Robotic Vampires 8

"After watching several events like this one and aiding somewhat in the development of this inauspicious omen. Today marks the anniversary of Heaven. Tonight we march into the padded room, bowing down for the God of technology, giving applause if needed, and staying optimistic with the hope one day all this trouble will pass and we'll walk free in the sun and breath real air like we once did. The Rumor monger is here again with the latest on Heaven, let's have a worthwhile evening, shall we?" The newspaper lying silently on the floor reads

Applauds fill the town hall, someplace in Heaven where memorable events take place, and in the hike of the event, Norman stages to do the usual - greet his workers, apologize for keeping them against their will, and tell them about the future of Robotic Vampires. Ria having been issued to the front seat alongside Norman's Investor friends feels the applauding in a sense of frenetic activities as Norman begins,

"I want to thank everyone for their support to the course, very soon we'll know the good this idea of ours brings to the world and we'll be happy we were part of its creation…"

Ria in a state of misery dispatched quietly fervently squeezing her fists until her nails sank into her fresh palms and bleed blood. She walks out to the corridor just outside the hall, "having a hard time with your soulmate," Easton had been watching her all along and sees this as an opportunity of a lifetime, "hey you came," she pretends to be plugging her fingers,

Easton said "I understand, over nervousness, but we need to focus here,"

"Ok, got any way out yet, or are we stuck where I left things,"

"Apparently, yes," Easton bore his literature smile with a little spice of his open mouth that made Ria smile,

"We need to be discussing more often or maybe I should be sneaking out at night,"

"Bad timing if you ask me. Sneaking out on such a person is so much of a stupid idea,"

"Yeah, very foolish considering Norman doesn't sleep,"

"Woo," Easton giggled, "seriously, but if we could get a radio that'll be a nice idea, won't it,"

"This is not a military base, but I think I know someone who can help. He's not much of a friendly person but he's the most intelligent person I know. That's certainly apart from Norman, Shawn Murphy,"

"The autistic Murphy is it…"

"Yeah," she walked closer, "you can find him in the morning by 5, he's always the earliest,"

"That's early, very early," Easton smiled and turned to move back inside, "I'll see you when the stuff is ready I guess,"

"Come here," she pushes through and gets warm folding her body inside E's, hands cuffed around his neck, "it's been long since I got a real hug,"

"I really missed you,"

"Let's just say, we've missed each other's headaches,"

Easton retracts and places his hands on her waist, "when we get out, I want in," Ria got a sensation in the head, not unlike the one you get when one crosses the Atlantic during a stormy August, "does that mean I'm gonna divorce my husband," both smiled, "aiit," Ria said

"I'll take that as a yes and hope for that day to come,"


"And…done," Z places his thumb on the enter space on his keyboard. Holland folding his hands and standing upright behind him says, "the chip has successfully landed on top of the building, I hope that smart Norman won't dictate anything,"

"Nothing under the Milky Way will dictate it," Z replies

"That's great news, what about the rumor monger, has he decided to let us have direct contact with Easton,"

Shea quickly turns around on her rolling seat, "No, he doesn't want to risk exposure,"

"What other option do we have?" Flynn swipes around his iPad,

"They should be radio, walkie- talkie of some sort. I mean, if someone is hiding to create such videos on YouTube then they should be radio, right,"

"It will be of no help either way," Shae says,

"Well, if there's a radio I can tap into the frequency and establish a communication,"

"We do not have the preferred frequency," Shea says

"That's why our microchip is listening to all conversations from the top, if we get a radio signal I'll handle the rest. That's of course with your permission,"

Holland looks at Flynn, "what do you say, boss,"

"Let's give it a try if it works fine,"

"Good work guys, let's get home and have some rest," Flynn removes Shea's hands from the keyboard, "tomorrow is another day,"

"But I have work to do,"

Flynn yells at the whole workers in the control room, "pack up, it's 10, let's get home to our families, we've done enough,"

"Sir, just 30 more minutes and I'll be done," One white hair from the corner says

"It's a direct order, let's go get some sleep,"


The morning broke bright on Tuesday, "morning," Norman tells Ria still struggling with the weight of sleep on her eyes, "this is the fourth day and you've been up all night behind that computer. Are you not exhausted yet,"

"When you see the weight of things that are coming your way, sleep is not a priority."

"Should I get a pen and paper, cuz you sound very motivational," she finally got up and sat on the bed, "so… you didn't make it clear why you needed me in your room. Just forced me to marry you and now I'm here, no one to talk to, no sex life, no marriage plans, no nothing,"

"I brought you close because you're my enemy,"

"You ruined my life, you mean? And which part of life says bringing me closer would make anything better,"

"Bring your enemies closer to you, so you can keep an eye on them, the wise man says,"

"Whoever said that didn't have much smarter enemies,"

"You would be surprised at the good it would bring if you keep all your enemies closer. That way you watch their every move, sometimes even before they make them,"

"Rubbish?" Ria snobs, "you just came out of nowhere, incarcerated over a hundred people, and finds pleasure in it,"

"No one is incarcerating anyone, we are here for one purpose and one purpose alone, control the world with our brains not our hands,"

"God gave us both brains and hands why should we use only one of them,"

"The only weapon God has given to man is our brains, any other thing we use in fighting, we use our hands to build them. So, if we can build a weapon that'll make us use our brains more than our hands, then we got a good deal ahead of us,"

"Very thoughtful and very foolish. Never seen anyone so close to being as foolish as you are," Ria fell backward on the bed, "you even hard to initiate the upgrade,"

"Why are you so concerned, because we will be having not just speaking robots but assistant robots which could help with home chores like watching clothes, cook delicacies, and even running errands. Which will make every person in the world reduce the level of hard work and use that time to reason more,"

"You want to replace humans with rotten things,"

"You see it that way, then you're not even looking,"

"What other way do you want me to see a box following someone around in her kitchen, and a man in his sitting room,"

"Extra hand is always needed,"


"I don't want any more of your discouragement, this is some minute's past seven, go to work,"

"I'm your wife and if I recall we're supposed to be on our honeymoon, right,"

"You're my worker and if I recall you're supposed to follow my orders, right,"

"Gosh," Ria hopped out of bed and saunters to the bathroom, came out minutes later and squeezed her hair into the hairy towel behind the wardrobe. Like a flash she got dressed in seconds "bye," she tells annoying Norman as she walked out to the elevator just outside the apartment.


Easton strolls into his department and sees what seems hazy to him, everyone in total silence bowing their head and closing their eyes, "what's going on? Did someone die?" He moves in; his right leg first then his whole body, "can someone answer me please, I'm the dark this one," he says

"Shut up and bow," Ray said,

Easton frowned at first then rushed to the seat behind the third generator and plugged himself down, resting on the generator. After a few minutes he says, "what now?"

"It's 30 minutes boss," one moved his head upward slowly, "we are done, back to work," their boss shouted.

"Can someone please bring me to the light? Ray, what's going on?" Easton said

"You mean what was going on?" Ray replied with a gallon of tears filling his left eyes

"Whatever? Just say something, I hate when someone doesn't say anything,"

"Three years ago today was the day we arrived in heaven. And accidentally today last year was the day half of us died,"

"Ohh, I should go back and pay homage, I'm sorry," Easton rushes back to his seat with a quiver of shock,

"No need for that," Robert, one of the boys, said, "they're dead anyway. No amount of silence would take us out of this mess the government created for us,"

"Well, I have a plan," Easton sneaks his voice into the conversation,

"We don't want to hear it," the boss replied,

"I understand but sitting here is not going to help anyone, not me, not you,"

"Funny how you've been around for how many months, two or three and you're already breeding a plan so successful to take us out of a cage without doors," Ray moved a little closer to his generator, "if there's any plan to take us out of this dungeon then count me out, as you see I'm comfortable working here,"

Robert picked up a jackhammer from inside the toolbox, "this is our home now. The earlier you know this the better,"

"The only reason we're tied down to Norman's command is the leasers underground, the moment we override that we are as free as anything else…"

"Shut up and work," the boss turns on Easton with anger, "we were utensils for the government, and now we can't even see the sun for three years straight,"

"You can grief about that all day, but you should also know I have support from the top and many people have already joined the force to get out," Easton releases a heavy breath, "I'm getting out with or without your help,"

"Someone from the top, do you mean that deserter that Norman snatched as his wife," Ray laughed, "bet she's the real prisoner in here, sleeping on the same bed with Norman himself,"

They all chuckled, "who would be so foolish to take the hand of a dead man,"

"I'd rather been shot," Robert said

"Who knows if they are even having any sex or both of them is being stuck behind a computer, designing the next robotic attire for their toys,"

"hahaha," Robert laughed loudest,

"Think about what I said?" Easton still trying to make a point says

"Who knows if our sweetheart here wanted a taste and couldn't get it," James said

"Woo, I'll love to conduct that marriage, if there'll be any," Jackson jumped out of his generator, "you know that part where they say, 'if you have anything to say, say it now or forever hold your piss.." he held his penis with both hands and hops. The laughter level increases by over a hundred percent,"

"Quiet," Easton said, everyone kept shut a while,

"What?" Ray said,

"Help me get a pass to the seventh heaven. There's someone I need to see, very urgent,"

"Why do you think we can get that?" Ray pitched first

"Because you've been here for three years and you're SEALS, I guess,"

"Look man only Norman can get you an id card here in heaven,"

"Illegal ok, you wanted me to use the word, there you have it,"

"Boss…" Robert calls out, "should we help him,"

Boss answers, "let's see how far he can go, with the available resources he has, then we can lay our lives,"

"Then you'd need something else, something to trade with,"

"What do you want?" Easton stood face up, eyes stuck with Ray, "many things," he answered.