Robotic Vampires 10

Easton and Ray dodged their way through to the technical early Saturday by 5:08 to be precise. Ray was in charge of watching the entrance from the door, while Easton went further behind the AST section to deal with Murphy, "Sam if it's you I'm not gonna apologize just go," Shawn still focused head down on his microscope says,

Easton moved closer slowly "it's not Sam. I'm Easton McRae, heard of me,"

"Let me guess you're one of those guys that usually come around to mock at my work, no need I won't stop,"

"I'm not mocking, I'm here to ask for your help, please help me,"

Murphy finally turns around and stares without opting a single word, "you're the guy Ria talked about,"

"Ria? Yeah, we really want out, and I'm sure you want out too,"

"If you're the guy then you know the answer, I won't mind wasting too much of my time with you,"

"It's not getting any better in here and you know it. Odds are, we will all die after Norman is done using us for the course,"

"I know, and that's why I'm always up all morning to find a way,"

"If you really want a way out help us. You'll get back to your old job and life, I know it wasn't any less better than this but? You were free, and you could cross the street and go to your neighbors and have dinner together…"

"I didn't like my neighbors, they didn't like me too,"

"What do you want us to do before you make us the radio," Easton dragged a small stool and sat just beside Murphy, "we'll do anything. Even if you want to join us and get out, you'll have your wish granted,"

"I have a boy and a woman who loves me. I don't know love and can't behave socially to be able to fit in the community and the outside world,"

Easton leaned back on the desk, "will you help us?"

"Us? You talk like they are other people that are following your course,"

"I guess, you never know,"

"They are so many things about Norman that I don't quite grab," he snaps his lips and drags Easton to the lens of the microscope, "look here, you see four cells, light blue," Murphy changes the petri dish, "look at this one you'll see same four cells but reddish brown," Murphy sighs. Easton shrugged, "if only I understood a tiny percentage of what you just told me,"

"The last image you saw is the red blood cells in our body; you and me," Murphy said


"The latter is the blood of Norman, it's very strange, how can something like that run in a human body,"

Easton smiled away then looked Murphy again in the face, "it's almost 6:00 I'll be leaving now, I hope we've agreed,"

"Sure, of course, I'll drop it off in the lapse of two to three days from today,"

"Ok, I'll see you then,"


Ria and Norman walk through the hallway whistling and scuffling to technical, "I'm pressed I want to release," Ray said but Norman cut her off,

"We are a few minutes away from technical, you get yourself a nice seat in the toilet,"

"Well, I can't be tossed around any longer. I'm not leaving this place, just so you know,"

"I don't intend to stay here any longer," Norman says, "keep it moving,"

"No…" Ria stops by the restroom threshold, "I won't take long, please,"

"You will keep it moving," Norman turns and continue moving. He moves a distance and turns, "alright then," he moves his eyes, and the two robots behind Ria move closer, "I hate you," Ria scuffed her hands on the wall. Not long both Ria and Norman reach the door to technical. Norman steps aside and says, "you first," he smiled hard

Ria pretends to be searching for her jumpsuit, "I forgot my card in the room, let me go get it," she said,

Norman steps closer to Ria, "next time you borrow Easton your card to enter my technical will be the last,"

"Woohoo, I…"

"Shut up! Foolish Ria, you should know better than think I'm not watching your every move even that so-called Easton,"

"How come you always find a way to outwit everyone else,"

"Because I'm the one that always up all night, while you are the one feeling the bed I'm the one doing the extraordinary,"

"I like you Norman,"

"Is that supposed to make me feel better,"

"What I don't quite get is what we are. Pardners, or partners, because I'm none of the above if you ask me,"

"Don't let your guilt take you into the hornet's nest, you'll hate it bite,"


"Three times in two days. What have I not seen," Flynn tells Z and Shae standing across his table in his office, "One instance out of those three consecutive times you fought," he says, "what's really the problem?" Not one of them answers Flynn's question, "nothing right," he smiles toward them, "very good. So both of you have been hoodwinked into God knows what. And now the result is fighting one another.

"Sir, it was a little misunderstanding," Shae says

Holland standing beside them says after Flynn's preaching, "Sergeant Shea you'll be punished the military way, as for you Mr. Z 10% of your salary will go for child's abuse,"

"Sir…" Z finally speaks up after a long time keeping his face straight,

"Don't…" Flynn cuts in half sentence, "you'll get back to work, and just so you know any more fight from both of you. You'll be scrapped out,"

"Yes sir," Shae hoicks her legs before long she was outside,


Easton and Ray walk through the chaotic cantine to get their rounds. The rest of the boys followed behind while dragging their feet, "have you entered everywhere in Heaven," Easton asked Ray

"Well, except those VIP parts and the other unpleasant ones, yeah,"

Easton paused and jumped into Ray's part, "which other unpleasant ones? I don't quite get,"

"Ok, don't make a scene,"

"I was talking about the tunnels alright, don't get your hopes up,"

"What tunnels?"

"You think you can fit," Ray laughed aloud and everyone else on the line turned, "I'm sorry, you sound so funny,"

Ray stretched himself and hissed, "where the shit goes out, that's the tunnel I'm talking about," he said

"You jerk thought it was something meaningful," Easton sighed and left Ray's path

"Ohh that's a relief, a great one I might add," Ray stretched out his food pan and places his orders, "beans and a little Stew,"

"Hope you were right when you said there's no way out," Easton continued,

"We've checked all the crooks and cranny already, the only way out is through that cliff. And since we don't have a way of jumping out, we are stuck inside,"

After a while the mistress was done filling Ray's pan then Easton placed his immediately on the table, "same with his,"

Ray sumptuously at Easton, "you this copy brat," both finished collecting their rounds and moved in-between the middles to their seat. Momentarily all six of them plus the boss had settled, "how far with our psycho guy," the boss asked,

Easton struck his tongue on his lower teeth, and scratched his head a few times, "his name is Murphy and he's a great guy, dedication…"

"Blah, blah, blah," Robert cuts in, "what about our business with him I don't care about his fancy attributes,"

Eaton' stuffed his fork in the stew and said, "he agreed, but he also said something disturbing, very disturbing,"

James said, "what other disturbing fact don't we know,"

"Well, I know we can't get out," James giggled,

"Looking well today," Easton said, "as you can see," he replies

Boss instantly replied and got everyone's heads up, "yeah you're welcome, now back to business. Where were we? "

"I have but a smattering thought of what's going on,"

"Let's hear it," Ray said, "we could put the pieces together and bring something meaningful out of it,"

"When I fixed my eyes into the microscope, my heart shattered and everything went blanked," he paused and made a hard smile, "Norman is not a human being, he's something in a form of a human,"

"What did you see?" Let's hear it,"

Easton said, "blue blood". The blue didn't make much of an impact but the blood kept everyone in the deep dept of silence. Still finding their way through what they thought abnormal, Ray sniffed and lean back, "that little slog, isn't human,"

"Keep your voice down don't want to cause any more trouble than we already have," Boss said

"The slitty-eyed monster I'd call him. I can now see why he calculate more than all of us combined," Robert said

James smacks his jaw and says "this is nonsense. I don't believe you, if he possesses blue blood as you said, we'll have to find out,"

Robert counters "how? You idiots. Have Easton here ever lied to us before,"

Ray cuts in immediately, "well, there's no way he's going to start now, but we should cross-check that thought anyway. Post-traumatic effect works on everyone including the Green Beret,"

"If Norman has actually put on a streak of sadism by making us suffer. I swear it I'll kill him myself," Boss looked frustrated,

James sighed and said, "when do we go check out Norman's state of being? I'm keen on going on a mission, gosh, it's been quite a long time,"

Boss turns and tells Easton, "I hear you, I have the map of this place?"

"Yes, boss,"

"Let's have a look," Boss drank his last sip of the desert, smack the cup on the table, and said, "lunch is over,"

Everyone quickly rushed and dropped their plate on the counter then walked majestically into Easton's apartment, "spacious ok," Ray immediately ran towards the door, ran in, and jumped on the bed. Everyone entered Robert looked left and right before entering and bolted,

"We didn't come for that, get up, this is where the real stuff starts," Boss orders as six of them including Easton find a spot and settle, "do you need special invitations to bring out the map…" Robert throws an unkind manner toward Easton, "oh," HE - Easton - quickly ran his hands under his bed and brought out what seemed like a manuscript, - long about [3 - 4]m and wide about [6 - 8]m

"Very good, lay the baby here," Robert cleared the bed and used certain debris to hold it still at its edges, "this area," he picks up a pen to map the large part in the middle, "this is where technology is" he continues

"You know much about maps," Easton said and everyone scoffed at him, "we are SEALS, not Green Beret…continue Rob," James said

"Before I was interrupted," he said, putting a finger towards the marked area, "just one hallway with two entrances, one that leads to the elevator and the other that leads to the staircase," he snaps his fingers, "well Norman is a King. Which means he won't be using the stair chase, he's most likely to use the elevator,"

Ray stared at everyone in the face and said, "that's not our biggest problem, our biggest problem is how we are going to cut him to see the actual blood,"

"I have an idea," Boss twisted his jaw,

"Show time," Easton said,

• • • •

The mission was carried out as planned, Easton being the one to cut Norman while the rest of the boys gather around the staircase and watch the blue blood drop. Easton, just coming down through the elevator, meets Norman and Ria along the corridor, "Easton, you never stop trying. What are you doing here? This is not your department," Norman stopped and asked

Easton twisted his neck to the right, "well, I came to see Ria. I could go anywhere I wanted right,"

"Funny…but yes," Norman says,

"And we could also have some privacy," Ria looked at Norman and blinked,

"They will be no privacy for both of you, just so you know. Keep trying to destroy what's bigger than you, give it your best shot, people have tried and have failed so will you," Norman made quite an impression, "let's go, Ria, Norman will be escorted to his apartment after he failed to make a point,"

"Disclaimer - don't bring out the beast in me," The boys were still watching. Swiftly - Easton pulls out the small knife from his pocket and drops it in the weightless air. Norman saw it coming and tried to bend his hand already too late, "ahh" he shouted and hid the wound, seconds later droplets of blue blood started dripping,

Ria bent to confirm where the substance was dripping from "what's going on?"

Easton not surprised looked at Ria, "His blood is going on,"

"Your blood is not red like the rest of us. You're not one of us," Ria yelled this part, "answer me,"

Norman lifted his head and said "you don't know what you've just done," immediately, red lights started moving inside the bulb mounted at the far right corner.

Norman said, "Leasers finish him," not more than three seconds later the usual happened and Easton fell dead to the ground.