Chapter Fifty-Three: Surprises Come Plenty!


The tiny fluff of jet black hair on her baby girl brushed against my arm, her big emerald eyes gazing lovingly up at me. Playing with her fluffy white snow suit, my niece was adorable. Latia smiled softly to herself, an anxious Grayson hovered by Hudsy. Flynn cooing in Hudsy's arms sent a wave of joy through me, my heart skipping a beat. Running his shaking hands through his messing hair, Hudsy nudged his shoulder to let him know that he was going to be okay. Tugging on the hem of my pale blue baby doll dress, Latia didn't know about my pregnancy yet. Fighting intense nausea, I passed Lacy Evie Smit into her arms. What was with everybody giving them my name for their damn middle name? Excusing myself, Death waited outside with an empty bucket. My breakfast flew up my throat, my eyes falling on my fellow reaper gem holders. Wiping the corner of my mouth, my fingers played with my dagger. My heart fluttered at the sight of him in his black and white pinstripe suit. Setting the bucket aside, he passed me a piece of sugared ginger. Swallowing it down my throat, it quelled the nausea for now.

"We found another gem holder." He informed me briskly, ruffling my hair. "The only bad part is that they are being held in a warehouse by some rogue hunters." Hudsy stepped out, his car keys in his hands. His face fell at Death and my fellow warriors, a defeated sigh escaping his lips. Kissing the top of my head, my lips kissed Flynn's forehead. Whistling sharply, Grappy appeared in the hall. Waving to Shappy, their crooked grins reminded me that they were brothers. Noting their matching onyx armor, it looked light but durable. Shoving a matching outfit into my arms, Hudsy breathed a sigh of relief. Wandering into the bathroom, I peeled off my dress. Tugging on the sleek armor, it graced my curves with ease. The leggings hugged my toned legs, my boots matching the armor beautifully. Stepping out of the bathroom, Hudsy pinned me to the wall.

"Can I leave you with this?" He inquired, kissing me sensually. "Since I can't stop you, come back in one piece. Do you guys understand? You will be severely punished if you don't bring her back in one piece." They all shrank back, feeling his Alpha energy dwarf the room." Still stunned by his kiss, a goofy grin twitched on my lips. Groans echoed behind us, my fingers curling around the color of his light blue t-shirt. Pulling him close to my face, my lips pressed against his hungrily. Refusing to let him go, my tongue danced in his mouth. Releasing him from my spell, a stunned Hudsy slapped my ass. Curse him for his sexiness, my inner wolf begged for me to take him right there. Ignore that for now, I growled at her. Her whine echoed in my ears, my eyes rolling.

"I am leaving that as a promise to come back." I promised lovingly, pecking him on the lips. "See you at home. We will be having my dad over. He probably wants to spend some time with his grandson." Death held back tears, my elbow hooking around his. Snapping his fingers, a red door opened up in front of us. The hinges creaked in protest, the door swinging open. The lot of us stepped through, snow crunching underneath our boots. Hiding behind a row of trees, a dozen hunters patrolled a run down cabin. Sniffing the air, none of them were human but husks of monsters. This was the same magic from before, my heart sinking. Those poor monsters didn't deserve any of this, our lips pressing into a thin line. Turning to Saphy, a quiet rage burned in his eyes, my eyes falling on the sapphire side of his face. Something seemed off, my heart breaking for him.

"I need you to be the sniper." I explained calmly, his head nodding once. "Get far enough away so they can't shoot you down." Leaping into the trees, we needed a distraction. Garnet twitched with excitement,his hand running through his hair. His hand stuck out of his glove, my old man standing back for a moment. Understandably he couldn't enter the fight. His job would be to have his reapers gather the lost souls if any were left. Turning towards Garnet and Shappy, an idea flashed in my head. A wicked grin danced across my lips, the two were ready to fight.

"Want to create chaos?" I offered with raised brows, their grins growing wider. "Have fun. Clear a path for the rest of us." Leaping out of their bushes, chaos unfolded in front of us. Pearl clutched to my leg, her teeth chewing on her bottom lips. Tying her hair into a ponytail, I crouched down to her level. Gazing warmly into her eyes, my hands cupped her.

"I just need you to throw a couple of your bombs and Death will rip you out of there, right dad?" I assured her with my polite smile, his thumbs up promising her safety. "He helped you before, didn't he? Trust your auntie." Kissing the top of her head, her hand cupped around a pearl bomb. Ripping off my dagger, the meager looking weapon bloomed into its beautiful scythe. My old man stepped up to my side, a growl stealing my attention. Puck stood next to me in his wolf form, a saddle with side bags rested on his back. Pearl climbed on, holding his neck. Motioning for us to move forward, a pathway had been cleared. Sprinting in, no one stood in our way. Grappy dropped to the cracked pavement, Puck whining for me to hurry up with my plan. Cupping Pearl's hand, we tossed a couple of her pearls into the air. Hitting them with ice, my wolf allowed me to borrow her eyes. Hundreds of heat forms waited in front of me, a single wave of my hand sent Puck out with Pearl and Grappy. The poison gas had knocked him out, a bit of fresh air would allow him to deliver the final blow. Swinging my scythe over my head, the sudden halt on my slick palm set the bombs off. Ice shards pierced the heart of the dead hunters, their puppet-like bodies dropping to the floor. Inky sludge painted the shards of ice, a pale face peeking out from inside of the metal cabinets. A fifteen year old boy rolled to my feet, unkempt red curls splayed out around his gaunt face. Emerald eyes narrowed in my direction, the distrust proving to be rather obvious. An emerald leg hid underneath his yellowed rags, the right one looking normal. Cocking my head to the right, an emerald encrusted pocket watch skidded to my feet. Pressing it into his palm, my knees cracked as I got down to his level.

"You should probably keep this on you at all times." I joked lightly, offering him my hand. "Do you have a name?" Shaking his head, the words struggled to leave his tongue. Waiting patiently for an answer, I needed to know something before the witch who caused this chaos found her way in here. Every time I saw a person in need, my compassion drove me to make sure they were okay.

"I am number twenty-four. I have never had a name, they found me when I was a baby." He introduced himself briskly, a flash of salt and pepper hair flashing in the corner of my eyes. "Let me die. I am worth n-" Pulling him to his feet, the pocket watch must have had something to do with time manipulation of some sort.

"No, you had a name when you were born. You aren't nothing. I need you to do something for me. Show me what you can do." I urged cautiously, fishing around my boot. "I have food. Will that tie things over for you?" Shaking his head, he turned his back to me. The witch charged at me, one swing of my scythe sending her into the wall. Pressing my palms together, it was time to beg. Growling to myself, this kid was making it impossible.

"Please talk to me." I pleaded desperately, knocking her into the wall with another swing. "What I'm getting at is that you deserve a name. Everyone deserves a name. You aren't a fucking number." Smashing the witch into the crumbling wall, my patience was wearing thin. Chewing my lips, this pest was getting on my nerves. Popping to my feet, a single swing created a wall of ice, her fists banging on the other side.

"Knock it off! I am trying to have a conversation." I barked irritably, my eyebrow twitching. "We can fight in a minute. Now how can I get you to get out of d-" Her body smashed into mine, my old man unable to do anything. Curse the limits of Death's laws, my lips curling into a snarl. Giving up on him for now, horror widening my eyes at the stitches holding her face together. Inky eyes glared down at me, her matted hair floated around her face. Somebody took their necromancy a little too far, her blackened mouth opening up. Nausea wracked my body the moment maggots rained down on my face. Kicking her off of me, she smashed into the wooden wall. Jumping to my feet, my scythe spun over my head. The roof blew away, harsh winds whipped our hair around. The necromancer had the upper hand in the situation with her lack of ability to feel any pain, my body screaming in protest. Charging at me, I lowered myself to the ground. Kicking her ankles, her body collapsed to the floor. Flipping over her, groans echoed in the howling winds as she twitched brokenly to her feet. Cracking her bones back into place, my worst fears were confirmed. Brandishing a rusty hunter's blade, she swung towards my slight bump. Blocking her attack with my arm, sparks blinded me as the blade slid across the armor. Picking up my arm, her strength doubled mine. Decaying hands burst through the concrete, the rotting hands holding me in place. Struggling to move, fright widened my eyes further at her straightening my arm. Slamming the heel of her nasty foot into the crook of my elbow, the crack of my arm breaking echoed in my ears. Dropping it to my side, panic gripped my mind. Silent tears of pain streamed down my cheeks, time stopping. Number Twenty-Four stood behind her, his trembling hands holding down the top button of his watch.

"Hurry up and do what you are going to do." He wheezed, coughing up blood. "I can't hold her in place for that long." Mouthing thank you, Grappy landed behind me. Grinning wickedly at me, we both nodded. Clapping his hands, he was gone in a flurry of feathers. Kicking the hands off of my ankles, my bones clicked back into place. Slamming my elbow into her chest, her body flew into the air. Grappy came down on her, blood and guts raining down on me. Chunks of her body bounced towards the other pieces, something needed to be done. Glancing around, a charm had been keeping her going. The poor boy fainted behind me, his gauntness not helping him at all. Bingo, a silver Celtic coin rolled towards the throbbing mass of body parts. Scooping it up, I tossed it into the air. A whistle caught my attention, one of Saphy's bullets shattering the coin. The mass writhed, energy building in the air. Scooping up his limp body, the rest of the crew waited patiently.

"Get by me now." I commanded boldly, drawing a circle around me. "You will die if you don't listen to me. I said now." Tossing the boy to Death, my team hovered close to me. Drawing the symbols with the tip of my scythe, this was going to hurt. Bracing for the damage, I ran my palm along the sharp edge of the curved blade. Dripping the blood around the circle, the symbols glowed to life. Thick ice crackled into a dome, one lone whistle began the release of her pent up energy. The surface of my skin burned, my teeth gritting. At least no one was getting hurt but me, the energy dying down. Dismantling my dome, a bright red colored my skin. Taking a deep breath, a new layer of skin grew over my burnt muscles. Turning back towards Death, a silent agreement of not telling Hudsy passed between us. Dusting off my armor, he snapped his fingers. The red door appeared, all of us stepping through, my home greeting me warmly. The other scattered, Puck running off with his daughter. Death carried the boy to the living room, an occupied Latia barely glancing over at the sight. Laying him down on the couch, he looked like death warmed over. Bloodsworth called for Grappy, a single look freed him from his duties. The other ones wandered off, leaving the three of us. My scythe shrank back down to its dagger disguise, Death clicking to my neck. Focusing on the poor boy, Death pulled out a book from his pocket. Flipping to the beginning, a triumphant grin lit up my old man's face.

"His given name at birth was Calvin Smith." He announced calmly, his face falling. "All of his family was murdered." Tears welled up in my eyes, my heart shattering for him. Excusing myself for a moment, I knocked on the basement door. A groggy Daryll opened the door, the black bags telling me that Hudson and him had spent the day working on their project.

"What can I do for you?" He yawned, scratching at his stomach. "You look like hell. Are you okay?" Brushing off his comment, my attention had to be on Calvin. Clearing my throat, his face softened at my hesitant actions. Rubbing the back of my head, he ran the stairs. A pile of fresh clothing rested in his palm, a wry smile dimming his features. Pulling me in for a warm embrace, the tears flowed endlessly from my eyes. The dam had burst, my anger at Death for hiding his secret from me soaking his shoulders. Imagine how good my life would have been if he was in it, my heart sinking at the poor kid's lack of a family.

"If I have learned anything from you, you are like a surrogate mother to all of us. He'll be fine." He comforted me warmly, his hand rubbing my back. "You have been through more hell than the rest of us. You are the first one on the front line. Hell, you gave me a second chance and I have real friends for the first time in my life. As for your old man, yell at him. Let it out. I did and it felt great. After that we worked it out over a night of Chinese food and crappy action movies. Please let it out before it eats you alive. A lot of times I forget you are only five years older than me. We can talk about it later if you wish." Ruffling his messy hair, his aura was almost angelic.

"You can talk to me anytime as well." I promised him serenely, wiping away my tears. "You seem like an adult to me. We aren't that different. Promise me one thing." His wet eyes met mine, the chance to avoid another me was presenting itself. Shifting around uncomfortably, his eyes fell to his feet.

"What's that?" He mumbled under his breath, my eyes falling on his scratched up hands. Lifting up his chin with my finger, he had to look me in the eyes. Swallowing the lump in my throat, no one deserved his childhood.

"Promise me you will have fun and be a teenager. Live the life I never got to live." I sobbed softly, his weeping making me think that I broke him. "I want you to do what I couldn't do. Can you do that for me? Keep making friends and hold your head up." Nodding through a wall of tears, he flashed me his genuine smile. An admission sat on the tip of his tongue, his hands pulling me in for a desperate hug.

"It's hard to be happy." He cried into my shoulders, my hands rubbing his back. "I want to be happy but I can't. I keep looking over my shoulder and expecting to see her. What's wrong with me! What's wrong with me! I don't deserve any of this!" Hearing his words woke something up in me, this must be the way everyone heard my words. Letting him cry for thirty minutes, he straightened up and let me go.

"Thank you for not asking me to explain and just letting me feel." He thanked me graciously, his crooked grin curling on his lips. "Not many people understand what I went through." His cell phone rang, my hand motioning for him to go have fun. Watching him run off, my heart both shattered and melted at the sight of him trying to live life. Brushing off the complicated emotion, my old man walked up to me. A quiet fury boiled in my veins, so many words needed to be said. The clothes dropped to the floor, the words slipping away into the back of my mind.

"I hate that you didn't raise me! Work wasn't an excuse!" I chastised him hotly, shame dimming his face. "Oh shit! I am so sor-" Putting his hand up, his head shaking. Clutching me close to his chest, his tears soaked the top of my head. Letting go, he turned to leave. Grabbing his wrist, every part in me wanted him to stay. My bangs hid my eyes, teardrops crashed to the floor.

"Don't go." I pleaded anxiously, praying he wouldn't leave. "I want you to be my father. Promise me that you won't abandon me again." Weeping brokenly, he spun on his heels. Grabbing my shoulders, an apologetic smile twitched on his lips. Guilt ate me, my statements having brought him to this point. What type of asshole was I?

"When you died, I realized my mistakes. I won't ever stop until we have the relationship we both desire. Let me be the father you deserve." He begged as he got on his knees, my hands cupping his. "I am the one who doesn't deserve you." Helping him up, we needed to see each from both sides. Standing inches from each other, my genuine smile brightened my face.

"I can't harbor grudges. I forgive you. Now is our second chance to do it right." I promised him, my quaking hands wiping away his tears. "So let's make all of that water under the bridge. What's your favorite meal? I want to make it for you." Hugging me like his life depended on it, the warmth stole all of my anxiety away for a moment. Gathering up his courage, his answer stunned me.

"Tomato soup and grilled cheese." He choked out awkwardly, dropping his arms to his side. "My mother used to make it for me. Call me a sucker for soup." Scooping up the clothes, I draped them over my arm. Smiling warmly to myself, we wandered in to see a depressed Calvin. Plopping down next to him, I set the clothes on my lap. A numb look haunted his eyes, my hands cupping his. Examining the bruises, Grappy poked his head around the corner. Motioning for him to come in, I rose to my feet.

"Can you take Calvin to the bathroom to get cleaned up? Take out the lavender jar of herbs that will heal any soreness in his body." I ordered calmly, his head bowing as he helped Calvin to his feet. "Make sure he doesn't escape." Guiding him up the stairs, my old man followed me to the kitchen. Pulling out all of my cooking supplies, he watched in curiosity as I began to get to work. Hudsy sprinted in, spinning me around. Sitting me down on the counter, his lips kissed mine feverishly. Clearing my throat, his eyes fell on my old man looking away awkwardly. Letting me down, the stool groaned as he sat his muscular body down next to my father. The tension built between them, his inner wolf begging for him to take me. Focusing on the soup, a cleaned up Calvin wandering in broke the tension. The clothes hung off of his starved five foot nine frame, Hudsy's eyes flitting between the two of us. Plopping down next to my old man, he fixed his wild curls.

"How did you find out my name?" He stammered oddly, laying his head on the kitchen island. Finishing up dinner, I slid them their dinner. Leaning on the counter, my morning sickness wasn't allowing me to partake in the meal. Sitting down by the trash can, a clammy sweat drenched my skin. The spoon shook in his fingers, the metal clattering on the counter. Putting my finger in the air, I tossed him a metal straw. Seeing someone so starved broke my heart, embarrassment colored his cheeks as I held the straw up to his mouth.

"My dad had your death book. We did some research. You are officially Calvin Smith." I uttered simply, the soup flying up the straw. "Oh dear, you drank it all. I am going to give you another ser-" Breaking down into a crumpled pile of tears, a small smile twitched on his lips. Daryll wandered in with his hands in his pocket, a curious glint twinkled in his eyes.

"Would you like to share my bedroom with me? We have room for another bed. My dad is pretty kick ass." He offered with a goofy grin, preparing a bowl of soup for himself. "You can trust Evie. She really cares for all of us. How can I put it? She will become like your surrogate mother. Would you like another bowl?" Shaking his head, his eyes narrowed in my direction. Throwing the bowl in my direction, my palm caught it with ease. Tomato soup dripped down my arm, the temptation to throw it back at him rose significantly at his neck words. Choosing to set it down, the corner of my lips twitched into an infuriated half-smirk. A dark cloud hung over Daryll's head, his trembling hand placing the bowl gently on the kitchen island.

"Why would I trust you? You could have just poisoned me like everyone else did. I will never bow down to you." He snarled venomously, Daryll grabbing him by the collar. "Why the hell do you stand by her when you could just run away." Pinning him to the wall, the better judgment inside of me told me to let it play out. A golden hue glowed in his eyes, his fangs growing over his lips.

"Listen up, you fucking brat! She is risking her life to protect your fucking stupid ass!" He barked passionately, his hair falling in front of his face. "That stupid pocket watch you hold is literally your lifeline. She is the Reaper's Angel which means that she is here to take care of you. Apologize now!" Tossing him at my feet, his body rolling to my feet. Getting on my knees, Daryll folded his arms across his chest. Helping the kid sit up, his expression softened. Bowing his head in shame, he trembled at my feet. Rubbing my forehead, a bout of vomit waited patiently.

"I may come off as scary and intense." I reasoned with a nervous grin, dusting him off. "People are incredibly protective of me. Sorry for that. Daryll really is a gentle giant, aren't you?" Flashing a stern scolding with my eyes, Hudsy rushed off at the sound of Flynn wailing. Focusing back on Calvin, the bruises all over his skin haunted me.

"I can't undo what they did to you but I can help you heal. Join us and you can go to school. How does that sound?" I asked with a bright smile, his shaking slowing to a stop. Pearl skidded in, hopping onto Daryll's shoulders. Seeing that changed his opinion of Daryll, Pearl flying onto a stool. Passing her his bowl of soup, she began to eat it right up. Helping him up, he waved goodbye as rushed off to the other room. Sitting down next to my old man, I let him talk my ear off about all of his adventures. Why couldn't life always be this simple?