Chapter Fifty-Eight: Gaining an Advantage


A wave of pleasure woke me up, an eager Evie had all of me in her mouth. Focusing on the tip, my body twitched with ecstasy. Fuck, she was too good at this. Her thighs rubbed together, her sex drive was off the charts. Wanting more, a dazed look dawned on my face.

"Good morning, my silver wolf." She moaned sensually, getting back to sucking me off. Gruff groans escaped my lips, the speed of her sucking doubling. Unable to control myself, my hot seed spilled down her throat. Getting it hard again, she sank down on top of me in the reverse cowgirl position. Grinding her hips, my hands slapping her ass. Short gasps echoed in the room, her extended claws gripping the sheets. A knock interrupted her, her eyes narrowing at the door.

"Hudson, we have a full plate today." James hollered through the door, his pen tapping on his clipboard. "Come on out as soon as you are done fucking your wife. Try to keep it down. It is the morning after all. Sarah and I already had our dozen sexual experiences." Cocking my brow in response, the truth was evident in his voice. Yanking her to my side, she lifted her leg to allow me to spoon her. Sliding into her, her short gasps turned me on more. Draping my arm over her bump, it had grown once more. Thrusting until I filled her with my seed once more, the mattress groaned as she turned to face me. Resting her forehead on my chest, her hand slid down to her bump.

"I am going to be a blimp at this rate." She whined cutely, my finger lifting up her chin. "Are you o-" Kissing her passionately, time stopped. She was carrying my pups after all, pride swelling in my chest. Letting her go from my spell, her hand cupped my face. Snuggling into her hand, Flynn began to wail. Leaping out of bed, she selected a pair of leggings and one of my sweatshirts. Catching a glimpse of black lace, a deep crimson colored my cheeks. Tugging them on, the leggings maybe had a couple of more weeks. My sweatshirt hugged her breasts, the sheer size of them making my inner wolf howl with joy. Scooping him up, she never looked more beautiful. This was my family, and mine alone. Feeding our son, a calm serenity washed over the scene.

"I would love you no matter what." I promised honestly, sitting up. "You are carrying my pups after all." Flashing me her genuine smile, it had been a while since she was happy. Putting her amazing breasts away, my inner wolf whined a bit. Thinking back to the last pregnancy, a rich concern built in my mind. Hopefully she would gain enough weight this time, the outlook looking great so far. Playing with our son, she held him against her shoulder. Bouncing around, she was a natural at this. Getting dressed into my usual attire of a black t-shirt and jeans, a flicker of her depression dimmed her eyes. Walking out of the room, everyone greeted her as she walked into the office to take her seat. James rolled his eyes, his usual gray suit greeting me. Plopping down into the seat in my office, I knew what would make her feel better.

"Evie! Come sit on my lap!" I yelled happily, Evie crashing onto my lap. "Would you help me with the paperwork?" Tears welled up in her eyes, the mood swings driving her nuts as well. Nodding once, she took half of the paperwork. Burying her head into her work, Flynn played with her hair. The minutes ticked by, my eyes unable to leave her. Leaning back into my chair, slumber stole me away.

Hooded figures stole her body away, my friends holding me back. My heart shattered, our connection flickering out. Crying out for her, a needle was jammed into my neck. There was no way in hell they were going to tranquilize me, fuck them. I needed to find my wife, the images of Flynn growing up without her taunted me. My vision blurred, her real smile flashing in my face. All of our memories flooded my mind, the depression sinking me into a numb state.

Jerking awake, her side of the bed was empty. Sobbing violently, Latia knocked on the door. Her wet eyes met mine, a raw fury burned in my eyes. People were the last thing I wanted to see, shock rounded her eyes at me throwing a glass at her. Shit, I didn't mean to do that.

Get the fuck out!" I roared thunderously, rolling over to face Flynn. "I don't want to see anyone. That is an order." Backing out, she put her hands into the air. Reminders of her haunted Flynn's features, a scream exploding from my lips. Taking him with me, I rolled onto her side. Sniffing her pillow, the tears couldn't stop flowing. The sun became the moon, the process repeating for god knows how long. James shoved his way in, a snarl curling on his lips.

"I refuse to let you waste your life away." He growled through gritted teeth, ripping the blanket off of me. "I will watch Flynn while you take a shower, you fucking reek." Flipping him off, a swift punch snapped me back to reality. Wanting to hate him, the hurt in his eyes slowed me down.

"We all miss her and we have the reaper's gem warriors looking for her. Get on your feet. She would want you to get to life at some point!" He chastised me darkly, my lips pressing into a thin line. "I expect you downstairs in ten minutes." Wandering downstairs, the color had left my hair. Shame dimmed my eyes, a fuming Latia brushed past me. My cell phone rang, Evie's voice waking up our connection. Was she really alive? How? Her pulse was gone, my phone crashing to the ground. Grappy had been there, ready to go get his master. A wail invading my dream, a familiar kiss waking me up.

Opening up my eyes, the pale moonlight bathed her delicate features. A calmer Flynn rolled around on the floor, her arms wrapping around my neck. Kissing me tenderly, my hands slid down her back. Teardrops crashed onto my face, guilt dimmed her eyes. Kissing her back, her body arched towards me. Time stopped, my breath hitching. Releasing her from my spell, we had a second chance.

"I love you, Hudsy." She wept softly, a crooked grin dawning on my lips. This pregnancy seemed to make her more emotional, my fingers wiping away her tears. Clutching her close to my chest, her hair tickled my chin. James poked his head in, his eyes rolling. Tossing a metal ball at his face, he caught it. Setting it on the table, he flipped me off on the way out. Focusing back on my family, a fit of laughter burst from her lips. Confusion dawned on her face, a questioning look flickered in my eyes.

"Do you remember how you pretended to sleep to hold me, Alpha Hudson?" She mused playfully, guiding my hands to her bump. "Look at us now. We have a family and two more coming. Who would have thought it? I am going to admit something. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." Those damn words stole my breath away, her hands cupping mine. Smiling lovingly at her, her hand cupped my cheek. Snuggling into her hand, her lips brushed against the top of my hand.

"Hey, it worked." I teased lightly, basking in the warmth of this moment. "You are my wife, aren't you? I am so blessed to have the hottest woman in the village." Jumping off my lap, she scooped up Flynn. Hopping back on, she held her phone up in the air. Snapping her fingers, Flynn giggled up at the phone. Flashing her real smile, she snapped a couple of pictures. Lowering her phone, my heart fluttered at the perfect picture. A golden aura drifted off of her, Flynn playing with his mother's hair.

"Who is a little heart breaker?" She sang gleefully, his giggles twinkling like bells. "I think I will get this one printed so we can put it on the wall." Passing me her phone, she danced off my lap. Spinning around the room, her beauty knew no bounds. Watching them from my chair, my head rested on my hand. Hugging him close to his chest, we both jumped at Death's sudden appearance. Running his hand through his slicked back hair, he took Flynn from her arms. Playing with him, Flynn couldn't be any happier. Rubbing her bump, a wicked grin spread cheek to cheek.

"I am so proud of you." He chimed gratefully, ruffling the top of her head. "I was thinking that we could all go on an evening picnic tonight. It will be my treat. Any time I have off, I want to spend with my family. Thank you for taking care of her. She couldn't look any happier." Dusting off his simple outfit of a white button up shirt and dark jeans, a onyx picnic basket hung off of his arm.

"Sure." She chirped cheerfully, yanking me out of my chair. "I love you, dad. You will always be my father, no matter what!" His eyes welled up at her words, her arms pulling him into a warm embrace. Teardrops soaked the top of her head, a lurking depression threatened to steal my composure. Every cell in my body wanted such a loving father, Death pulling on a pair of gloves. Pulling me into a warm embrace, panic gripped my face while I waited to drop dead. My arms dangled by my side, the love in his embrace a shocking thing to me.

"If I touch you with gloves, we can shake hands and shit." He promised kindly, stepping back. "I want to know that I think of you as a son. Please talk to me if you need someone to talk to. I want to be there for you. May I have your phone?" Passing it to him, a nervous smile twitched on my lips. Typing in his number, he labeled his contact as dad. Tossing me my phone, his words stunned me into an awkward silence.

"Thanks." I uttered coyly, bowing my head in shame. My actions in my life didn't warrant a decent father, the inability to save my mother back then shattered that. Grabbing my shoulder, his head shook.

"Your father was an asshole and is burning in Hell as we speak. Your mother made to to Heaven. When I took her soul up, she asked me to check up on you every now and then. I had been her friend for quite some time when she was alive." He explained calmly, pulling out a notebook. "I write about you every year and give to her so she knows that you are alright. I hope you don't think that I am a creep." Waving my hands around, only Death would have a connection with her after all.

"Can you give her a picture of Flynn?" I asked politely, a quiet smile illuminating his features. "I would love for her to meet her. May I also give her a picture of Latia's kid, Lacy? I would greatly appreciate it. Can I have a reaper's eye? I want to be able to hug you back and feel her pain as well." The color drained from Evie's face, her old man turning back towards her. Struggling to find an answer, a pained expression haunted her face.

"It gets loud, like painfully loud. Once you hear the screams, they mark your mind." She whispered darkly, sudden stress wearing on her face. "I wou-" Running up to her, she barely responded the moment I pulled her into a loving embrace.

"I don't care. You look like your suffering all the time and I can't help you if I don't understand. Please let me do this?" I begged desperately, a grimace plastering her face. "I want to be protected just in case." Nodding solemnly, she let me walk up to Death. Removing his glove, he held his hand over my right eye.

"Are you sure about this, kid?" He asked guiltily, not wanting to grant my wish. "I would be placing a curse on you and it won't feel great. I will also give you a pair of glasses to silence the screams. So I ask again, are you sure?" A lump formed in my throat, Evie playing with the hem of her shirt. Standing straight up, this was my decision. Taking a deep breath, I cleared my throat.

"I am certain. I can't understand her if I don't do this. It would be nice to not die from your touch." I choked out, black energy swirling around his palm. "Just freaking do it already." Biting his lips, the way he did it reminded me of Evie. Signs that they were related showed in their body language, a soft chuckle escaping my lips.

"Lord of the Dead, grant me the power to gift this brave soul's a reaper's eye." He chanted shakily, gritting his teeth. A searing pain crippled me, my body sinking to the floor. Cupping my eye, inky sludge poured down my cheeks. Screams tortured my ears, blood flooding from my ears. Shit, this fucking hurt. My chest ached for air, every breath growing shorter. How did she handle this when she took off her glasses. Sliding a pair of half rim silver glasses, the screaming faded away. Uncovering my eye, everything was scarlet for a quick moment. Blinking a couple of times, my vision returning to normal. Struggling to my feet, I tested the glasses. Taking them off a couple of times, the screams would fade in and out. Keeping them on my face, Evie and her old man watched with worried glances.

"I'm good." I announced with a wide grin, still getting used to the glasses. "Now let's test out my theory." Grabbing his arm, the minutes ticked by as we all waited with bated breath. Nothing happened, Evie walking up to me. Wiping the sludge off of my face, she swiped her hand on her sweatshirt. Kissing me tenderly, my heart fluttered. Death cleared his throat, her hand tugging me along. Clapping his hands , we were in a lush field of dancing flowers. Ruby moonlight bathed the onyx daisies, my jaw dropped at the sprawling marble mansion. Three towers twirled into the sky, lights flickering to life. No words could describe what I saw, the beauty standing out in such a dismal place.

"This is where you will go when you die. I will be living right with you guys. How does your eye feel?" He queried jovially, checking my eyes. "You are a rare breed. You have the eye and it didn't bother you as much as it did her. You have control over the lightning blade. Here's the deal kid, you get to see your opponent's next move when you use your powers. Let's go in and I can show you guys your future home. Stomping his foot, a twisting pathway crunched into place. Walking down the pathway, Flynn cried out with joy. Playing with his grandfather, Evie hopped onto my back. Brushing her lips along the nape of my neck, one of her hands slid down my shirt. Rubbing my chest, my inner wolf stirred.

"Thank you for doing that." She growled sensually in my ear, moving her hand back at her old man glaring back at us. Pushing the scarlet doors open, an audible gasp echoed in my ears at the walls filled with pictures of her growing up. Jumping off my back, her eyes narrowed. Once again, her sex drive made her go insane. Her inner wolf begged for me to play with her, a single head shake shutting it down.

"How did you manage to get those?" She questioned with her brow raised, the photos were shots of her that I had never seen. "You stalked me, didn't you? Whatever, I don't care. I am simply happy that you are in my life. Let's eat some dinner, I am starving. I have to feed a couple of pups after all." Swiping the picnic basket from him, her bare feet pounded down the halls until she found the study. Opening up her phone, she showed him our most recent picture.

"Do you want it?" She babbled adorably, mouthing a silent spell. An ivory light blinded us, a copy of the photo resting in her palm. Death hugged it to his chest, a soft chuckle escaping her lips. The two of them had a natural relationship, my heart melting at the sight of them. Smiling warmly to myself, she seemed so free. Perhaps visits here wouldn't hurt.

"Next time, just ask for photos. I am more than willing to give them to you." She laughed sweetly, smiling brightly. "Fire." Golden flames shot from her palm, the fireplace roaring to life. Setting the blanket on the worn wooden floor, she began to place everything out. A tender blush rose to my cheeks, her genuine smile never leaving her face. Patting the blanket, she rested on her haunches. Everything about her stunned me, the more time I spent with her increasing my love by the second

"Dinner is served." She announced with a bigger smile, her old man picking up my jaw. The golden flames made her look majestic, the two of us sitting down next to us. Holding Flynn on his lap, Evie picked up her phone. Snapping a quick photo, she tucked her phone back into her pocket. Pressing her palms together, the pure joy on her face was a new level I had never seen. Humming to herself, passing us plates of cheese and meats. Settling into the evening, their smiles matched. Seeing them next to each other, the resemblance was rather uncanny. Chuckling tiredly to myself, Evie seemed to be at home here. Basking in the moment, the Moon Goddess certainly did bless us.