Chapter Sixty-Three: Attempting to Break Down the Wall


Aly stared at me, the two of us eating a bowl of cereal. Not knowing what to say, the empty look in her eyes worried me. Wearing one of my sweaters and pants from my childhood, the fang with her name dangled from her neck. Clearing my throat, my fingers drummed on the table. The spoon clanked as I set it down, my palms pressing together. Something had to crack the mysterious code of Miss Aly, every cog in my mind turning away. Most girls liked shopping but her aura screamed of something else. Shopping wouldn't fix the death of everyone she knew, tears welled up in my eyes. Everything was my fault or at it felt that way.

"Did you want to go shopping or something?" I suggested cautiously, grinning nervously as I shrugged my shoulders. Shaking her head, the loss of her brother and her whole village was affecting her. Tapping my chin, a solution had to be made. My lips parted to speak, her words giving me a much needed pause.

"Can you take me to the science museum? My brother would take me all the time. I want to study marine biology when I get older." She queried shyly, drinking the milk in her bowl. "Also my aunt would home school me, so you will have to do that. I am at the ninth grade level currently." Childlike wonder brightened my eyes, my face falling at the lack of a car. Daryll entered the kitchen with keys spinning on his fingers. Pearl wasn't far behind him, her white frilly dress reminded me of snowflakes. The two of them had become inseparable outside of his lessons, my heart warming up at the sight of them.

"Do you want to hitch a ride with us? We were going to the science museum as well. Pearly here wanted to have a brother-sister day. Grappy can hang with us. He might actually have fun." He offered sincerely, my eyes flitting between Aly and him. Tears welled up in her eyes, her bowl smashing onto the floor. Falling to the floor, she curled up into a ball. Crouching down to level, my bigger bump was making it hard to stay on my heels. Pulling her into a tight embrace, she shoved me to the floor. Running towards the door, her bare feet sprinted towards the wall. Daryll helped me up, the trigger words being brother and sister. Guilt burned in his eyes, his lips pressing into a thin line. The boy did nothing wrong, his expression making the moment that much worse.

"Go have fun." I assured him with a broken smile, stealing away to take off my clothes. Running into the bathroom, they floated to the floor. Cracks and groans filled the air as I transformed into a wolf, the cool morning air lashing at my cheeks the moment I leapt out the window. Something told me that she wasn't an ordinary werewolf, my paws padding towards the wall. Skidding to a halt, the tattered remains of her outfit sprinkled the ground. Walking back a few feet, I sprinted towards the wall. Leaping over the wall, a piece of metal tore at my back leg. A soft whimper poured from my lips, scarlet staining my left hind leg. Landing roughly, my leg cried out in protest. Pushing through the pain, her scent was everywhere. Damn it! She did that to confuse me. Closing my eyes, her heat signature couldn't be found. Touching my paw to my reaper's eyes, the scene darkened to the black and white scene of an old television. Scarlet paw prints showed her path, inky sludge staining the fur around my eyes. Raw agony coursed through my body, my hind leg screaming out in bitter protest. Crunching my way to her, black shadows darted in her direction. Picking up my speed, those demons weren't going to get to her. Skidding to a stop, horror widened my eyes. A dozen demons circled her, my ears pinning back. Her eyes met mine, the demons ditching her to get the ultimate prize. Crashing through the trees, sharp branches tore into my tender flesh. Silent tears mixed with the inky sludge staining my fur, the fear glistening in my eyes. Demons smashed into me, my leg breaking upon the abrupt impact. Rolling through the snow, they raised silver blades in the air. A scarlet wolf smashed into them, her fangs ripping out their throats. More of them emerged from the woods, my leg screaming in protest as I rose to my feet. Ice crept out from underneath my paws, a wall blocking them from hitting her. Tears flowed from her eyes, her body returning back to normal. Another white wolf skidded into the scene, Pearl spun a bomb in her palm. Throwing it into the air, I crashed on top of Aly's body. Metal shards burst from the bomb, the demons howling in pain as they decayed to ash. Metal shards struck my back, intense pain shooting through my body. My vision blurred, Aly stirring awake. Ruby painted my fur like fine strokes, guilt eating at her. Ruby dripped from my snout, my tongue licking her face. The poor girl had nothing to worry about, she was my daughter after all.

"What did I do?" She panicked desperately, her voice fading in and out. "Don't die! I am so sorry! I am so fucking sorry!" Each breath grew shorter, her naked body shivering in the cold. Pulling her into my sea of white fur, she hit my chest repeatedly. Calling over Daryll, he scooped up Aly. Pearl placed a blanket over her, the three of them heading back home. Aly's protest could be heard the whole way home, my heart breaking for her. Changing back now would be deadly, my body trembling in my spot. The cold would kill me first if I turned back, every attempt to get up failed. Finally succeeding, each step back home felt like hell. Jumping over the wall, the rough landing sent jolts throughout my busted body. Limping into the house, my body shifted back. The metal shards still lined my back, my body twitching. My leg had healed itself, bruises dotting where it was broken. Struggling to my feet, a coughing fit sent blood everywhere. Sliding down the wall, I needed to see if Aly was okay. Throwing on one of Hudson's t-shirt, I limped into the living room. A panicked Aly was yelling at Hudsy to go get me, their eyes rounding out at the sight of me. Forgetting my agony, I ran over to her. Ruby poured from the corner of my lips, the copper taste in my mouth not mattering. Pulling her into a desperate embrace, she trembled in my arms. Once again she was my daughter, not really belonging anywhere else.

"Don't you ever run off again!" I barked venomously, feeling her tears soak my shoulder. "You are my daughter and you will always be loved in my home. Don't you ever forget that." Dropping into Hudsy arms, sweet slumber stole me away.

"A bright light blinded me, an eager Aly launched herself into my arms. Crying into my shoulder, a thousand apologies flooded from her lips. Struggling to sit up, gauze covered my torso. So much pain, I grumbled to myself. Cupping her face, the words stopped.

"I don't give a shit. It was worth it all to save you." I assured her lovingly, having her sit next to me. "I have a tutor already teaching a couple of kids here. Would you like to join them? She can let you work at whatever pace you want." Pulling out my phone, a marine biology show was going on at the local science center a couple of towns from here. Ordering three tickets for today around lunch time, I swung my feet over the edge of the bed. Wincing in sheer pain, I reached for a soft emerald sweater dress. Tugging it over my head, confusion dawned on her face. I really shouldn't be doing this but something good had to occur in her life. This would be a nice treat, I thought serenely to myself.

"I can't bring your brother back but I can make sure your life is amazing. In a few months we can go whale watching. Who knows. You can have a whale of a time." I joked tenderly, preparing my purse. "Are you ready?" Frozen in her spot, Grappy ran in with his usual black dress shirt and pants outfit, his eyes falling on Aly. Smoothing out her nice navy dress, her hair had been twisted into a neat side braid. Some connection formed between him, his face softening up more than usual at the sight of her. Perhaps he saw a younger version of himself in me or her, his lips mouthing are you okay. Nodding once, a long sigh poured from his lips. Grappy must have been incredibly worried about me, his black bags underneath his eyes saying as much.

"I don't deserve that." She choked out brokenly, staring at the bruises on my legs. "I got you hurt. All of your injuries are my fault." Weeping dejectedly, her eyes refused to meet mine. Sniffling, the bed groaned as I sat down next to her. My pack of wolves had made it upstairs, their tongues licking her legs. Lifting up her chin with my finger, her eyes had no choice but to meet mine. A kid that young didn't need to be burdened by the hefty grip of guilt, the burden could always be enough to drown you.

"You didn't do anything wrong. I think you are a beautiful wolf who needs to run every now and then." I chirped warmly, a sad smile dawning on her lips. "Next you should ask me so Grappy can help protect us." Nodding silently, she rested her head on my shoulder. Rubbing her back, she popped to her feet. Placing her hand on her hips, she offered me her hand. Such life twinkled in her eyes, the switch of emotions alarming me. My mini me stood in front of me, begging for me to forget what had occurred a few hours ago.

"Shall we go?" She chimed jovially, wiping away the rest of her tears. "That is enough sadness for today." Helping me to my feet, Hudsy met us at the base of the stairs. Dropping a set of keys into my palm, they belonged to his father's truck. He drove it every now and then, his arms pulling me in for a gentle embrace to not aggravate my wounds. Stiffening in his arms, that damn truck was the last place I wanted to be in. Shaking off the impending panic attack, Hudsy had enough to worry about.

"Be careful, Evie. You almost died yesterday." He whispered lovingly into my ear, looking Grappy dead in the eyes. "If anyone comes after her, kill them. I don't care what she says. Kill them." Watching me leave, I climbed into a beat up red truck. Gripping the steering wheel, my eyes fluttered. The memories of his father beating me up in the back and almost doing things that would have gone too far. My face fell on the old blood spot on the dash, the wheel groaning underneath my strengthening grip. Turning my head, his rotting father waved at me. Gray decaying flesh plopped onto my lap, the rotten stench sickening me. Please make it stop, I begged silently in my mind. Make it stop!

"I don't think I can dr-" Grappy already shoved me over, watching me to make sure I buckled up. Aly sat in the middle, her hands fussing with her dress. Yawning groggily, exhaustion hung heavily on my eyelids. Drifting off into a deep slumber, the dream turned rotten.

Sitting in the truck, my friends were gone. His old man sat next to me, his sharp features twisted with malice. Pinning me to the seat of his truck, his bare chest pressed against mine. Running his hands up my skirt, a swift punch knocked him off of me. Stumbling out of the truck, my bare feet pounded up a hidden pathway. Boots crunched behind me, my chest rose up and down as I stumbled upon a hunting cabin with smoke curling into the sky. Knocking on the door, no one answered. Turning to run, his fingers gripped my hair. Dragging me through the woods, my screams only echoed in the air. Throwing me in the backseat, he ran his hand up my skirt. A gun cocked behind his head, my slave mark glowing brightly. This mark would be the end of me if I didn't obey like a good girl.

"Is he hurting you?" The elderly man interrogated cautiously, his eyes flitting between Hudson's father and me. Gripping my shoulder, he whispered to get rid of him. Clearing my throat, the words struggled to leave my lips. Ask for help. Ask for help! Shaking the very notion away, any act of disobedience would kill me.

"He is my boyfriend." I choked out awkwardly, flashing him a bright smile. "I love him very much." His expression softened to a sickening sweet one, the man leaving with doubt all over his face. Slamming his fist into my face, a letter from Hudson slipped from my sleeve. Ripping it open, pure rage twisted his face. Dragging me from his truck, he dropped a noose over my head. Tossing it over a branch, he wiggled the paper in my face. Not the hanging grips of life, the very punishment proving to be his favorite with me.

"How dare you make my son fall in love with you, you fucking witch? He doesn't say it clearly, but I can tell by the way he is writing to you." He spat viciously, tugging on the rope. "By the curse of the slave mark, you can never date him." Clawing at the rope, my lungs begged for air. Setting me down, air flooded into my lungs. Silent tears streamed down my face, one swift tug ripped me in the air. Using the knot that doesn't kill made this more torturous, the process of having no air then too much doing a number on my lungs. Removing the noose, I had just noticed the clammy sweat drenching my skin. The bright bruises dotted my pale skin, my thought falling back on the fact that my own parents would beat me as well when I got home. Horror rounded my eyes, his finger dancing up my thigh. His cell phone rang, a sigh of relief flooded. Punching me in the right eye, a tiny yelp left my lips as the vessels burst. Raising his fist again, the impact against stomach pinned me to the tree. Coughing up blood, copper poisoned my taste buds. Getting into the truck, he ditched me to suffer. Sliding down the tree, my own cell phone rang. My heart fluttered at Hudson's number, a rock sinking into my stomach at his order. Staring numbly ahead, I let it go to voicemail. The sun became the moon, Hudson's bike pulling up. Rushing over to me, fury mixed with worry at my condition. Ruby dripped from the corner of my mouth, his head looking around. Who the hell was he looking for? His father had ditched me to walk back home way too late so my parents would beat me in drunken states, the white powder lining their nostrils.

"My father is out of town for a couple of weeks. Let me take care of you." He whispered discreetly, my lips parting to speak. "I am going to kill whoever did this to you." Kissing my lips sweetly, my heart ached for him. Time stopped, his strong arms scooping me up. Holding me in front of him, the ride felt impossibly long. Arriving at the log cabin, he carried me inside. Sitting me down on his chair, he noticed the bruises on my thigh. Realization dawned on his face, the corner of his lips twitching into a half snarl.

"My old man did this to you, didn't he!" He pushed desperately, accepting an ice pack from his stepmother. "We should r-" Rising to my feet, I flashed him my brightest smile. Swaying slightly, I crashed into his arms. Kissing the top of my head, the words he whispered in my ear brought a bit of color back into my life. How did he know what to say at the worst of times?

"I will wait an eternity to have you as my wife." He promised lovingly, helping me back to the chair. "Let me help you." Holding the ice pack to my eye, his other hand lifted up my ruby splattered blouse. A low growl rumbled in his throat at my bruised stomach, the ice pack dropping to the floor. Marching towards the door, my fingers curled around his wrists. The last thing he needed was to sit in a jail cell on my count, let alone the fact that he would get in trouble with the council. No thanks on my part.

"I am not worth it." I mumbled under my breath, my bangs hiding my eyes. "Please don't do something so stupid." Clutching me close to his chest, he rubbed my back. Lifting up my chin with his finger, his warm gaze met my shame filled eyes. Kissing my forehead, it was like a warm hug came over me.

"I don't care what my old man says. Ever since prom night, I refuse to be with anyone else." He proclaimed proudly, pressing his lips against mine hungrily. "Take your time." His old man burst through the door, on kick shattering Hudson's arm. Pinning me to the wall, his fist met my cheeks and stomach countless times. Cussing in my face, Hudsy's mother held him back. Taking the beating with a defiant grin, he tossed me to the other side of the room. Landing on the metal coat hook, he marched towards me. Hudsy charged at him, another kick breaking his left leg. Dangling off the hook, death couldn't come soon enough. Hudson groaned on the floor, reaching for me. Horror rounded his eyes, his father leaving a trail of blood as he dragged me out to the truck. A scream burst from my lips, a tap on my shoulder waking me up.

"Are you okay?" Grappy queried with the biggest look of concern, his eyes meeting my endless tears. "Was it another nightmare?" Nodding my head yes, he pulled into the museum's parking lot. Passing me his phone, he took Aly outside to wait. Dialing Hudsy's number, his husky voice made me feel a bit better. Why did it always make me feel better?

"I am sorry for your broken arm and leg that day." I apologized profusely, the tears never stopping. Hanging up the phone, I couldn't deal with it right now. Letting myself out, the locks made me jump. Pulling up the tickets, they let us in. Guiding us to the exhibit, Aly bounced around excitedly with adventure in her eyes. Following her, the words went through one ear to the other. Grappy kept up the conversation, my face paled at the sheer terror of that memory. Unable to focus, a sharp clap in my face woke me up. An eager Grappy gazed upon me with the most brotherly look, his nose scrunching up into his thinking face.

"The show is beginning." Grappy informed me, taking us to the best seats. The lights died down, a pleasant silence washed over the room. Waves crashed on the ceiling, the scene going deeper into the ocean. Images of when he used to drown me in the tub made this show unbearable, people watching as I ran out of the room. Sliding down the wall, I clutched my knees to my chest. Hudsy entered the hall, running over to me. Clutching me close to his chest, every emotion soaked his shoulders. Did his Evie sensors go off? He always seemed to be there when I needed him.

"Grappy said you were having a rough time." He informed me gently, rubbing my back. "I spoke about that day and what he did with that truck. I am so sorry. Trust me. Watching you get thrown around like a rag doll was equally as traumatizing. I didn't know if you were going to make it that day. Shall we wait for them to come out?" Sliding down the wall, he pulled me onto his lap. Holding me by my bump, he kissed the nape of my neck. People stared at us as they walked by, his embrace making the moment a bit more awkward. They had no right to judge us, the sour Sallies could keep fucking walking.

"I should have told you what was going on." I mumbled under my breath, moving to the spot next to him. "You must have been really scared to see a bruise on my blood soaked eyes. That wasn't the first time he did that to me. He tried to sexually assault me that day. When that didn't work, he hung me from a tree until I couldn't breathe. He would let the air flood my lungs again and repeat the process. He ditched me there for you to find. He was a rotten bastard." Horror twisted his face, his hand cupping mine. A warm energy washed over me like it always did with everyone of his touches

"I don't know why he hated me but everyone did. What didn't help was the way kids would kick me around like a damn ball. It took months to heal from the punch in the stomach. Do you remember how pissed the girls got when I drew on your casts for you. I can't believe that you actually let me." I continued softly, his real smile meeting mine. "Thank you for trying to save me." Playing with the hem of my dress, his hands cupped my face. Kissing me with the same passion of that day, time stopped for both of us. The sound of the empty conversations faded to nothing, his heartbeat was all I heard. Resting my head on his shoulders, I thanked Moonie for her gift.