I trust you!" He barked dangerously, pressing his left blade into my throat. "I ought to kill you." My scythe shrank back to the dagger, my trembling hands clipping to back on. Raising my hands in the air, he backed off a bit.

"I am not that person. I apologize on their behalf." I apologized with a nervous grin, my jaw aching with the grin. "I haven't gone dark. What you assumed about me is a total insult! Fuck you!" Wishing Hudson was by my side, a wave of depression mixed with the indignant harm of his damn words. Folding his wings back up, he tucked his blades back into his belt. Offering me his hand, my fingers curled around it. One good yank had me on my feet, an uncaring expression infuriated me. The crack of my slap to his face stunned everyone, a swift stomp sent him bouncing around.

"You will respect me." I growled through gritted teeth, dusting off my dress. "I came here to have a good time and you are being a sourpuss." A fit of laughter burst from his brothers, scarlet coloring his cheeks. Fishing around my boots, my fingers curled around a bag of my emergency cookies. His death glare met my apologetic grin, my shaking palm offering him the cookies. Cookies made everything better, they always did.

"I make these in case I get lost and trapped in a shitty situation. My parents abused the crap out of me while the village did the same. I had to kill my grandmother when she went insane. What else?" I continued serenely, his hands cupping the bag. "Everyone is after me. My presence alone got a girl's parents killed and a kid killed his mother for me. One last thing, the former alpha would throw me around like a rag doll. I have all the ingredients to become a villain, yet here I stand here as a tragic hero." Folding his arms across his chest, his brow cocked. Grappy appeared seconds from fainting, concern flashing in his eyes. Poor Grappy, today's goal was to introduce me to his family.

"Don't you mean heroine." He pointed out bluntly, the corner of my lip twitching. "We're cool. I don't like to let people in, so give me time. Let's get out of here. I know someplace better." Hesitation held everyone back, his elbow hooked around mine. Clapping his hands, a dilapidated mansion towered in front of us. Shoving me through, an immense amount of energy blasted him back. Attempting to step out, another wave energy knocked me back. Flipping him off, Grappy fist aimed to deck him in his face. Waving for him to stop, he lowered it begrudgingly to his side.

"Tell me what to find." I grumbled under my breath, folding my arms across my chest. "Fuck! Who turned on the air conditioning?" Five reapers hovered behind me, their tattered robes fluttering in the icy breeze. Shooting a death glare at Lappy, his other brothers were tackling him to the ground.

"Knock the shit!" I reprimanded vindictively, ripping my dagger from my neck. "I need you to get Death for me. He can help me with my problems. Grappy, get Death! Go!" The dagger extended into my scythe, ice spread like the sea. Storm clouds brewed, snowflakes fluttered around me. Shrill shrieks pierced the air, Grappy flying into the sky. Skidding underneath them, the decaying wood protested with each step. Shoving the door open, a steady stream of curse words flooded from my lips the moment the floor gave out. A cloud of dust choked me, the pile of old rugs breaking my fall. Shaking off my nerves, ice crept up the wall. The reapers roared over the whole, my mind racing through my options. Outrunning them wasn't an option, their ability to just pop up wherever they wished dampened my plans. A cry for help captured my attention, a ruby eyed fallen angel with matted onyx hair rattle the bars on the rusted metal cage. Struggling to my feet, my hand held my bump. A flick of my wrist sent the death vultures into the crumbling tower, my attention turning to the stranger in front of me.

"Do you want to explain how you aren't dead yet? You have death vultures flying around without stripping the meat off of their prey." I queried coldly, my eyes narrowing in his direction. "You aren't evil or anything, right? My luck with new people never really ends well. They tend to try to kill me." Clearing his throat, he pointed to my water bottle. Passing it to him, he downed it all. Well, I guess I wasn't thirsty anymore.

"Some guy put me in this cage centuries ago and he keeled over. When he died, one of those reapers up there stole the key. " He retorted sarcastically, his mood matching mine. "At this point my brothers think I am a pile of dust." Rolling my eyes, the reapers attempted to devour my soul. One swing of my scythe sent them back into the roof line, my palm pressing against the cage. Ice enveloped the cage, the brittle metal shattering. Flying over my head, the asshole was going to ditch me. Grabbing his ankle, one quick yank smashed him into the cracked concrete.

"I don't care who did this to you but you are going to help me out with this shitty situation!" I chastised him with my heel buried into his chest. "We need to work together to get out of this alive. I don't like people who ditch after I save them." Flashing him my impatient smile, my head cocked to the right. You can't kill them but I can. I need you to distract them while I get a spell ready. If you think about ditching me, I will rip off your head. Are we both on the same page?" Nausea wracked my body, clammy sweat drenching my skin. My body was choosing to give out on me, disappointment flashed in my eyes. Time wasn't on my side today.

"You aren't experiencing morning sickness are we?" He questioned with a haughty sneer, ripping my heel off of his chest. "How can I even rely on you, Reaper's Angel? You put me here in the first place. Now get out of my way!" What the hell was his fucking problem? How ungrateful could somebody be? Cursing silently in my head, my eyes fell on his yellowed robes.

"Says the guy who is in rags. I freed you, you fucking brat!" I spat with clenched fists, beginning to pace back and forth. "If you can't do that for me, then do it for your brothers. Why are you angels a pain in the ass?" His expression softened, my brow cocking in response. Digging through the rubble, a bow glistened in his right hand. Pulling out a ruby arrow from underneath his robe, he lined up the arrow. Aiming for the stained glass roof, a rush of stale air lashed at my cheeks. Shards of glass landed inches from me, his hands tossing me into the air. Seconds from murdering him, my fingers grasped the top of the groaning metal. My slick fingers struggled to hold one, his slender hand yanking me up.

"I need you to do the spell he performed to capture me." He blurted out with a sly grin, placing my hands on the right spot. "Say these words. Blizzard of Death, freeze them out. A huge storm is going to break out, and then you can smash them to pieces." Narrowing my eyes in his direction, an uncomfortable trust had formed between us.

"Fine." I growled through gritted teeth, spinning my scythe over my head. "Blizzard of Death, freeze them out!" My body quaked with the intense power surging through me, dark clouds gathering above my head. Ice devoured the house, the reapers struggling in crystal cocoons. Leaping down the hole, a single swing shattered them to pieces. Slamming the tip of my scythe into the wall, the wood slowed my descent. Inky sludge flowed from my eyes, their brother charging at me.

"Now that's solved, you are going to be dead in a minute." He threatened darkly, raising his bow in the air. "Rain of arrows, shoot my enemy dead." Kicking up a wooden table, the tips quivered inches from my face. Sprinting outside, the wall of energy thickened. The tip of his arrow shattered my glasses, the screams echoing in my ears with a vengeance. Blood poured from my eardrum, the heel of his boot kicking my scythe away from me. Dread bubbled in my gut, my scythe sliding away from me. Collapsing to my knees, a sudden weakness coming over me. Every breath grew shallower, an arrow landing in my shoulder. Another arrow pinned me to the wall, my sanity crumbling. There was no way this was going to be how I died.

"Wake up." He huffed furiously, punching my head repeatedly. "Wake up the monster inside that stole me away from my family." Tears welled up in my eyes, the situation descending into utter chaos. No darkness stirred inside of me, my heart aching for him. Tears mixed with the sludge, an arrow hovering over my heart.

"Stop it!" I pleaded desperately, pressing my palms together. "I would have just left you in your prison if this is what you had planned the whole time." The swelling of my face pressed against my teeth, his fist hovering over my bump. Gritting my teeth, there was no way I would let him harm my family. My vision blurred, violent sobs wracking my body.

"Help!" I cried out, my voice cracking. "Help me! Grappy!" Withdrawing his arrow and hand, his head cocked at the sound of his brother's name. Shaking his head, hollow footsteps with his pacing. Throwing a stone at my head, it hit my lips. Blood poured over the bottom lip, his tantrum beginning to hurt me. Stammering brokenly, copper poisoned my taste buds. Coughing up an unnatural amount of blood.

"You have no right to say my brother's name!" He roared thunderously, throwing another rock at my face. "You have no fucking right!" The crack of my skull shattered the heavy silence, a fresh stream of blood poured down my forehead. Scooping up another rock, a familiar voice gave me the bit of hope I needed.

"Drop the rock, Daprosio." Grappy ordered sharply, sliding over my scythe. "Hudson is going to kill me for this. Unfortunately I could not find Death. Sorry. She is my master and I will risk my life to save hers. Prepare to die." My breathing settled down, the screams now lowering to a dull background noise. Brandishing his blade, his brother tossed the bow aside. Getting on his hands and knees, a sly grin darkened his face. What the hell was his game?

"Kill me then. Let the world know of your sins." He taunted cruelly, maniacal laughter bursting from his lips. "Come on baby brother. Do it. Do it!" Tears welled up in Grappy's eyes, my strength returning slowly but surely. My own blood painted my face the moment I ripped the arrow pinning me to the wall. Struggling to my feet, I tapped his shoulder. Shoving him out of the way, his other brothers wandered in. Glancing back at them, my next words met with stunned looks.

"I'll only kill him if you guys allow me. I don't know what's going on with his soul, it seems to be corrupted." I stammered nervously, his brother turning on the charm. Changing his expression, he pressed his palms together. Grappy and my head turned back slowly towards him, our eyebrows twitching.

"They hurt me." He lied convincingly, his brothers nearly falling for his trick. "Kill them, not me. They are monsters." A snarl twitched on my lips, the brothers stepping back. Shappy marched up to me, examining my face. His eyes flitting between the three of us, his slender finger tracing my puffy and bruised face. Onyx gems covered his shoulder, a midnight katana shimmered in his hand. Passing me a pair of glasses, sweet relief crashed over me the moment they rested on my nose. Swinging it down towards him, his brother's head rolled to my feet. Too stunned to speak, the dirt crunched as he got on his knees. Bowing his head, scarlet colored my cheeks. His brothers hung back, no words needed to be said.

"I live to serve you." He pledged honestly, cupping my trembling hand. "Together we can stop the hunters." Standing stiffly, his hands dropped limply to his side. Struggling to find my words, a sharp pain brought me to my knees. Vomiting up more blood, Grappy scooped me up. Waving goodbye, he snapped his fingers. The abandoned remains faded to my bedroom, my migraine throbbing violently. Another jolt of pain shocked me, Hudson skidding into the room. Voices faded in and out, a boisterous argument shattered the peace of the room.

"She needs bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy, and you know it. Make sure she doesn't do anything to strain herself." He ordered sharply, my eyes rolling. "Her health is in a deep shock, your pup needs her to rest." Groaning in protest, both of them gazed back at me.

"It's only a few months." I chuckled lightly, counting on my fingers. "I got pregnant in the early summer, so let's say June. We will meet our child in February. I am so excited. Don't worry about it." Hudson rushed to my side, his hands cupping my face. Kissing me sweetly, exhaustion weighed heavily on my eyelids. Sweet slumber soon stole me away.