Raucous laughter and silliness just didn't have a place in the world that's becoming. The world that was is the one that we lived in. The world where we visit a friend without the fear of being eaten alive by some robotic yet mini-sensitive vampires. Yes, vampires.
Just like everyone thought, grief was wearying, gruesome death had already begun in a remote area somewhere in the Sahara desert. In six months, the armies of over a million had begun matching towards the real world. And we, the Green Berets of the US military, are the only ones to stop it. Master Chief Hayes, the commander in charge, plugs his gun and dumps it on the circular steel table situated in front of us in a transport aircraft heading to the Sahara desert,
"We don't want to risk eyes from the ground. We'll drop here from the sky," he says as he uses his pointer to tap a spot on the map, lying flat on the welded table sitting in the middle of the plane,
"Ohh, Jock hope you won't freeze out," one Jason Maduro says, "voo-voo," Jason smiles tapping Jock
"Does Jock hate jumping?" Hayes asked,
"No sir, I'm fine with flying around," Jock gets pissed,
Jason holds the short pitiful stunted middle east soldier,"Jock you know the truth, don't let me remind them of our training when we were newbies," everyone chuckled
Jock said "Funny, but no one laughed,"
"Ok, enough, focus…" Hayes rounded his eyes around the team, and all 13 behaved, "good, we continue. When we arrived at the target building half a mile from our landing position. They'll be two teams, 7 on one side of the building, and 6 on the other," he stops and looks upward, then continues, "we'll go in secure the red button and get out, hot or cold, we are Green Beret," he says"any questions,"
"Sir," Easton McRae raises his index finger, "go on," Hayes says,
"What if things go South and we can't get out, what do we do?" Easton asked
"We are there to make sure things don't go South," Hayes looks Easton straight in the eye, "Our target is the red button," Hayes says, "Intel from a CIA operative says it's like a box made of glass with a single but effective red button inside. We get it, we hope to stop whatever is going on in Norman's head," he looks around again and yells "Are we clear,"
"Aye Master Chief," everyone echoed
"Good, go get some sleep, we move out by dawn,"
Everyone muttered and walked away to their bunker, made of clothes, tied around two irons on opposite sides and suspended in the air, "I hope this works out," Easton tells Jock,"
Jock folding his supplies into his bag turns and looks Easton full in the face, "I won't risk my fear for something that won't work,"
Easton still had an inkling something bad was about to happen. He thought, if Norman Peters had such technology, then he must have been assisted. By who? This question rang until he finally slept and woke again still hanging on with the thought of who assisted Norman to build a robot who would wipe us all out, "Are we ready to jump," Hayes yells
"Yes sir," they all shouted. "Suit up," Hayes parroted, with Jock's eyes still focused on the menacing dark cloud and the danger it would bring. After some routine checks by the safety operator, Easton was the first to dive out, then Jason, then Hayes, and not long the rest of the team had all landed on the floating atmosphere.
Swimming in the floating breeze above, Pike the African American shouted as a rocket took out the plane, "Watch out,"
Thwock…thwock…thwock, the blades of the plane shouted louder. The plane struggled to gain balance in the air but later loosed affirmation to the course and fell dead with all that was on it.
Pieces of the blown-away plane pierced into the skin of many of the soldiers, twelve in total. Easton's lucky abilities would be greatly exaggerated today, knowing he had been dodging dirty and unfortunate situations like this one, "ahh, he lands fit firsts then crawls to grab his gun," The big harsh tarpaulin had covered him full body, "Anyone," Easton said, the foggy area made things worse, but he managed to sit, "Help me," Pike screamed,
"Hold on Pike I'm here, I got you," the mid-thirties, Asian American soldier, long hair, covered with tattoos - Easton - ran to Pike's safety, "hold up I'm coming." From the other side of the desert, not that far though, Easton rushes to meet with lame Pike. Right leg twisted to the left, hands bolted towards the back, "can you move it," Pike cried, "it hurts badly, do what you gotta do, please,*
Easton Looks at the pitiful soldier, "I'm sorry brother, I can't do anything. You'll have to hold up till help comes,"
Easton stands up and looks around for any other survivors, but found none. He rushes to all the remaining eleven soldiers and finds dead bodies instead of real agile men, "What do we do now?" He says with a muted voice
The busy control room sits at the edge of a military base in Washington DC, with several computers suited in it, "Captain Holland, we have a situation with the 13 Black Berets we sent to Sahara," one female computer operator sitting in front of a miniature screen tells Holland,
"What's the situation?" Holland locks his hands together behind his back, "sir, I think the plane has been blown,"
"Any survivors?" He asked, "I'm afraid not, sir," she says
"What type of blast would take everyone out, without a single survivor,"
"We suspect Norman knew we were coming so he sent the rocket," she turns around and looks Holland full in the face
"Have you tried establishing any form of communication with the supposed deceased," he asked,
"Yes sir, their radio went rogue, while the message board on the plane got blocked seconds before the attack,"
"It was planned, and we need to know how, put the CIA on," he dips his hands into his pocket, "what have you done about it?"
"Command center in the sky has issued a drone to give a clear feed from the last position we last made contact with the pilot. Maybe we could get something from around there,"
"Have you grabbed Officer Flynn on the situation at hand,"
"Not yet sir," she answered,
"Let him know immediately, it's his team that's in danger,"
Easton ran unto Pike to know if he was still kicking around to borrow an idea, but it went south, real south, Pike had already given up the ghost, he felt his neck to get a pulse,"this is hilarious, what's happening?"
Easton fell on the floor of the desert and rested for a moment. While the sun was burning him up like a cake in a pan, he played back in his head all that he had thought about earlier. The betrayal was the first that struck him, he looked around for all loopholes or any misleading in conversation that could lead to the person who did this. "The spoiled U.S government brought us out here to be fried and they had their wish." He tried not to doze out but the effects still had a great influence on his head.
Easton was in that half-and-half part where you're not totally sleeping and you're not totally awake until he noticed a half shadow of a person standing beside him, "get up soldier, if you want to survive," the girl says
Easton mein face angry as a lion sparked wow. Before a second, Easton had reached out to his rifle, plugged the hammer, and pointed it at the mystery girl, "that's fast I'll give it to you," she giggled, "what are you doing here?" She asked
"We're here on a mission," Easton says still pointing toward the Hispanic young lady,
"And this is the outcome I suppose,"
"Yes…" Easton answered, "what about you? What are you doing here?"
"Finding my way back home I guess," she starts moving, "wait up, where are you going?
"Come with me or die," she shouted
"What do you mean?"
"Turn around soldier and have a satisfactory view of the new world,"
Easton turns around and spots a group of robotic vampires from a distance. They are fierce like nobody he had ever seen, he looked again, closer this time, "holy moly," he picks up on their white steel bolted hands and legs. Their refracted armor and other little pieces of iron used in-between the moving parts of their overlapping teeths, "this is sarcasm," he turns around to find the woman, "hey," he shouts out,
"Over here," she waves from a distance, you'll have to keep up if you don't want to be a vampire,"
Easton tells his dead teammates "Sorry guys but this is where we part ways," he gives his final salute.
• • •
Not long robots arrived at the area where the accident took place. Four with Hammond organ mounted on their chest gather the 12 dead soldiers along with the half-burnt pilot and safety operators, "we need the engine," one sends a message through a glass-like screen stuck in his side pocket, "be there in a minute," he texted "Are there any survivors?" The man on the other end replies
"No sir, not that I know of sir,"
"Make a count, there are supposed to be 13 soldiers, two pilots, and one safety operator. Is that the number you see,"
"Yes sir, except for the soldier part, one is missing,"
"Make sure to check the area twice, he may have landed somewhere else,"
"Already done that sir, there's no sign he was here….but we've found footsteps, love to go check it out,"
"Don't engage, except otherwise,"
"Yes, boss,"
• • • •
"So what's your name," breathing heavily after a long run Easton asked the girl,
"I'm Ria, nice to meet you,"
"You too, so, how do you end up here in the desert,"
"How did we end up here in the desert you mean?" She says
"Ohh, you guys are many. So how did all of you end up here,"
"We worked for Norman in his safe heaven, until we escaped without a compass to understand where we were and how to get home,"
"That's so pathetic,'
"So, who works there now, in the Norman's safe Heaven, who works there?"
"You saw them earlier, I guess"
"Those robotic vampires does the job instead of humans," Easton asked
"Those are AI vampires, the carry the vampire body in a robots T-shirt,"
Easton sighs, "vampires in a box, how are they made,"
"You want to open your lab?"
"I want to gather Intel,"
"For your President I guess,"
"What do you know about them? What do you know about the robotic vampires?" Easton jumps into the path of Ria, "It's for the course," he holds her by the hand
"Firstly, you have to get bitten and turn to the raw materials. That's the one you don't want to meet. Before they get suited in the white robotic attire as you saw. Except for their mouth that houses the overlapping teeths for actual scaring," she forcefully pulls her hands off Easton's, "the next time you hold me in the hand would be the last,"
Easton leaves her as they keep trekking, scouting the dry land until they meet a group of survivors gathered behind a hip of sand in a small hut built from nothing, "is this it? The group of survivors you talked about,"
"Very well soldier,"
Captain Holland isn't shaky, his hands, legs, and entire body are focused on the Miniature screen in front of him, "anything yet Sergeant?" He tells the woman behind the screen,
"Very little, sir, I think, I'm picking up something far left, kind of radioactive signal,"
"Zoom in, it should come from the plane that had crashed," Holland stares more seriously at the screen,
"Holland," officer Flynn calls from behind his office just outside the control room. Holden rushes up to meet with Flynn, "sir we have a lead, it's small but it's the best we got,"
Both Holland and Flynn rush back to the front of the screen, "sir, it's the plane," she said typing over some buttons on the keyboard, "it blew up literally 2 hours ago, overheat and everything in-between I guess,"
"Zoom in on the truck in front," Holland taps the screen, "those are our men in that truck," Holland says
"Dead men, you mean?" Flynn says tapping Holland by the shoulder, "which may turn vampires or whatever that is before help comes,"
"follow the truck, Shae," Flynn tells the woman behind the screen, "it may lead us to their safe heaven or wherever they're staying to make those moving objects,"
"Copy that sir," Shae makes a few taps on the keyboard, and the drone moves left, "good girl," she says
Not long after Easton and Ria had arrived at camp, a skinny robotic vampire squeeze out from behind the back of the sand and watched the whole hunt at night, "boss, I've confirmed a whole bunch of survivors,"
Boss replies, "come back immediately,"
"Initiating return for right now," the robotic something makes a turn and went back